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Everything posted by lacofd_FF51

  1. hey guys i want to enable the lev in 4x4 submod but dont know what to do could some one give me a hand?
  2. sounds great! lookin forward to more info!
  3. do u plan on using the current HES for squad 51 or do u plan on making a brand new squad to replicate the real squad 51 http://home-and-garden.webshots.com/photo/2344771360035315010VSemfn this is the body of s51 but this is s88 so if u plan on making this u would just have to # it 51
  4. i vote 1 at each individual pd station and really like adding the mcCormick to the hospital
  5. I LOVE IT!!!!! and yes helljumper51 is making an emergency! mod. progress is slow because he lacks a scripter
  6. may i suggest using LACoFD station 33 instead of 51s? 33s has a squad, engine, truck, patrol, and battalion.
  7. this topic isnt dead is it?? id really hate to see another great submod go down the tubes..
  8. i have this http://www.pcmag.com/slideshow_viewer/0,3253,l%253D238603%2526a%253D238530%2526po%253D2,00.asp?p=n but i want this http://www.mobilegazette.com/samsung-alias-2-sch-u750-09x05x13.htm
  9. helljumper51 is in the process of making an Emergency! mod and is doing a great job at it
  10. this is exactly why people should go and support their local fire department! this was sad
  11. if only i had a team to make an lacofd mod...
  12. if ur comin in here to say " oh this wil never work: u need millions" stuff like that, dont. im just a kid with an idea alright ive been readin the forums and ive read alot of similar ideas but i wanna throw my idea out there so here it goes. u play as an lacofd firefighter and as you advance and get more credits u can expand ur firestation buy new units or buy a whole new station that u can switch to at a menu in the fire station. the other units at ur station are staffed by people that u tell wht to do at a scene. u can change that staffing as many times as u want. also private ambo services would be included. u can be a ff/pm pm on an ambo pd officer or a firefighter.
  13. srry to bump but ive had the same idea for ever. my idea was once u advance farther into th game, u can upgrade to a bigger station add miore units to your station and have a follow command to have the men in the game follow u in their units. at a scene u tell them what to do then put out the fire and all tht stuff. all based off of LACoFD. great idea!!
  14. when the progress bar filled up it dissappeared and then nothing happened help!!
  15. ARE YOU SERIOUS!!! THAT IS MY ABSOLUTE FAVORITE SHOW!! does helljumper have any screens up?
  16. good luck and if it works can u pm me the files to make it work?
  17. does anyone have any information on possibly there being an LA mod v2.1?
  18. i cant find anywhere else to put this question so i thought of here. does anyone know if lacofd station 33 has their own personal patch? i wanna make a jacket with the patch on it plz help!!
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