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Everything posted by Brendon

  1. I reinstalled LA mod and now it works fine.
  2. I changed this myself. I made it so that calls do not come too often, and when an important one happens it's basically the only call I need to attend to until it's completed.
  3. The file saves, nothing in the game changes though.
  4. No, there isn't. None of the buttons, UI, or names of anything are converted.
  5. The buttons aren't translated either, so I have no idea what to click so I don't even bother playing it. This isn't Winterburg forums so I'll stop talking about it.
  6. They also have the patrol cars following traffic signals too. They seem to have everything except a real English translation.
  7. It would be nice if they had English translations for the Winterburg and other mods.
  8. I want to be able to zoom out at least twice more then the default level allows, and that's it. I tried changing the values, but I'm not seeing any changes.
  9. Winterburg Mod has foot patrol cops if I remember correctly in the park.
  10. Where are those? I didn't ask what it was, I can see the text.
  11. Brendon

    LA mod help

    What video card do you have? Even if you don't have the disk, most of the time they have a website that allows you to download the drivers.
  12. It's more then the yellow truck. I've seen a bigger truck and the jeep get stuck there.
  13. Brendon

    Tiller Truck

    Did you download patch .1?
  14. I originally had all the missions, but after playing mission 11 first I couldn't ever play the LA mod missions.
  15. I think I figured out the problem. In the script below, you never allow a transition back to 'fair' once it's raining. Once it starts raining it will always rain. <climate initial="fair"> <weather name="fair" changeduration="15.0" minduration="400" maxduration="800"> <fog intensity="0.0" color="ffffff"/> <rain intensity="0.0"/> <storm intensity="0.0" speed="0.0"/> <flash frequencyfactor="0.0"/> <sound name=""/> <sound2 name=""/> <transition state="light rain" weight="1.0"/> </weather> <weather name="light rain" changeduration="15.0" minduration="30" maxduration="90"> <fog intensity="0.1" color="7F7F7F"/> <rain intensity="0.2"/> <storm intensity="0.1" speed="0.1"/> <flash frequencyfactor="0.0"/> <sound name=""/> <sound2 name=""/> <transition state="heavy rain" weight="1.0"/> <transition state="thunderstorm" weight="1.5"/> </weather> <weather name="heavy rain" changeduration="15.0" minduration="60" maxduration="180"> <fog intensity="0.3" color="7F7F7F"/> <rain intensity="0.5"/> <storm intensity="0.1" speed="0.2"/> <flash frequencyfactor="0.0"/> <sound name="mod:Audio/Ambient/rain01.wav"/> <sound2 name=""/> <transition state="light rain" weight="1.0"/> <transition state="thunderstorm" weight="2.0"/> </weather> <weather name="thunderstorm" changeduration="15.0" minduration="45" maxduration="145"> <fog intensity="0.4" color="606060"/> <rain intensity="1.0"/> <storm intensity="0.5" speed="0.4"/> <flash frequencyfactor="1.0"/> <sound name="mod:Audio/Ambient/rain02.wav"/> <sound2 name="mod:Audio/Ambient/thunder02.wav"/> <transition state="heavy rain" weight="1.0"/> <transition state="light rain" weight="1.0"/> </weather> </climate> </freeplayparameters>
  16. Pretty sweet looking mod. Will there special cars designated as ARV's?
  17. It started raining, and 2 days later it hasn't stopped. The dropoff and pickup point for the boat on the East side is not functional. You cannot put people there and cannot drop off the boat there, etc. The Docks are too cluttered. It's almost impossible to get around it. And finally, if you redirect cars at the very top corner of the map (north west) by the car spawn, the cars will sit there and do absolutely nothing and will never move again. You know what would be cool? A mission involving someone falling off the bridge where you can actually use the Coastguard Heli.
  18. Not a bug. It only travels like that until it reaches the patrol path then it resumes normally.
  19. Not to mention it's just plain unrealistic to have cars catching fire like that no matter what. If it was like that in real life anytime a store catches fire all the cars would explode within a matter of seconds! I'm glad it's more realistic and it actually takes time.
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