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Everything posted by NathanDollinger

  1. Well the first go around sucked the second will hopefully come soon!

  2. You need to assign the hasmat unit some where to go, basically you must create and code a place for the truck to park or replace another vehicle with the hazmat
  3. Have worked on some of the bigger bugs and hope to release a update in the coming week
  4. UMMM PEOPLE ........................ ITS COLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. griffy


      only 37* no problems here now -37 thats a different story

  5. Hey guys sorry ive been away awhile as soon as i get more stable internet i hope to be updating this mod along with some new stuff and EMERGENCY 5 will be out hopefully soon!
  6. Determined to get my Business off the ground!!! GRRR hope the ball gets to rolling soon this is annoying!

    1. LoKii


      What kind of business is it?

  7. At the station for a bit this morning, Nice way to start my mid-week weekend!!!!Have a good day FB

  8. Hi ho hi ho off to work I go.....

  9. work tomorrow yay! .....

  10. Well lets get this day started

  11. Another day done, another one tomorrow ...... aaaa citi stop...........................

  12. AA At some point something has to give!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just hope its not me first!

  13. i just don't know... But thanks for asking Facebook ( # NOISY )

  14. officially employed again!

  15. AAAA Really!!!!!!!!!! Any one no a cheap place to get car batteriesAt least i think thats the problemCRAP!!!!

    1. Voodoo_Operator


      Try under an unattended car's hood.

  16. So i think i might start working on the mod again! Any one still play it???
  17. Another day in the life done.... Bout time for bed to start another tomorrow!

  18. Sitting here, Getting some time in at the station.... Missing Ashlie K Dollinger hope shes enjoying her me time lol. Love you Ashlie and Jonah see you l8er!!!

  19. So im not getting married tomorrow cause we don't have the money which SUCKS! so much its not even kool and now i might miss a great chance a great career in a great department cause i don't have the money to pay for gas down and back ..... GAAAHHHHH!!!!

    1. aitor


      Then take the car or a bus and go to Las Vegas, easy, cheap and fast to get married...

    2. Voodoo_Operator


      How awful has your financial planning got to be to have to call off a wedding the day before due to lack of funds?

    3. Kermit


      That is one of the many reasons why I will never marry. I will be happy with a girlfriend for 40 years instead of a wife. If I ever get a girlfriend... I sure I will have one... If I hope... Forever Alone...

  20. Finding my self in a crappy mood =/ oh well

  21. Every one is at work just me and the bug tell 4! Then the family hits the ground running again!

  22. Wish ashlie was off and home =/

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