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Everything posted by Grim_Wizard

  1. No it was cold and hadn't cooked right and tasted like shite. @AMI don't feel bad, I got run over by the damn quads in high school, put a huge dent in the saxophone.
  2. OMG!11!one!1 No u cantz on teh interwebz do taht!!!!11 *Looks at San Andreas torrent* Yeahhhhhh....
  3. Complaint: Who the hell decided apple toaster strudels would make for good strudels?
  4. Any good cops and robbers servers for GTA SA?
  5. Kudos Greg on the 2nd 11-44 you had or whatever, Blah, tired, spent all day trying to find a stupid hiker. Idiot RP needs to learn to count their stupid High school kids.

  6. Or... Deleted because of lack of information.
  7. NNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. I saw the most awesomest thing a few moments ago, CHevy Astro van, with spinners, mega woofers, and hydraulics. :P

    1. kevin4535843


      we used to have one (minus the spinners, mega woofers, and hydraulics of course)

    2. Ray the Wise

      Ray the Wise

      That might have been me. What state was the plate from?


  9. Well, are you assagined a mission before they pop up?
  10. Unfortunatly, if you're right next to the flames, there's not a hell of a lot you can to, it'd be to hot to leave.
  11. Bout to head in, godspeed everyone.

    1. Ray the Wise

      Ray the Wise

      I hope this is not an euphemism for intercourse.


  12. Someone here tried making a 60 incher and it blew up in the tube. At 4th of july they had 6 at the same time blow in the tube, started a fire, but the kept launching.
  13. The thingy that you blow on. The mouthpiece. Had to clarify knowing you're behavior, but if you want to be 6 go ahead.
  14. Watchin X-Files

    1. fbiguy


      i love that show!

    2. nick the greek

      nick the greek

      used to be afraid of the intro music

    3. Grim_Wizard


      I used to watch it with my brother. It used to be really scary, but then it wasn't that bad, loved the cops crossover.

  15. Bout to go drink some chocolate milk and have a meatball sub.

  16. Ummmmm... Baritones dont have the thingy that sticks out...
  17. Wow that had to have been hot, you can see the houses across the street reaching their flashpoint and combusting just from the radiation and that metal garage door was molten. Would've been near impossible to get near.
  18. I used to play really well, but I just f**king hated band. Now I'm an amatuer DJ. Lot more fun then blowing on a penis shaped object. Were you the fat one? =-P
  19. LIES! You said you played the french horn!
  20. Well you can't play the older version (At least I couldn't) without updating. so I'm updating.
  21. Well, I would've been at a TA. Sorry
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