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Semper Fidelis

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Everything posted by Semper Fidelis

  1. Ohh God! I suggest you to watch "Ted". It was the funniest movie I've ever watched :D

  2. A wonderful start London! Congrats !

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Semper Fidelis

      Semper Fidelis

      Absolutely me too. I'm 16. I have never seen such a wonderful organisation like that. Well done UK !

    3. met police999

      met police999

      I'm proud to be British and that was British lol :)

    4. Semper Fidelis

      Semper Fidelis

      A patriot ? Good for you! You can trust to the patriot guys even if you're in abroad. I'm proud to be a Turk. I'm a patriot like you. And that's why the participants are so happy in the Olympic games even if they loose it or win it. Good organisation bro. Be proud of it ;)

  3. Good job Dyson, Especially The FBI SUVs and Detective Cars !!!
  4. When I'm in a mission with using London Mod, My personnel is walking. But They should run Can anyone help me ?

  5. it's tooooo hot here !!!

  6. Good job Dyson ! It made me to create a new one with using your mod
  7. Sorry my mistake (I should improve my language) Thanks for informations fellas:). Both of you Goog, Squamishfire
  8. Thanks for the info Goog. C.F.D said you would model CVSE cars. So are they belonging to the Law Enforcement or they will be in the TEC Units ?
  9. Yeah. These sons of b**ches always do this for ISAF Soldiers (coalition soldiers) and civilians
  10. Maybe , sth like "Prison Break" ? But Seriously I'm thinking of it
  11. Need a story guys ? That's mine. Hope you like it Today there was an important prison transport to Afghanistan from a NATO Base in Marsilia,France.So security level is red. While the plane was about to take off, 4 cars came close to the buffer zone of the base. 2 men gott out of the car and shot 4 Gendermerie and 1 soldier. After the shootings the terrorist went ahead and stopped near a guard tower. They destroyed the fences and killed one guard, The other one was pushed into the collopse ! They found a way to stop the plane and rescued their bosses and captured 4 police officers. One was shot from his shoulders. When the camera operator realised the raid, he alarmed the special forces (GIPN). Now the terrorists were surrounded and a profiler started to speak; "You have been surrounded! Drop your weapons and Put your hands up !" When they realised that the end of the line is dead, They surrendered. Several ambulances and cops have sent to the operational area. Now the injured were removed and the suspects and prisoners was sent to the base for questioning. NATO Officers got new intel from them about Al-Queda's new plan about suicide attacks. The whole criminals was sent to a heavily protected Detention Camp in Afghanistan ( ) The END Hope you like it
  12. Is there any diffenerent links ? Bcz ?t always stops at 401 of 608mb ? Someone help please !
  13. I'm really confused F-16 vs. F-15 and F-35 vs. F-22

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Semper Fidelis

      Semper Fidelis

      I have no exp. too, but I don't know mate, F-16 sounds a bit older to me ;)

    3. matte31


      F16 Block 60 is newer i suppose??

      Note im not into american fighter jets:p

    4. Semper Fidelis

      Semper Fidelis

      But I'm in :P but when I think the entire F-XX Series it just looks older. But yes Block 50/52+ and higher versions are pretty good ;)

  14. Oh damn, Okay I got it sorry. Thanks for the link.
  15. Thanks pal But can you just link one up ? Bcz When I click on it it opens a Facebook Page
  16. Only a few weeks to start of the UEFA Champions League !!!

  17. The Union is a alliance which cares about economy and human rights. But NATO is completly different. It's a military alliance. And it gives a big advantage for each member. Each ally becomes a critical ally if it's in NATO. Just remember the military jet crisis in Syria. They downed our plane. 2 days after. NATO made an unplanned meeting. Then some NATO allies(include US, UK and Netherlands) sent squadrons of warplanes to Turkey (Akinci AB). As we sent troops to Korea, Kosovo and Afghanistan. That's called alliance. I don't think that EU can do something like this. But EU is the biggest economical alliance. And NATO(a.k.a OTAN) it the most advanced military alliance. Both are the best in their classes. I believe to the Union. But the cooperate, they couldn't save Greece. And Spain is following him So my money's in NATO . Always makes me feel better. Especially if 2 of your neighbours are your enemy and one is in a civil war . (You started a good topic to talk)
  18. No problem. We know what to do. And don't forget your exams. They are more important than entertainment
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