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Posts posted by Soldjaboy

  1. Okay, here is what I have found.

    There is a gang member with a pistol in his hand on the Club Street. It's over by the train station. I deleted him through the editor and events are starting to happen sooner. Still takes a little time, but not too horribly long. How I figured this out is that I was in-game and just so happened to notice him. So I sent a PD unit to arrest him. As soon as he was he was transported to the station, I recieved an ACTUAL incident. This just might be a coincidence but, I don't think it is.

    As far as the street issues go, I'm not confusing paths with streets. I'll post of a screenshot here in a few to show you what I am talking about.

    Another bug I have noticed is that all of the people seem to stop walking on their paths. This meaning that they just all of a sudden stop.. That being said, they still spawn, so what you get is a LONG LONG line of people just standing around. I'm looking into a solution right now on my desktop.

  2. Hmm weird that the streets are not connected. I checked the map in the editor and here are all the streets perfectly connect. Maybe an issue with em4 deluxe > 911 FR? or something like that?. Why it takes forever to start the first events is a weird problem. I already tried to contact sixteentons on some more info about debugging the map, but offcourse no respons.

    Well, I have 911FR so that might be the issue. Either way, it's fixed now.

  3. To fix your editor/game crashing, DO NOT change the name of your .eft file. Leave it freeplaySE.eft. the only files that need to be renamed are "DFreeplay.dds" and "Dfreeplay.e4m"

    As far as the trucks facing the wrong direction, w00d's directions are correct. However, he left a very important detail out. You have a make sure your constant variables are named in the script. This being the gates. I will post up my script as soon as I get a chance. I'm at work atm.

    I have no clue as into why it takes forever and a day for an incident to occur. Also, all of the streets aren't connected. I went through and connected everyone. If you are trying that in the editor, remember......two blue and one red in the center means a street isn't connected. two blue with a grey in the center means everything is good to go.

  4. I'm willing to bet that those doors are square and are just placed BEHIND the arch. I do love that new station, Hoppah. How hard would it have been to import the old Station 2 from LA Mod from EM3? I'm just wondering. I have some extra money to spend so I'm thinking of getting ZModeler and doing some modelling for my own use.

  5. I was just wondering what units you all send to:

    1. Exploded Gas Pipe

    2. MVA

    3. Unknown type fire

    4. Active Shooter :sporty:

    1. The entire f'in department!

    2. Depending on how many vehicles involved, the entire f'in department!

    3. Of course, the entire f'in department!!!

    4. Everybody rolls!!

  6. Hey guys,

    Does anyone have a .jpg or .tga version of the default freeplay map? That or a site where I can get it would be nice. I deleted EM3 off of my computer a long time ago and I lost the CD. I am currently venturing into map making and using different maps for textures and such. Any help would be appreciated.

  7. Hoppah,

    I used the search function and didn't find this, but anyways, with the LA River. Are you thinking about putting a car accident there? That'd be pretty neat to have a car running into the LA River and having to use the crane to get it out. Just an idea.

  8. LOL! Stan, you are too nice. We used to ban people like this by IP for the more than one account rule on my old forum. ESPECIALLY if they talked to themselves...... That's too funny.

  9. Retarded post......

    I'm sorry, Hoppah, but I think it was a big mistake for you or Stan to allow people to advertise their reskins on the forum. Look at what it has started.

    Pyro....Why don't you go put yourself in Hoppah's shoes and have a group of people butcher your mod. Then you will know how it feels. No offense, to all of you skinners out there, but geez....

    Oh and Bama.....You did nothing but change Hoppah's model....That engine looks nothing like a Seagrave. Lights are easy too, btw, just time consuming.....

  10. Like Hoppah has said before. This is just a game. It's not a simulator. Also, you are correct, firefighters don't generally hang around in their turnouts, BUT again this is a game. I am willing to bet that 90% of the people that have the game don't even see/use the firefighters unless it is time to send them out to something. Even though the FFs in station uniforms were nice, they were actually pretty useless...

  11. I've tried what that link says, jsutton, and it didn't work for me. I think I found out how to control them, I need help on getting my virtual objects to work correctly. The N and S lights turn at the same time. Same with the W and E lights, but none of the virtual objects work, thus the cars still move.

  12. Engine 1 and Rescue 2- 1994 Pierce International Commercial Pumper - 1999 Ford F350 Light Rescue


    Engine 2- 2004 Pierce Contender Custom Pumper


    Engine 3 - 1998 HME Gatco Custom Pumper


    Ladder 1 - 1989 Pierce Arrow 75ft. Aerial


    2004 Kenworth Medium Non-Walkin Rescue


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