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Status Replies posted by Handsup!

  1. those moments when your just like "you know what i need ham"

  2. answered all the pm's... that where unanswered (Sorry guys/Girls! haha)

  3. answered all the pm's... that where unanswered (Sorry guys/Girls! haha)

  4. answered all the pm's... that where unanswered (Sorry guys/Girls! haha)

  5. answered all the pm's... that where unanswered (Sorry guys/Girls! haha)

  6. Im am on holyday to Sweden, i will be back on the 16th of july (unless i have wifi there, than i will be online almost evry day :) )


  8. So the WBC is going to picket the funerals of the 19 hotshots huh? Sounds like a time to break out the halligans and smash a few faces.

  9. PMs asking for release dates or links will get ignored so don't even bother.

  10. off to play chester mod

  11. Such a nice hot day time to open the beers and listen to the Rolling Stones!

  12. From today to 7th July, I'll be on vacations and i'll not answer PMs. Just left this message, incase someone thinks that I'm dead. See you guys in a week! :D

  13. Sucks to live in the fattest town in Britain with the highest teenage pregnancy rate also.

  14. Sucks to live in the fattest town in Britain with the highest teenage pregnancy rate also.

  15. First update (0.5) released for US Army Mod.

  16. First update (0.5) released for US Army Mod.

  17. A major update will be coming soon from the Ravenna Submod! Watch for it within the next few weeks or so!

  18. Be on the lookout for the release of the Montana Mod in the next few weeks! I'm releasing a semi-final version so that I can focus on my personal life for a while. Details will be posted in the thread soon.

  19. I have a bad habit of running every city that I manage (in Cities XL) in to the ground. On fire. Screaming in agony.

  20. argh why cant someone just tell us were the gold bars are haha lol

  21. argh why cant someone just tell us were the gold bars are haha lol

  22. argh why cant someone just tell us were the gold bars are haha lol

  23. argh why cant someone just tell us were the gold bars are haha lol

  24. argh why cant someone just tell us were the gold bars are haha lol

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