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Everything posted by NathanDollinger

  1. Waiting on a opertunity to do somthing I truley enjoy....

  2. So frustrated right now!! GRRR

  3. Long night, Time for some sleep to go for doctor appointments in a few hours


    1. griffy


      ikr were expected to get up to 4 inches and with how wet the roads are its gonna be icy as hell tomorrow

  5. With the fam for a late night dinner, two days off, hopeing for snow

  6. 2-4 inches of snow ? Yes please !!!!

  7. ^ Well thats informational .... The scripts in the LA Mod are as follows LAfirestation.script LAfirestationstart.script LAtofirestation.script
  8. Are you using the New V1 cause most of what you're talking about is fixed in the new release, Also i have no idea what you're talking about with the medical vehicles ?!?!?!?! (Edit: I looked at your screen shots, You're running version 0.3 which is why you're having so many bugs. Update to Version 1. Version one hasn't been approved by the mods yet so use the mirror to get the correct version)
  9. For this map the middle of the road is the best place ever for the emergency vehicles and i haven't had any issues Umm take screenshots and post them!
  10. Yes but it defeats the purpose of a city - If you find a traffic bug please share and ill look at fixing it I suppose so At some point this is planed
  11. Having a great day! Suns out I'm off its nap time and latet to the fd for some edumacation lol

  12. Here is the mirror http://www.fileswap.....zip.html">File FD Comannd V1.zip And yes the woods map is the base
  13. Uploaded the update to day and will be available as soon as it gets approved http://forum.emergency-planet.com/index.php?/files/file/479-fd-command/ Hope you enjoy!
  14. Why yes... Yes it is -.- ........ If you're not going to post something useful don't post ( Not to be a back set mod lol )
  15. look here http://forum.emergency-planet.com/index.php?/forum/82-alterations/ and just search the forums there are a bunch of things related to this
  16. To reynolds for a lovely day of youth football in the cold!

  17. If you can do a little scripting then you should be able to do the stations your self as its basically copy and past with making virtual objects, you also need to look at how to make your scripts multiplayer compatible. ( Make it work in single player first then worry about multiplayer ) The way i see it is you're wanting someone to do the hard parts when in reality you should be learning how to do it your self cause its your submod which means you will have to keep it updated and what if the person who does the scripting for you decided they don't want to help with the update then your screwed don't take this the wrong way i'm all for new mods and submods but i'm not for post asking for help. Show us what you have done and show us there is potential to your mod and people will volunteer to help! The way you're going about it is actually making people a little wary about helping cause it is though its not as much helping as it is making
  18. The numbers have nothing to do with which direction your units face in the station, In the script it tells the unit what direction to face. GameObjectList l4; Game::CollectObstaclesOnVirtualObject(VO_ENGINE03, l4, ACTOR_VEHICLE); if(l4.GetNumObjects() == 0 && !Possible) Possible = true; if (Possible) { ActorList l1 = Game::GetActors(VO_FP5); ActorList l2 = Game::GetActors(VO_TURNTO5); } else For example VO_FP5 is where the unit is told to go, VO_TURNTO5 tells it what direction to face and it then pulls into its parking Virtual object which in this code is VO_ENGINE03 so where you point your unit is based on the location of two virtual objects basically Edit: There is a bit more to it than that but in most cases that is the just of it
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