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Posts posted by groovybluedog

  1. Hi All,

    If anyone has modding or scripting skills and is wondering what to create, here is an idea;

    A mod that makes the icons on the map gray when units are inactive.

    It's a simple prospect.

    I'm just fed up of personal confusion between units that are on standby and those that are patrolling.

    The idea is simply to make units on standby a gray icon and those patrolling a different sort of gray.

    I hope someone can do this, but it's only a suggestion. Please post if you like this idea too!


  2. It has worked successfully for many people...

    But that's ok, everyone is entitled to their own opinion I guess...

    I don't know why it crashed. My system is fine, and other mods are fine too. Unless the creator can provide a simple installer like LA Mod which just extracts files to the locations then I'm out.

  3. Okay, however before I offer anything, I would like to know something;

    What do you have planned for this mod? Will it's development continue? Is it a serious project? Will you create more mods in future if this goes well? The point I am getting at is if this mod has a future or if it will be halfway abandoned during development like 75% of mods.

  4. "1. That not racism."

    Yes it is. Racism is discrimination against a classification of people, and english people are a classification of people. I have experienced this too. It's one of the troubles with unmanaged servers - Abuse. It would be a different story if the market for games like this was larger. (For example, The racing games market is large, thus EA put report features in their online games)

  5. Hi :)

    I'm looking for someone to play with! Have been playing EM4 for a while, but have onyl played 4 or 5 online games due to the relatively small English speaking online community. I like to play quite proffessionaly, so no messign around. oh and only English speaking please! I play with these mods, and would the London, (as i live there). Email, text, BBM, Facebook, PM or just reply to get started :)

    • London Mod
    • LA Mod
    • Original :)

    EMAIL: max_anderson123@hotmail.co.uk

    MOBILE: 07593150581

    BBM PIN: 238D5327

    FACEBOOK: http://www.emergency-planet.com/profile.php?id=100001497230538


    1) I am also looking for someone to play with.

    2) I too have played a little amount of online em4 games for the same reason.

    3) I agree. Most multiplayers are German or some other language.

    4) I too like to play professionally

    5) I like in the UK too - Our timezones would match. I can never find a GMT English Speaking Multiplayer.

    6) I personally dislike the London mod as it is incomplete and only play LA Mod at this time.

    7) I hope you don't post your mobile on every forum you visit. =S

    8) I like your hair =3

    Conclusion: I also like in the UK and I would like to play "professional" multiplayer with you via LA Mod.

    One thing... I like operating the Police. According to your name, you might too! Gah! Disagreements.

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