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Everything posted by Grim_Wizard

  1. Lolz I thought someone would ban me for to many userbarz. I ban you for having NO userbarz
  2. And U.S.A. fire house, same thing, cancelled because noone watched it.
  3. Yup, working on 1 in la py the port. has... 1 foam tender 1 motor boat transportor 1HE squad and an ems supervisor. I'm trying to put a FLB by it but it's kinda hard. What I want is that La Columbia ship from EM3 to be in port and on fire so I can get two Light force units in on the dock and make it look cool.
  4. I ban you because you have 1 vowel in your username
  5. Word Topic Word Disassociation Here's how you play, I post a word and you think of a totally unrelated word. Example Me: Flapjacks Joe: Traashbin Bob: Petunias Not... Me: Flapjacks Joe: Butter Bob: Cows :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::: Theme Song... Lemon Demon Word Disassociation :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::: THE WORD IS CERAMIC Changed the title, the old one hurt my eyes PyroThijs
  6. Grim_Wizard


    This usually happens if you play any other mod or the original game before you play the LA mod. It locks out all the comands
  7. Lolz. To much time on his hands
  8. I don't know. Try it and if it works please tell me.
  9. This is a problem, and has been encountered before, your best bet is to destroy the train with Three snipers and have several firefighters, a crane, and lotsa tow trucks. Kill the train and take the cars off the track with the crane and haul them away, have the firemen put out any fires.
  10. Cool, I liked looking at that mod.
  11. You know, I was thinking about adding a firestation to the port area, has anyone tryed doing that. I was thinking of staffing it with... 1 EMS supervisor 1 foam tender 1 motorboat transporter and 1 HESquad
  12. I miss Carls JR. back when I lived in Oaklahoma, but BK ALl the way! Can I make one?
  13. I wanna be the cookie monster. Lolz
  14. As photo bucket dose not like me... Click here
  15. There's already a map with a DOT base and Military base. Click here for it. Have fun!
  16. Okay, some of you may know this but if you press the Pause Break button on the keyboard in the editor you go into a 3d perspective and can walk around, cool huh? Your thoughts and weird pictures using this are appreciated.
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