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Status Updates posted by Newfoundking

  1. Seriously guys? Now I think you're doing this just to screw with me

    1. Semper Fidelis
    2. EmC-Unit


      easy solution, set posting privileges like we got after posting a new thread (double post just merge)

  2. Stupid refusal to stop animations.

  3. That's right, Facebook is a public website folks

    1. Zach1019


      Haha lol. Yep it is.

  4. To end the topic that harasses me on a weekly basis, your right to free speech isn't what you think it is. You can't say whatever you want without being punished, and you can't use that as an excuse when you break rules here either.

  5. To Those wanting the NY Mod, it's been made into an E4Mod file, so you need to use the modinstaller. If you have a corrupt game, or pirated, it probably won't work too well.. Solution, reinstall the game, or buy it. If you bought it and reinstalling does nothing, contact the seller

  6. Told you, I am not as horrible as you think!.. Or Am I (laughs when members download my personal evil collection) XD

  7. You're welcome. 25 reports handled by myself

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. griffy


      no user reports

    3. cops


      for now it looks like you're the only admin active...

    4. Tank


      Thanks Newfoundking and yea i agree with you cops

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