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Posts posted by Xplorer4x4

  1. Hey, I am new to modding Emergency 4/911 First Responders.

    I just want some information on how to make a script for the game and more specifically the LA mod, I just want to know how to edit the police so they act more like real police.

    To be frank you would probably need to spend a year learning c++ to be able accomplish most of what you want.


    I think the easiest one would be to have an officer direct traffic,

  2. If I switch over to Mega would people be willing to tolerate 2 url shortners for a 10 second delay, rather then 1/5 sec delay?  or something? What about a short survey or download an app first? Might throw another beta out there tonight if so. ;) Just trying to please the crowd while still trying to earn a little money. As i I said before if I actually got some small donations on a regular basis it would be different but right now I dont recieve any,btn_donate_SM.gif

  3. Ok will try when I get to a wifi connection. my phone as a hotspot is pushed to it's limits

    when I download stuff.




    Generally the hotspot thing should not be an issue. A wifi connection isnt a bad idea but as long as you have a solid connection, you should be ok. Even if you were on dial up, as long as the connection stayed persistent, you should be fine. It would take ages on a dial up connection/speed but possible. Keep me posted though and we will try to find a solution.

  4. I want it without that betafly thing link, he just makes money from it, i got more and more the feeling he only wants to earn money with this,,,,

    As do many other modders(use add.ly on the site) but in won't single anyone out.

    I know, adfly isnt the worst thing, just an example, but to ask "hey i make a great mod, this game is from emergency 4 so lets ask 25 dollar/euro, and you get a beta version." If you just ask for donations okay, but this is just some to far for me, and he is making money from a mod from em4, that also illigal. And than ask it in another topic, if i see this mod i think oh god, this donation topic.

    The money helps support me to be able to develope the game.

    My conditions:


    Carpal Tunnel

    Arthritis in both knees and shoulders

    Sprained or strained neck

    Bulging disc in my back

    Mild degenerative disc disease in my back

    Am I forgetting anything???? Probably. I live of Neurotion and now switched to Lyrica, tylonel, advil, celexa(anxiety), and abilify(depression).

    From the sounds of your comments I think you are old enough to recognize the phrase "if you enjoy what you do, you will never work a day in your life." Well I have been doing misc programing for a decade or so. Google my screen name. From forum software to websites to em4 modding. I have gotten one donation of $20 since I started modding for em4. I have made about $10 on 3 years off adf.ly bit then again the old mod has been mostly inactive for a long ass time. 3 years of my time is only worth $30 to people? So yes desperate tikes call for desperate measures. Try sleeping in your vehicle for 3 days and come talk to me about being homeless. At the present time my knees are so bad I can barley make the 4 block round trio to the dog park for my dog. If I wanted to be rich I would be doing something other then em4 modding focused on a niche audience. GTA is cool but my interest lies in first responders. Just today I pushed a little bit harder to chase down engine 1,batt chief and rescue 1 to see what was going on. I am a siren chaser but smart enough to keep a distance usually. I bore friends with details like how I knew engine 3 was on a medic run when they passed us because otherwise ladder 3 would have been with them and a batt chief ans maybe rescue 3.

    Furthermore I am not charging anything. I am rewarding donators. I thought it over and am dropping the donation prices to $15USD for a single beta and $25 for lifetime access to the beta releases and the beta tester forum. Since I am asking for donations..not charging people, I am in the legal zone and I think Stan or some one spoke to Sixteen Tons directly about this and donations are just fine.

    Sent from my Droid RAZR HD Maxx using Tapatalk with Kitstalk ROM.

    Hope that clears it up. Since the mobile skin is my default right now, and using taptalk, I can't edit posts. So excuse the double post and mods feel free to merge.<br />

    <br />

    Sent from my Droid RAZR HD Maxx using Tapatalk with Kitstalk ROM.<br />

    <br />

  5. Can you upload it to 4share , MEGA ,Dropbox ? The website isn't allowing me to download the BETA File

    Can you specify the problem? And Dropbox would go down in no time. They have like a 25GB limit I think. Male sure you click the proper download button. If you have an ad blocked installed it shouldn't be hard to figure out

    This is definitely worth the download guys. And there is more to come soon.

    FYI this is a newer beta for you and the others helping beta test. For those wondering we had a lot of alpha/prebeta releases. This is the official beta 2 the testers would revive had it not been published.
  6. Well I wanted to wait for a proper release but here is the most recent BETA version. This means...there are some known bugs. If I ignore bug reports, do not take it personally. This is a beta release and bugs are expected. Over all, this is very stable. Some engines and units serve as place holders for the final models. So things may not be 100% accurate in terms of models at this time. Some units are missing unit images, and such. Some scripts are still being tweaked. That said you should be able to enjoy this with out much issue.This is the only beta version that will be posted, hints the donation rewards mentioned above!




    Note: The final version will likely be hosted on my dedicated server allowing fast downloads and have very little wait time and nice installer..although technically the mod installer works great, just sucks at compression.

  7. 1). Unit 583 en route to dunkin donuts call is code 3, requesting backup.

    2). Box call 73 unit 29 respond to structure fire at 400 mobile avenue.

    3). Paramedic 17 respond to victim trapped in a booth at golden corral, victim apparently overate.

    4). Unit 21/Unit 65 respond to a traffic collision at the intersection of 4th and 10 street, possible trapped victims on scene.

    5). All units be advised a 1993 White Ford Bronco seen on the 101, suspect is evading pursuing units, assistance requested. :D

    6). Attempted Robbery 7-11 on the Corner of 10th and 50th Street, suspect last seen heading east wearing a white hoodie and blue jeans, suspect believed armed, use caution.

    7). I shot the sheriff... but I did NOT shoot the deputy.

    8). All units respond to a riot in progress on the corner of 20th and 77th streets, suspects throwing owls at the responding officers backup requested.. (damn treehuggers using owls to further their cause).

    9). Hazmat respond to an oil spill at the shell on the corner of 5th and 149th street, a tanker is leaking fuel oil.

    10). Probable gas leak at the mcdonalds on the corner of 7th and 14th street, be advised use caution.

    11). Paramedic 67/unit 48 respond to possible suicide attempt, victim is outside of taco bell on the corner of 5th and 88th street, victim last seen eating borrito.


    Things like this will test people's depth of speech and if they can clearly speak on just about anything.

    Funny how relevant OJ still is after this many years lol! Thanks for the scripts brotha(Hey Hulk Hogan embodied America back in his day)!

  8. Good point Mikey! Thansk for pointing that out. As for accents, correct me if I am wrong but LA is a very diverse city? Surely it is not to uncommon to run in to some accents, but i guess not so much in this line of work. I will get scripts made up ASAP(24 hours hopefully).

  9. Yeah I am just doing some recordings as test bytes to see how people sound. No one wants to hear a 12yo whose thingies havent dropped doing police call outs. Once I PM the actual needed info to the person it will be more scripted with some room for wiggle as I like to try to give people some reasonable amount of artistic freedom. It sounds more realistic to here the word um dropped in from time to time then hear some one read the script word for word.

  10. I'll give it a shot for you, if you'd like.  I also have some recordings on my old computer of LAFD dispatches and radio traffic, if you know what you need.

    I believe there is some legal issues about using recordings but if you want to post three recordings, just some rerecordings of current LA Mod call outs(PD back ups, 10 codes, etc) I will listen and see what I think. I guess my last volly got mad because I asked for samples rather then out right telling them what i wanted and need.when they have only 9 posts. However, I like to retain a certain level of perfection in my mods. I have a feeling you will do just fine though with asking for samples and such. ;)

  11. @xplorer4x4 @mikeypi

    I honestly dont know but in my opinion i think when a emergency vehicle is running on a code 3 so people could be able to hear and stop on the side. But if u want ill try to ask a friend of my who works in the LAFD. 

    P.S. The BearCat was just a suggestion that I made but it is really a low priority.

    It was a good idea by all means just lower on the list of things to do,

  12. I cant remember the exact changes pointed out via pm, but I see what your saying and I know these three were pointed out. It's not a priority atm but for the sake of trying to keep units up to date, it might happen in the future.


    Speaking of in the future, by this weekend I think I will release an older test version of the mod. Normally I dont like to do this but I want to gage interest and see if my dedicated server will handle the traffic with out crashing the CPU or RAM.This would allow resumable downloads and faster downloads! That is assuming the server does not crash. If it does, I might be able to talk a friend in to helping me get a server from Amazon that I have been told it can with stand the demand with out a doubt. My ultimate goal is to have the final product done by July 4th! We have a pretty stable product atm but there are still some big changes to existing scripts and such that are being finalized. I am also hopping I can count on some finished models to come in no later then this weekend. That one is a bit tricky because some people have other priorities. I myself am struggling to find time to get things done atm.

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