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Posts posted by Soldjaboy

  1. I agree with EM4life.  The best thing to do is sit back and wait for the investigation.  Speculation and "if"ing the situation makes it worse.


    I will say this.  I've been a law enforcement officer for 5 years in the south, and my beat was much like the neighborhood that the incident occurred in.  I completely sympathize with the officer.  It's a bad situation all the way around and all I can say is that I hope he has a good lawyer.  A few things that I've noticed have pissed me off.  I don't agree with them releasing the officer's name.  Yes, it is public information, but that officer's life is in serious jeopardy now.  I hope they at least assigned a good protective detail for him.  Some media outlets putting a racial spin on this is completely outrageous.  The same goes for the ignorant asses in that gang infested neighborhood that are feeling "oppressed" by the white police.  That is just STUPID!  No one will understand unless you spend one minute in the police officers' shoes that have to work housing projects that often get over ran with gang activity and ideology. 


    As for the militarization of the police force......I'm just going to say this.  There is a war in the US.  It's the police force vs gangs.  Police officers down here often find themselves out numbered and out gunned.  Equipment such as high powered rifles, armored vehicles, and heavy armor for officers is meant for high risk situations.......violent protest being one of them.  People have the right to protest peacefully. However, it's the officer's job to ensure public safety and they react to what situation is thrown at them.  Anyways, I could preach all day but like EM4life said, it's better if we just wait for the investigation to complete and go from there.

  2. I love the ambulance, goog! I thought it was sort of odd when I viewed it through zmodeler, but it fit in quite well IMO.  I did remove the lightbar and added one of yours from the F350 ambulance.  Not that it didn't look good.  It is just a pain in the arse for me to light up. 

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