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Steven Dang

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Everything posted by Steven Dang

  1. For more faster, just press Alt+F5 or only F5 during your gameplay. And press F9 to load save game quickly during your gameplay.
  2. Hello everyone, As the name of this topic, i want to know how to set up the target of the buliding when i press "cold" from firefighters. In fact, when i cold the building, firefighters just shoot the water at the lowest point of the building, i want to make the target to make them shoot more higher to the building..... Any ideas? Thanks for reading
  3. thanks for giving me a link, but it's not same as that one. and its format file is .max
  4. Hi there, I design a new floor texture and import to create a new map, but when i'm in gameplay, i called vehicles but they were not appeared. Does anyone know what is that problem and how to solve???
  5. Hello everyone in forum. I'm looking for some one to make a floor texture, it just a map of the hospital. If you're please PM me for discussing Thanks for reading
  6. does anyone have the idea about opening back door during the ff_emt runing the pump?
  7. well, i made it works. But now i can't pick up the jump pad after deployed it :|
  8. i means when i remove the command PcmdWye and keep PcmdHoseExtension in edit command of the FF_EMTs, then i load freeplay and don't see any icon to deploy the Wyes
  9. As what hoppah said, if i remove the LAWye.script so how can i take the ff_emt to deploy the wye in gameplay???
  10. Thanks, i'll try and tell you the result!
  11. Does your mean is the Edit Fire Object?
  12. uh huh, i only changed the model of the hospital and didnot change anythings in trait, but with the new model. It can not be coolable
  13. As the name of the topic, i've made a new hospital, and taken it to the map. Then i can not cool it. I want to ask you (members on this forum) how to make a building to be coolable and can use the jump pad? Hope to see your directory soon. Thanks
  14. Hi there, can i ask you some questions?!

  15. Dear Hoppah! You did all things are really good, you made the game more reallity. It's great.... i was wondering if i could ask you that how to make the WYE work with The Water Supply Script? If neccessary, you can tell me which the command i have to edit Hope to see your answer soon, and i am interested in learning to mod and specailly in the scripting field. Thanks.
  16. i think the problem come from your graphic,...
  17. i fixed it, the problem cause by i didn't add the name for the super truck when i added to the truck :-p
  18. uh huh, sure, i added them to truck and click OK, i click on the prototype of truck to show it again, and it exist all of child i added, but when i load the mod and freeplay, it just exist 1 connector out and 1 connector in :-|
  19. i added "firetruck super pumper" in Edit Child>Supertruck tab. but nothing changed at gameplay
  20. Well, i add more connector, but it just exist in editor, then i loaded the mod, the connectors are disappeared
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