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Posts posted by MikeyPI

  1. Once something becomes a DDS your only option is to go through and repair the quality loss manually unless you happen to have the original texture backed up somewhere.  With other formats as itch mentioned (though he left out bmp) they don't see the compression loss on the actual texture, only from what the game does real-time as an effort to adjust performance of the game.  The original texture when left in alternative format to DDS remains as it was originally unless you resize it.  As a rule though, up-scaling a texture has no impact what so ever on quality of it, at least until you go through and enhance it after an up-scaling.  If a texture starts out as 256x and is raised to 1024, it is larger but just as blurred as the original one is.. The truth is that it is quite easy to down-scale a texture if you so desire to improve performance, but doing the reverse pretty much leaves you starting over replacing details that were lost when it was scaled down by the original authors, so if you're going to scale up on a texture be prepared to invest a great bit of time in restoring the detail to the texture that was lost in the original scale.


    Even though both dds and jpeg have compression capabilities, when set to 0% compression on jpeg it retains the original quality when converting to that format, dds even when set to 0% compression tends to lose some quality in the process of the conversion to that format, on top of not having much effect on file size. Alternative format options including bmp and png do not have the quality losses, but bmp is by far the largest format that I have experienced, thus I use png instead, it doesnt screw up the quality of the end-product in the formatting and is a relatively decent balance when it  comes to file size.


    As to the author of the topic, please try to keep your posts together, you had 3 in a row, one was content update so that one we'd let slide, but the other two were question-oriented and could have been done in the same post, in the future use the edit button found on the bottom right of your post for things like that.

  2. Mods why isn't my last post being approved?

    Mintcake do you have any rough idea on the release date for this mod

    Sorry for spamming

    I have just made an account and I have lots of questions

    1). Because you had two pending posts, so one of them was approved, not both since they were both for the same topic...  In an effort to prevent a double posting from you it was not approved, but you triple posted anyway.


    2). See TOS this isnt something that is allowed either to be asking of the modding groups.


    3). Again not something that is permitted under TOS.


    Welcome to the forums, I strongly advise you to read the TOS before you proceed further since within 3 posts you've created you've managed 3 different violations here.  If you want to add content to a post there is an edit function found in the bottom right of your post, in the future use that to add more content to a post.  We have a rule against users posting multiple posts in a row, that is called "double posting", instead you should edit your existing posts.  Asking modders for ETAs on their projects, release dates, how far along they are etc. Is also against our rules here, they work on these mods part-time so it is strongly advised to let them work at their pace.  Nothing wrong with being excited for a mod, but asking such questions gets old fast since if allowed, everyone will repeatedly ask that very same question.  Lastly, Spamming=not allowed either, if you have tons of questions, compile them into one large post and perhaps the modders will answer them, just posting little questions here, then little questions there one after another falls under the double-posting rule and is a violation, instead make one large post if you have so many questions or alternatively wait for response to some of your questions from the modders and then respond with further questioning.

    If you just made an account I suggest that you read the forums rules asking for release dates is against the rules and spamming use the edit post button in future I only say this as otherwise the administration team may ban you but at very least will give you a warning point

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    We generally try to not have to take actions against people, but unfortunately sometimes we're left little choice but to act.  We do have lives so it can take us a bit to respond to issues but in this case 3 posts=3 violations.  The TOS found under the "terms" tab as well as what you were required to agree to upon signing up do apply, and it would be wise to at least browse through them prior to posting.  If people did that it would prevent such issues.

  3. Active players cannot give one another their units, some of the original game's structures has problems resulting in only the host being able to use/do certain types of events (the issues persist in the original game so it makes sense they carry over to mods).  The only thing you can do is recognize which things are problematic and ensure the host is in charge of those tasks where the other users handle other issues going on.  If I call out a fire engine I cannot give it to you.  There are certain exceptions in which things script-driven do not have ownership set, but the vehicles and personnel tend to have ownership assigned so the only way they can take custody of them is if you sent them back to the depot and they called them out.

  4. My question is has any of the team been to D.C. to see how large these structures really are?  The "downtown" working portion of D.C. those buildings are massive in scale, doing them realistically there would not be much actual town around other than the landmarks, with their landscape heavily abbreviated to make room for just the structures alone.  Do yourself a favor and just google the grounds for the White House (and ellipse as that is kind of part of the white house's area of responsibility).  The Natl. Mall area (that large open expanse of grass that leads to the Capitol Building, the Capt. Building it's self.  You'll see what I mean about the massive scales involved and hopefully understand you're going to have to come up with a way to handle that.  D.C. Has height restrictions in-place so buildings cannot grow up, instead they are a larger footprint to offset the height restrictions.

    The Runway added to the picture was taken from Regan Intl. At the same scaling, the documented length of that runway is on the top right of the image, so you would have almost two full length runways to just get the items included in the capture onto a map.  Just something to think about when you proceed forward here.

  5. That error specifically relates to your downloaded mod file.  Delete the mod file, clear your internet cache and try to re-download the file..  Might be worth trying an alternative browser if it keeps happening on your preferred browser.

  6. Im glad the admin finally stepped in and shut this mod down.  I downloaded it and played it for 10 minutes and realized it was someone elses map and itchboys vehicles added to the game and bam it was called 3.0 but I was not going to call someone out on the fact and get banned for causing trouble by the admins.

    Yeap why report something that is wrong and help anyone out, instead talk of how we finally stepped in when someone else reported it where you opted to not do so.  Your whole statement is a trip.  "calling someone out" does not apply when reporting something that is a violation, you've been around long enough you'd know that.

  7. Great, and here I am trying to fix these damn cars and they won't even function like normal. Should I just give up and return to [god's gift to man] EM3

    The ones that we made in V1 will work fine, it's the ones that you've added yourself that won't function properly without some work on your part.  The original vehicles for the most part should function fine, it's your added units that you've taken it upon yourself to add that will be incompatible with V2.  Most of the original ones should work as intended.  So that hopefully tells you what you wanted to know, the original stuff, should transfer, new stuff won't since we didnt incorporate it into our end. Plus you'd have a good number of new things you'd need to relight to make them match your submod.

  8. And unfortunately time for a staffer to enter into this one...  Your mod is missing very important things in it, I know as I downloaded it to verify this fact.  You have no documentation included in the download of the mod, the credits listed on the first page is nice and all, but it isnt a comprehensive documentation of those who contributed to this mod, not even close from what I understand of it just glancing.


    Therefore, for the time being this topic will be locked until such a time as you rectify this situation and appropriately credit everyone who should be credited, that means in the form of a document included with the modification along with the first post credits (which are incomplete as well).  At such a time as you've rectified these issues and have properly credited all individuals which have content within this mod, then we can release your topic back to you and move forward.  As it stands I do not see Hoppah credited correctly, nor anyone else involved in the LA mod, along with other credits being incomplete and/or totally missing. Including the original readmes from the LA mod files doesnt exactly equate to documentation since you probably removed/replaced some of the stuff listed in there out of the mod, make your own readme document that lists what is exactly in use.  It may be easier for you to just copy the LA mod readmes, but you did not just use the LA mod content, so you need the documents for your mod, not just the original la ones.


    Fix these  issues and include proper documentation IN the actual download that not only lists people, but also what their contributions are with regards to this mod.  If you wish to be credited for what you do, it is simply flat out wrong to not take the time to sort out who is responsible for which items that you've used and document their assets accordingly.  You were permitted to use them, in most instances authors just want to be credited appropriately. Make it right.

    • Downvote 1
  9. To clarify here I will start with a question:


    Do you actually own (have you purchased) either 911: First Responders or Emergency 4 and have it installed on your machine?

    The LA mod is a modification for these games which is available for free, but the game it's self is not available for free.


    Second question is if you do have 911:First Responders, or Emergency 4.  Where did you get the game from (which retailer) since some issues are specific to certain retailers, we have to know where it came from to help you.

  10. His modification will likely be incompatible until/unless he updates it.  While we are re-using many of the original vehicles from the released modification, his latest version from my understanding includes new vehicles which will no longer function with the new version, along with all the new additions which he does not have at this time.  If not for his additions of new vehicles I would say it would probably work, but adding new vehicles into our new modification requires additional work as opposed to the original release.

  11. You mean that someone would possibly be out to take advantage of people through modifications that they use? *shocked over here* 


    Common sense should tell people just because it's a mod does not mean it's any less probability it could be malicious.  If you can download it, if it runs in one capacity or another, it could be up to no good.  Such is why you use any "unauthorized" 3rd party content at your own risk.  Esp. with GTA you know people are going to be trying to get user's information.

  12. Looking @ your logfile my best guess is that you're running out of resources thus the game is terminating unexpectedly..  The question since I see you've got two mods installed, likely you're using the Canadian one during that logfile is this:  Does the game behave the same way with lighter/easier load mods like the original LA mod, does it behave the same way with the original default game?  If you are experiencing crashes after X minutes with everything, even the default game then you probably need to reduce the game settings further.  If it is with specific mods, they are likely unoptimized and are causing memory consumption to be irregularly high, or have something causing a memory leak.


    Try the original Default game or a lighter/known to be stable mod and see how long it permits play for you.

  13. It's a different system than the original version you all get to tinker with right now, so everything that did exist that we carried over had to be adapted to function under our new systems..  The "randomize" script that permitted different vehicles to be called out instead of a lengthy menu that sent each and every one manually is still in place, it just made more practical sense to use that method as opposed to menus that are over 40 selections.

  14. Absolutely, the mod would not make sense to be a ground-up replacement for the original, given the time it would take to replace everything so many of the original components carry over into the current version.  Just as LA did not abandon it's resources neither will NY.

  15. We already support Emergency 5 as evidenced by it having a forum category.  I have added a section for EM5 in the downloads section but do not expect it to be very "busy" since there are not many modifications for em5.  Most are just alterations of the existing framework.  Full mods as of yet do not exist really.


    If you're asking if the staff ourselves will be supporting em5 by creating mods, that is highly unlikely to occur.


    As to the question about cheats, there are no known cheats from what I understand related to EM5, the closest you may find would be trainers, but we @ EMP will never upload trainers to this site, you will have to search for one yourself on the net.

  16. No, the kuruma's window's arent armored =-( the one fatal flaw in both of those toys.. I personally <3 the insurgent more, it squishes anything in it's path.. Far more fun to play with.


    On topic we're very slowly because of the above working on more boat toys.. I will eventually knock them all out, but yep blame GTA.

  17. National Emergency Response Team is found to be a reincarnation of previously banned clans for inappropriate actions, as such trying to evade our system results in both yourself and the other member(s) who has previously led the other clans.  The most recent alias they went under was Southern Emergency Response Team, before that Portland First Responders.   Since everyone in this lot seems unable to learn the lesson I will just take the action of banning everyone associated with this clan.


    You may not create new accounts and/or rename the same clan and expect it to be permitted here, we will ban ANY users caught participating in such acts!


    Brad Maze aka Kyle Heimstead aka "not_so_social"






    All of you will be banned from this site for this misconduct.  


    See the first name for the other two individuals for why you've had actions taken against you. 

  18. No luck. Clean install of Win 8.1. Clean install(obviously) of EM4. Installed my 4x4 mods only. Tried loading your mod but got stock deluxe map and base with your units. However I tried loading it in 911FR and it worked. Guess I will suck it up and deal with 911FR. :(

    Idk why it does it for your version, but here's the way you can fix it for your purposes.  Copy the freeplay map, rename it as dfreeplay, along with it's dependents and it should work for your deluxe then.  We didnt do a Deluxe map, but for most people it just loads the freeplay included... So thats a fix for that which should make it work, it just wont have the deluxe missions.

  19. Integrated graphics chipsets are not ideal for gaming, so it is likely you will experience graphical problems with that particular graphics card.  Laptops are not ideal for gaming but can sometimes work good enough.  Many intel graphics chipsets have problems rendering for EM4 causing graphical glitches and defects.  My particular intel card does not have these issues but many especially lower generation versions do have those problems.


    If you want to be able to run gaming smoothly/well and you must have a laptop, you would be looking for a "dedicated" graphics chipset.  The most common dedicated cards that tend to do well are made by Nvidia and AMD Radeon R* series cards (IE R7 r8 r9)


    If a laptop has "shared memory" for it's video card and system it is an integrated video card and not ideal for gaming.

    Dedicated video cards have the memory for themselves built into them, they are more expensive but more suitable for gaming purposes.

    Avoid any video card that is sold with HD Graphics in it's name, most of those are integrated chipsets, for example the AMD Radeon HD series or the Intel HD Graphics Series.

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