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The Loot

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Posts posted by The Loot

  1. On 2/2/2021 at 2:43 PM, F1sura said:

    On the other hand, I wanted to see if it is normal that when diverting traffic with an officer, the emergency vehicles that patrol the city do not obey the order.


    On 2/3/2021 at 9:51 AM, theocd said:

    Yeah, that's normal, same way they ignore traffic lights unless there's queueing traffic.


    itchboy actually figured out how to fix it a while back, and looks like the patrol script in this mod includes it.

  2. I believe @itchboycame up with a method to try.

    Use this line in the patrol script commands:


    I have it before this line

    PathList p1l("patrolpath01");

    And then in the DummyPatrol command, add this line to revert when cancelling the command.


    Never tested it myself, just added it to the files (haven't launched this game in years).

  3. 22 hours ago, Yankee43 said:

    When the paramedic is selected, the icon to get spineboard, or the icon to get emt bag (on ffemt's) flashes repeatedly over the top-left command icon which is usually the box that is clicked to get tools/items. When clicking this box, there is not emt bag/spineboard command in the menu.

    From what I remember, this sounds like you've exceeded the limit of how many equipment group commands a person prototype can have. You'll either have to remove some commands, or change some of the equipment commands and comment out the "SetGroupID(CGROUP_GETEQUIPMENT);" line. This will make them show up on the main command list, but be aware of the command limit on that, as well.

  4. On 7/30/2019 at 11:56 AM, Edi6192 said:

    I do have a question will the cops follow traffic rules or something like that because in 3.1.5 there were constant traffic jams with the cop cars?


    20 hours ago, goog said:

    I've used the SGmod as a base for this,I haven't played it in forever so I can't remember if his police units were as bad for jams.

    itchboy recently figured out a pretty simple fix to make patrolling vehicles respect traffic lights, which is what always caused them to get stuck.

    • Like 2
  5. I found that the simplest way to do it was to make dummy commands and assign them to any applicable vehicle, which the equipment script would then check for.

    object FlagHasBarricade : CommandScript
    	bool CheckGroupVisibility(GameObject *Caller)
    		return false;
    	bool CheckPossible(GameObject *Caller)
    		return false;
    	bool CheckTarget(GameObject *Caller, Actor *Target, int childID)
    		return false;
    	void PushActions(GameObject *Caller, Actor *Target, int childID)

    And then in the script CheckTarget section, just add this:

    if (!Target->HasCommand("FlagHasBarricade")) 
                return false;

    It makes it very simple to add new vehicles later: just add the dummy command and they're all set.

  6. Alright, finally got it working.

    The caller creates a copy of themselves at the command position, it gets hidden (normal method caused an issue with getting a final vector, changing model to an invisible one works), find it with another caller command, make it execute the final command at its position, and then delete itself. I was going to just use an empty object prototype, but the prototype of the caller is essential to the functioning of the scripts.

    • Upvote 1
  7. 2 hours ago, itchboy said:

    CmdPos is not considered a valid target in Em4. You need to use an actual gameObject as the target so that the script doesnt crap out.

    I suppose it's the method that complicates using a vector in this case, but I've seen them used in seemingly similar ways elsewhere.

    1 hour ago, Squad 65 said:

    Look at Jackson County @The Loot it has a few scripts that do that.

    That mod seems to have some gameplay elements I've gone for myself, so I'll probably check it out in general now.

  8. Basically, I'm trying to add a delay when I use a modified LA Call Vehicle Command, so that there's a wait period during the radio audio, and a vehicle behind chosen and taking actions itself.

    Vector CmdPos = Game::GetCommandPos(); is outside of Child sections at the top of the script.

    Under ChildID 0, I have tried both of these commands: 

    Caller->PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, "PcmdCallALSAmb", CmdPos, 1, false); - It throws this error log:


    ?(_LACall_EMS873d0): Error: Can't call Person::PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND,"PcmdCallALSAmb",CmdPos,1,false) in current scope
    ?(_LACall_EMS873d0):  FILE:mod:/scripts/game/command/LACall_EMS.script873d0 LINE:107
    ?(_LACall_EMS873d0): Possible candidates are...
    ?(_LACall_EMS873d0): filename       line:size busy function type and name  
    ?(_LACall_EMS873d0): (in Person)
    ?(_LACall_EMS873d0): filename       line:size busy function type and name  
    ?(_LACall_EMS873d0): (in GameObject)
    ?(_LACall_EMS873d0): (compiled)        0:0    0 
    ?(_LACall_EMS873d0): public: 
    ?(_LACall_EMS873d0): void 
    ?(_LACall_EMS873d0): PushActionExecuteCommand(
    ?(_LACall_EMS873d0): ActionInsertMode
    ?(_LACall_EMS873d0):  Mode_
    ?(_LACall_EMS873d0): ,
    ?(_LACall_EMS873d0): const char*
    ?(_LACall_EMS873d0):  Command_
    ?(_LACall_EMS873d0): ,
    ?(_LACall_EMS873d0): Actor*
    ?(_LACall_EMS873d0):  Target_
    ?(_LACall_EMS873d0): =NULL
    ?(_LACall_EMS873d0): ,
    ?(_LACall_EMS873d0): int
    ?(_LACall_EMS873d0):  ChildID_
    ?(_LACall_EMS873d0): =0
    ?(_LACall_EMS873d0): ,
    ?(_LACall_EMS873d0): bool
    ?(_LACall_EMS873d0):  CheckTarget_
    ?(_LACall_EMS873d0): =true
    ?(_LACall_EMS873d0): )
    ?(_LACall_EMS873d0): ;
    ?(_LACall_EMS873d0): (compiled)        0:0    0 
    ?(_LACall_EMS873d0): public: 
    ?(_LACall_EMS873d0): void 
    ?(_LACall_EMS873d0): PushActionExecuteCommand(
    ?(_LACall_EMS873d0): ActionInsertMode
    ?(_LACall_EMS873d0):  Mode_
    ?(_LACall_EMS873d0): ,
    ?(_LACall_EMS873d0): const char*
    ?(_LACall_EMS873d0):  Command_
    ?(_LACall_EMS873d0): ,
    ?(_LACall_EMS873d0): Vector&
    ?(_LACall_EMS873d0):  Pos_
    ?(_LACall_EMS873d0): )
    ?(_LACall_EMS873d0): ;
    ?(_LACall_EMS873d0): filename       line:size busy function type and name  
    ?(_LACall_EMS873d0): (in Actor)
    ?(_LACall_EMS873d0): Error: Failed to evaluate class member 'PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND,"PcmdCallALSAmb",CmdPos,1,false)' (p.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND,"PcmdCallALSAmb",CmdPos,1,false))
    ?(_LACall_EMS873d0): Possible candidates are...
    ?(_LACall_EMS873d0): filename       line:size busy function type and name  
    ?(_LACall_EMS873d0): !!!Dictionary position rewound... 
    ?(_LACall_EMS873d0): !!!Error recovered!!!

    Caller->PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, "PcmdCallALSAmb", CmdPos.Target, 1, false); - Saw something like that in the Move command, but it throws this much smaller error log:


    ?(_LACall_EMS87452): Error: Failed to evaluate class member 'Target' (CmdPos.Target)
    ?(_LACall_EMS87452): !!!Dictionary position rewound... 
    ?(_LACall_EMS87452): !!!Error recovered!!!

    ChildID 1 contains the actual bulk of the script.

    Is this even possible?

  9. On 2/11/2016 at 8:09 PM, paleocacher said:

    Dear Hoppah, 

    I was wondering if I could ask if you knew where the shane green submod for the LA Mod went. 

    I hear it had 1970s era vehicles and Adam-12 type cars. 

    If it is defunct then I am interested in learning to mod and possibly creating my own version.


    As far as I remember, there were no classic vehicles in that submod. New units with new skins, but most were the base LA Mod Models.

  10. This series is far more popular in Germany, and that community is far larger, so it's not surprising. The majority of any game modding community is going to be people with limited skills, so a small community will have even less skilled creators to notice.


    Those are some reasons things are dying around here. The conflict between the tier of creators has not helped at all, of course, with those on both sides moving on. Those who could improve also lose their interest, along with many end users who become discouraged when content they're looking forward to dies off.


    The argument is sound, but the hard lines that were drawn, and some bad reactions to them, did no one any favors.

  11. As far as i can see this is a reskinnned Boston Mod which other then skins and maybe lights doesn´t get changed at all. No new vehicle Models, nothing. Thats bad. Modding will die if the community continues like that.


    The original post states it's Boston based,


    And talking about modding "dying", I think hassling and berating amateur modders for not having all new original content does more damage than anything.

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