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The Loot

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Posts posted by The Loot

  1. Looking tasty as usual.


    I do have some need for County engines so it'd be great (since the LA County sub-mod has fallen quiet for some time). Is there really much difference between LAFD and LACoFD uniforms besides lettering and logos? Different shade of yellow or style of helmet? I'd mess around but I don't have any way to edit images without messing up the alpha layers.

  2. I'm not sure what's in Montana v1 when it comes to this situation. They could have made changes that would conflict, but the steps in my guide should work for any LA-mod based mod. If Montana v1 included the Water mod, you'd probably save a few steps, but you'd have to figure out if you could just replace or remove the old scripts without issue.

  3. If you've played the Copanhagen mod 1.1, you'd see. Its the most awesomesauce thing to come out of EMP and few are aware of it.


    Its basically bma's brand new set of callouts that replace the original freeplay events. The possiblities are endless, but is a pain to script and requires massive map edits. RCMP has implemented his script and taken it one step further by combining it with mission script capabilities.


    I messed around with the Copenhagen mod for a bit, and didn't even realize there was something like that in there. Doesn't look too bad, but yeah, looks like it would be many map changes.


    I don't want to clutter this thread, but is there any more info on the script floating around?

  4. Wanted to go for some variety between the Hazmat and USAR trucks.

    Good point.


    Retractable awing? Whats this?



    Here's an Air Tender with one extended, cover from weather. The protrusion on the side of the Hazmat truck is where it's supposed to be, though I don't think the USAR model has anything like it. The ATF Command Post has the animation for it's Deploy command as an example.

  5. The possibility of having to search for the suspicious package if the 911 call wasn't specific enough.

    The possibility of people accidentally setting it off if you don't evacuate and set up a perimeter.

    The possibility it will go off when interacting with it and/or after a set amount of time.

    The possibility that it's a dirty bomb and causes contamination.

    The possibility that it's just a harmless thing someone left around.

  6. It might be a simple character limit also.


    I simplified things by creating and assigning dummy commands to specify which vehicles have certain equipment. Add the command below at the bottom of the M4 script file... 

    object DummyHasM4 : CommandScript{	DummyHasM4()	{		SetGroupID(20);	}	bool CheckTarget(GameObject *Caller, Actor *Target, int childID)	{		return false;	}  	void PushActions(GameObject *Caller, Actor *Target, int childID)	{}};

    ...change the sections with the prototype compares to this...

    if (v.IsValid() && !v.IsDestroyed() && v.HasCommand("DummyHasM4"))     return true; 

    ...and save it. Then just load up your mod in the editor and add the DummyHasM4 command to any vehicle you want. In the future, if you want to add or remove vehicles from the list, all you have to do is add or remove the command in the editor and not even bother with editing the script file.

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