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Posts posted by Freelancer

  1. Looks really good, would like to see a London Mod rival, but as a friendly criticism, the speed camera is a bit off what they really look like in GB....

    As far as I know there's 2 main camera on the roads in GB which are these



    And regards to a London Mod rival,I and the team would like there to be no rivalry every mod is special and unique in

    it's own way.



  2. You just like to say thanks for all the good comments we like to see people enjoy our work.

    I hope to show some more image on units soon.

    @gunswat I've never played "Queensland mod" so I'm un-able to answer your question,does that mod have working speed cameras?

  3. Welcome to the Hampshire Mod Topic:


    1.The project

    2.The Team


    4.Our Work

    1.The Project

    After the failed West Midlands mod we've decided to go for a small but high quality first release

    the first release will have some nice new features.Such as new high quality models and textures,

    a brand new map and some scripts.

    2.The Team

    Freelancer (Lead Developer)

    RedHawk504 (Project Co Developer,Lights)

    Scrivs (Skins)


    BlueLightModding is currently Recruiting the following

    Lighter (Have good knowledge of LED's and if possible know about Hampshire's Emergency Lighting)

    Scripter (Have good knowledge of how scripts work)

    4.Our Work


    Model Freelancer



    Model By:Freelancer

    Texture By:Freelancer,Eyespy900


    Map work By:RedHawk504


    Model By:Freelancer

    Texture By:Freelancer


    Freelancer,Entonox,RedHawk504 and BlueLightModding

  4. Thanks, Freelancer!

    I really respect that you like my work :)

    If I can, in any way, make something better, just write here, and i will do as best as i can.

    So, for now I can say, that In next version I'm planning a new freeplay map, because that one, i have made for now, isn't so good, and, of course, I can say that I will try to remake as much cars as I can, and in plans I have new VW Thiguan and Renault Laguna police cars, for firefighters first that I want to do is to remake GAZ 52 fire engine. These are the first thinks of next version, but if you have some problems with current one, feel free and write all in here :) I will appreciate that.

    I've played the mod for about an hour and I must say I'm very impressed.

    I did manage to find 1 bug:

    Bug 1:


    This house is always on fire,gets abit annoying



  5. Out of all the mods I've played the Latvia mod is one of my favourites it is so unique

    I love the freeplay map and the models are very good.I feel this mod seems some what underrated

    and needs more publicity....I would like to congratulate you on the 1.3 release and I look forward to

    many hours playing the mod.



  6. Hello all,

    I have some very bad news for you,Eyespys home got broken into and he's lost many items and one of them was his laptop which contained all the latests

    West Midlands Mod files :( I do have a back up but it's missing a lot of files.Me and the team have lost motivation and our morale is low,so now for the

    time being I'm calling the West Midlands Mod On HOLD.We all hope that Eyespy gets some or if not all of his items back and I hope the people

    who broke into his home get caught.

    The whole team is devastated by what's happened I'm not sure what's will happen with the team if people will stay or leave but I can say

    behind the scenes of the WM mod we was working on another project lucky nothing has been lost,So I may be announcing it very soon

    whether or not it will be under BlueLightModding is unknown.

    On behalf of my self and the mod team we apologize

    that we have failed the community and to release the mod

    Thank you

    Freelancer & BlueLightModding.

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