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Everything posted by bennie900

  1. Just got my editon of Windows 7 Ultimate today, loving it so far but what do you guys recomend in terms of antivirus? I was looking at Kaspersky Lab but let me know what you think...
  2. Might be useful to know how long its for? I dont want it just saying.
  3. Looks good, shame its dutch / german what ever units
  4. Well either you have or you haven't... We dont know because you havn't said wait the problem is! And WTF is it doing in the [EN|NL] Los Angeles Mod section?
  5. There is no need to save in the editor (only maps) if you added the commands (to the box on the right) and clicked OK then OK again, closed the game it should be working. What commands did you add?? (the correct name in the editor)
  6. Correct me if im wrong but you dont need a budget for anything.... Well atleast when ive played it ive never had money / vehicle restrictions... Sure you got the right mod?
  7. If thats a lane between the red line and the white line, then thats a pritty small gap (on your map anyway) dont think you will fit much there
  8. No, plus they wouldnt have arrows in it like that
  9. I tell you what, that part looks exactly like it should! Nice one, however on the bottom left of the road there are 3 arrows, on for turning right, one for straigt on and one in the gutter / pavment, im probably stating the obvious or its been mentioned before.
  10. 1. First of all get any medic to enter the building (Select any medic, hover your mouse over the building (icon should change to a building symbol) and right click). 2. Head over to the teacher 3. Hover your mouse of the teacher, it should change to an icon of a man and a ? mark then right click. 4. A screen should pop up in the bottom left asking you what to do, click New lesson and there you go. Does that help / work? Can you do it now?
  11. Well i replaced every text of line for the mod. Did you add the specs folder aswell as the Lang folder? Make sure your metastrings.xml looks like mine on the attachment, if not replace it with that OR reinstall the mod. This is odd since your the only one that seems to have this problem.
  12. Maybe but this is not the suggestion topic... As said before
  13. None i know of, best way to learn is to play about with it, its quite easy and can be picked up.
  14. I will be ordering my copy soon, just wait to see if the price goes down a little
  15. Also the video looks realy good, short but to the point!
  16. From what I gather, Hypercam does not work in games, For example the animations in the games, which are basicaly movie clips (similar) so it wont record it well. I'm not saying it can't but I'm sure thats the problem you are facing.
  17. The England Mod is download-able, Here It's still in beta (kind of) but still features English units.
  18. Whats the error that comes up on screen?
  19. Nice job Loving the look of some units!!
  20. There is no limit for the game (that im aware of) but the game engine is not the best so it will most likley lag, lag the pc so it wouldnt be smooth I usually stick to 1500 max
  21. How many models? Plus if i can get it in .3ds format maybe..
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