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Everything posted by Texas_DPS

  1. put them in a zip and upload them to http://rapidshare.com/index.html then post the link in here. I would be happy to look into this, with just a little time and patience. Could you also post some screens of what happens and what you want it to look like? You can also PM me if you like.
  2. Xplorer4x4, have you fixed some of the problems with your 3rd FS? From the file you gave me a while back i have seen a little problem I had to fix. If you alwready adjusted it ill be quiet but if you havent let me know and ill shoot you a message and show you what I found.
  3. I am using SG Mod 1.9, but its just copy and past units and adjusting some scripts. Its not complete but it works. Waiting patiently for SG Mod 2.0.2.
  4. use the dds converter in the download section. it changes it from dds to jpeg or whatever. its the same process to make it a dds, the V3O file is the model and you dont need to really do anything but you can open it with notepad and change what skin you want.
  5. Im having problems with having the PD cars going back to the station, are you having the same problems?
  6. happy birthday to all those who are just a little bit older today, best wishes

  7. I was thinking about this and thought I would run it through the gallery and see what I got. My idea for the 3 fire stations is to have each one work on their respective LAToFireStation scripts. It would cut down on having to look through a thousand lines to maybe see a little problem. What do you guys think? Input is appreciated.
  8. so you installed the 4x4 mod and its not working. did you try to load it through the modifications tab in emergency? did you check to see if the files you have are 2.0.8?
  9. They dont have to be accurate to renumber the stations
  10. Are you going to rename the fire stations to their respective numbers?
  11. Been like 20 days since I was the last one to post, didnt wanna be accused of double posting. Shane, are you going to change the station numbers on the building? just asking, more eye candy. Hope all is going and looking good.
  12. The tiller backs out when you send it somewhere and then rights itself. When sent back to the station everything is normal. I just dont get it. I have tried everything. When I replace the tiller with the ladder the ladder is normal. Its just the tiller for some reason.
  13. Here is the total script. LAFireStation.rar LAFireStationStart.rar LAToFireStation.rar All the gates match. I personally think the LAFD is playing a joke.
  14. ttonyy, what do you mean???

  15. I have w00d's new map on a fresh LA Mod 2.0.3. I have edited the LAFireStationStart script to face all the fire trucks to the right direction. The Tiller spawns but in the wrong direction as shown below. Please forgive the screens, they were taken on my laptop. Here is the code I used in the LAFireStationStart. ActorList l9 = Game::GetActors(VO_TILLER); for(int i=0; i < l9.GetNumActors(); i++) { Vector Tiller = l9.GetActor(0)->GetPosition(); Vehicle m = Game::CreateVehicle(OBJ_TILLER, UNNAMED); if (m.HasCommand("DummyTillerCheck")) { m.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_NEWLIST, "DummyTillerCheck", &m, 0, false); } m.EnableBlueLights(false); m.SetPosition(Tiller); m.SetRotation(gate3); m.UpdatePlacement(); m.SetMaxPassengers(6); m.SetSpeed(9.0f); m.PushActionWait(ACTION_APPEND, 1.4f); m.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, DUMMY_CALLCREW, Caller, 8, false); m.PushActionWait(ACTION_APPEND, 0.5f); m.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, DUMMY_CALLCREW, Caller, 3, false); m.PushActionWait(ACTION_APPEND, 0.5f); m.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, DUMMY_CALLCREW, Caller, 3, false); m.PushActionWait(ACTION_APPEND, 0.5f); m.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, DUMMY_CALLCREW, Caller, 3, false); } If I did something wrong please let me know because I can not for the life of me figure it out. So many minds are better than one. Thanks
  16. It will work, just plug and play. Make sure if you have anything added that its on the map.
  17. please use the search engine next time W00d's maps
  18. They look good. The only thing I would change is the LAPD Tahoes would be all white on top. Other than that, awesome. Would you be willing to share the EMS one, I like it and could use it.
  19. I would love to have all of that stuff for EM4 LA Mod, lol. Its not that I want the vehicles, I would just like to play them and see how much this has grown. I love all the work you have put into this and appreciate all the hard work and time spent in them. Could you put all that in a few files and share with me?
  20. im not negitive, i try to brighten everybodys day

  21. im suprised Hoppah doesnt have them and released them. just a thought. I have 1.8 and up, but thats it. thats where I came in.
  22. when you go to unpack the file, change it from .v3o to .dds. Like this mod:Models/Vehicles/01 LA Ambulance/ambulance01.v3o to mod:Models/Vehicles/01 LA Ambulance/ambulance01.dds then click unpack.
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