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Everything posted by Pearl71

  1. i dont know if u herd it or not, but if the car stops, and u get a foot persuit, and your watching it u hear the cop radio (out of breath ofcourse) that he's in a foot persuit and calls for a helicopter FANTASTIC!
  2. start of freeplay, a taxi jack knifes on the end of the bridge, starts to block everything
  3. nice, just hope the ALF dosnt burst into flames in the station like their know to do
  4. covert op to free the unreleased models? lol JK
  5. if i can pull my head outta my a*& and figure this out, iam prolly going to add atleast 50 footpaths....
  6. i think he meens where did they find them
  7. works for me, possible bug, stolen vehicle, used chase command, caught car, arrested subject, couldnt tow car.... bug? maybe?
  8. i was suprised it wasnt in the mod as a civilian vehicle to be honest... or parked at the construction site
  9. sorry iam grumpy 3 hrs sleep then spending the day at a 3 alarm fire made me this way anyways BTT.... Ford Econoline Van with lightbar and CG Markings Ford Excursion with lightbar and CG Markings and Ford F350 with lightbar and CG Markings were also made... pics of the "finished" CG units from the old Federal Mod Topic.....
  10. if only it was possible to have the flag waving when the tiller responds i'd like to see the flag placed on some other models, like on the rear of the als engine and usar squad
  11. Something i noticed in the port, love the fact that the driver's will walk to the edge and "jump" off the docks into the water love it ! no need to find steps or a ramp anymore!
  12. Possible for a patrol route for a officer on foot? like take a car with 2 officers park it in say the walmart parking lot and have them get out and walk around the neighborhood?
  13. your using an older script.... have to ad everything into ther new mod script by script..... or u can just wait till the additional units submod comes out for 1.9
  14. that would take a full overhaul of the script, basically you'd need a new script....
  15. whats the point in a CG helo? cant rescue anyone outta the water with it.... ground units could be placed in the port area for realism.... dont like to argue with ya, just liked the models.
  16. i keep saying things i want and want and want i feel like a little kid at christmas, but i'd really like to see some coast guard ground units... i really liked that the new ford pickup !
  17. one of the light mods will give u the missing taxi's (make them go missing i meen....
  18. its basically the carbon burning in the smoke... why sometimes u get all fire and no smoke... normal process of burning.... nice detail..... slap me if iam wrong
  19. yea i send my bc to the scene, but if theres a captain on board, he can order another liteforce or another single engine till the bc gets there, iam tired of fighting block fires waiting for the BC to get there and order units, that and it ads some realism , u can have your BC, EMS Cap. and an Engine Cap all standing in the CP, sounds great though, hope it goes through!! oh and congradulations on the first submod for v1.9
  20. was just bustin your balls i have a request, this may take some time, but howabout an additional tiller ... an updated lapd suv? updated LAFD Battallion? to the new 07 tahoe? i know they prolly dont use them, but it would be a nice change from the late 90's suburban.... oh i donno if person's are your thing, but howabout a fire captain? cn basically do everything the BC dose but will be on every peice of fire app. and can do all the functions the regular firefighters can... ex. pack up, operate hose.. ect.... i'd really like the see the captain, but i cant do it myself... horrible at skinning and scripting.... i understand if u dont want to.... thanks
  21. the patch works great, i take it the small mistake was no lamod v1.9 folder to hold everything?
  22. ok went for test 1, nothings changed, bug for the patch... it puts the files into the "mods" folder insted of the 1.9 folder simple fix for that, just place the files in a 1.9 file and the patch should install fine, here goes test 2
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