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Everything posted by lacofd_FF51

  1. i love it!!!!!!!!! this and the emergency submod are the best things to come to this game ever!!!!!! how many stations do u plan on having? i know there are people out there willing to give the scripts for three fire stations. i think 3 mid size fire stations are good on a map(4-5 trucks per station). it may seem like overkill, but i think it is good to have a little extra units so ur not always calling units off the map. anyways this will ba amazing i can garuntee it
  2. its called "Emergency! The Final Rescues" made by Universal. its a 2 disc set for 24.99 i believe
  3. very nice! r u modeling 3 new stations or using the ones la mod provides?
  4. do u plan on having a paramedic ride in the abulance to the hospital with the squad behind? or just the ambulance goes to the hospital?
  5. kool tht will lessen the install time and increase the play time which im sure all of us agree with!
  6. beautiful. just simply amazing is all i have to say. will this mod include an installer, or will it be manual install?
  7. what r your ideas for this kinda thing? just curiuos
  8. i got an idea for the mod. what if, when u sent a unit somewhere, the personel would run out and get in the rig while the tones are dropping. example: u dispatch squad 10 and engine 10 on a traffic accident personel run out and tones drop. *tones* squad 10 engine 10, respond on a traffic accident. 13270 flower 13270 flower cross street main time out 13:45 and when the 2 units roll out the bay doors u hear la station 10 10-4 we are responding. if u respond a whole station, it says like station 10, respond on a structure fire.
  9. sorry but truck 10 was a crown cab with the base of the ladder closest to the front of the unit with the top of the ladder like this... http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.oac.cdlib.org/ark:/13030/kt7j49s124/FILEID-1.194.38&imgrefurl=http://www.oac.cdlib.org/ark:/13030/kt7j49s124/%3Fbrand%3Doac4&usg=__0y_UjwrMUZV0WLrO5sdgrSzF7nA=&h=735&w=1024&sz=251&hl=en&start=0&zoom=1&tbnid=ljFKaXa4_kNVoM:&tbnh=156&tbnw=219&ei=v8R6TcGzK4SClAfx3tS_BQ&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dcrown%2Bladder%2Btrucks%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26biw%3D1259%26bih%3D795%26tbs%3Disch:1&um=1&itbs=1&iact=rc&dur=471&oei=qcR6TbfwOIjbrAHhjuWuBw&page=1&ndsp=20&ved=1t:429,r:0,s:0&tx=161&ty=76
  10. no problem. any other things you need to know about the show, feel free to pm me. i know quite a bit for a 14 yr old
  11. helljumper51, if these stations are meant to be based of the stations from the actual TV series, you have confused a few. i know this is ur submod and you can do it any way u want, but if you want it the realest it can be, u need to switch station 110 and 10. in the pilot, it opens on station 10, which we see has engine 10, engine 210, truck 10, battalion 14, and squad 10. in the episode "the steel inferno", if i remember correctly, station 110 has squad 110, engine 110, and truck 110. again you can do it however you want, im just pointing out that you have simply confused stations 10 and 110. jsut had to point that out or it was gonna drive me crazy all night long.
  12. i cannot wait for this to come out! Emergency is my favorite TV show ever! also at station 10, if u were to add a squad to station 10 like in the actual tv series, i think that would add to the realism.
  13. that is nice!!!!!! exactly how i pictured it!! will this be in the place of the brush with the lev at the fire station?
  14. if u could make it work corses that would be cool on the hes or the lev! do u know how to do something like this? i mean it seams kinda hard
  15. how many fire stations will there be? and may i suggest that u put the LEV and HES behind the station and use the HES as a paramedic unit and the LEV as a rescue squad? also u could get rid of the brush and just put hose connections on the LEV. that woulld be really cool!
  16. do u know the station layouts yet??
  17. opened with word not wordpad and didnt get it
  18. so i just have to have <vehicle prototype="mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/02 LA Fire Department/light_equipment_truck.e4p" right? and also how hard would it be to have it spawn next to the hes at station 2? once i learn to do this i will change the outside layouts at station 1 to the way i want it.
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