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Everything posted by 999madtom

  1. Basicly what games do you like and want to tell people what you like.
  2. In case they hit their head. In other words why do firefighter's wear helmets
  3. First I would tell him to stop then ask for assistance. If he does not stop start the engine and drive around the corner and get my tazer out then go back and arrest him. Police: Your sitting in your patrol car and you see a kid fall of a skateboard and smash his head on a grid rail. You start walking over and a woman comes up to you and says some teenagers is lobbing eggs and apples at her window. What would you do? I would call an ambulance tell the other kids to look after him until I get back and run to her house scare off the teenagers and then run back look after the kid until medic's arrive then go find the teenagers.
  4. I can't think of anything, anyone else have a scenario?
  5. 3. You have to call it in. 4. Call FD or if it is life threating you can smash a window 5. Leave the casulty where they are so they do not hurt their back anymore. Sorry I can't answer any other questions I only know about ambulance stuff.
  6. The light makes your pupils smaller. You use it to test for a head injury.
  7. A UK normal fire engine. I don't know your equivlant of a UK fire engine is so I can't tell (just google (other search engines are avalible) it)
  8. There is a little red light to show the lights are on just in case the lights flash off when the picture is taken of it speeding.
  9. On both bumpers there is a small red light that stays on all the time when the lights are on. So if they go though speed trap's they can see if the have lights on when speeding (I just know that because my uncle is a paramedic and head of emergency driving in South Australia Ambulance Service (SAAS))
  10. The reason I did this is because it is similar to what happend where I live they: Closed the road and got all the police outside the shop and then got basicly most of the poice force in my area patroling. The suspect got caught. Hiding in a bush near a tire shop (a few hundred meters from my house) the owner was opening up and saw a guy in a bush and flagged down a police motorcycilst. The police officer called for assistance and jumped on the suspect. Fire: Your on a way to a call (A fire truck roll, and your mate is trapped) and you see a house on fire. What would you do?
  11. Your the head of dispach of a UK police force. One of the dispacher's ask you for advice. There is a guy who has murdered two people in a shop in a large town.The suspect is on the run. Who would you dispach/do.
  12. Post here if you have an Emergency scenario to ask other people what they would do.
  13. I know lets make a topic on all of Graal Bot's scenario http://forum.emergency-planet.com/index.php?/topic/18072-emergency-scenario-what-would-you-do/
  14. Will the CFR car have hazard lights?
  15. If it was me I would return a few shots then press my emergency button and treat my partner
  16. Roit=http://www.google.co.uk/#output=search&sclient=psy-ab&q=roit&oq=roit&gs_l=hp.3..0i10l3j0.80812.83703.0.83875.,or.r_qf.&bvm=bv.48705608,d.d2k&fp=6ae73a5404d41622&biw=1024&bih=596
  17. It says: You should log in to download this file. Sign up for free if you don't have an account yet.
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