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Status Updates posted by CFDDIVE11

  1. New Chicago Fire Tonight!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. CFDDIVE11


      its on right now!

    3. met police999

      met police999

      i have to wait till later i need to watch it online cant wait for when i get out of school

    4. met police999

      met police999

      the ending was a shame at the fire department museum

  2. Anyone know of a free and somewhat easy to learn modeling program that i could download because i wanna start modeling or trying to lol

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. CFDDIVE11


      Thanks guys i'll test them out

    3. CFDDIVE11


      now the fun part learning how to use it

    4. FireShooter10


      You can get the free version of 3ds Max off their website. You simply need to apply for a student version and you get the full package free of charge.

  3. Oh the people who ask for release dates and rage on topics when people tell them to stop always make my day

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Voodoo_Operator


      Which, like, totally happened, lol.

    3. squamishfire


      I will admit that I may sometime attack them as well... some times I am human and can't help myself :D

  4. downloaded the new manhattan V3 update and there's no sign of the limited water supply...

  5. When i edit the Parameters is does zero mean it will happen a lot or it won't happen at all?

    1. sgtmatt325


      It won't happen at all

    2. sgtmatt325


      AverageFrequency value = "0"

      This will disable the call

    3. CFDDIVE11
    1. CFDDIVE11


      Nice one rockstar

    2. met police999

      met police999

      i think its fake i checked on twitter they never said anything like that and the font is different but i could be wrong but i hope to god its true

    3. L.C. Long

      L.C. Long

      I know Rockstar like using their Swearwords, but I don't think they would swear on Facebook....

  6. The Final Update from me is on the Aiken County Submod page!

  7. When editing fp_params_endless to make a call not happen you change it to zero correct?

  8. Can someone from ERT Message me on here ASAP like NFK or someone else Thanks

  9. For all the people in ERT the site is back up or it was when i went on 5 minutes ago.

    1. Tango
    2. CFDDIVE11


      Well it is because i was just on it, the home page works but if you click on threads it won't work NFK is working on it.

  10. I load up Boston mod and try to play the freeplay, freeplay gets done loading and then crashes. Anyone know any solutions?!

    1. squamishfire


      Like I commented in the topic... Redownload. It works fine for me.

    2. MikeyPI


      Repaint the LA mod vehicles into the boston paintjob... Then you know it's stable =)

  11. "Blackboy that's your word?"

  12. "Pontoon" is going to win all of the awards tonight.. i hate that song

    1. sgtmatt325


      Hey thats a badass song

  13. "All men are created equal, but then few became firefighters"

    1. Tango


      Unknown Author.

  14. "Engine 18 to main, were either going to need a zambonie out here to play some hockey or were going to need a lot of salt, people are trying to get around this crash and are sliding all over the place. Can ya call someone?" Gotta love CFD

    1. axeman1224


      CSFD made a call last week: Dispatch Engine 4 we need streets out here with a lot of salt. Cars are going everywhere!


  16. Look at the Aiken County Submod Topic there's Updates!!

  17. Updates in the Aiken Mod Thread

  18. Aiken county submod is looking for a modeler! Anyone intrested PM Emergencyfan97

  19. RIP to the 19 hotshots who gave the ultimate sacrifice

  20. Welcome home Anthony Rose... one of the 19 hotshots that died RIP

  21. Manhattan V3 is released!!!

  22. V3 taking awhile to download

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