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Status Updates posted by sgtmatt325

  1. Thanks to the help from Hoppah i got the Limited Water Supply to work for LLV Mod

  2. I'm sad Hoppah didn't update the Water Supply Guide yet :(

    1. cops


      don't complain...

    2. sgtmatt325


      I'm not i'm just saying its called freedom of speech

  3. If anyone on here is planing to play GTA Online don't waste your time cause its really bugging and its unplayable until Rockstar releases a update to fix it

    1. Marshall8946


      Yeah, I called it. You'd think they would see how much they received in sales to understand the mass quantity of players hoping to be online. I mean, they even waited two weeks after the game was released to enable online..

    2. sgtmatt325


      Rockstar can only test the server so much until they have to release it and like millions of people join and see what bugs happen then repair them

  4. Think i found my hardest script to put in a mod...BMA

    1. cops


      I know some more things than only the BMA :P

    2. Hoppah


      My hardest script was the limited water logic script. Omfg

  5. Hey if anyone wants to play EM4 La mod on online or the NY mod message me :)

  6. I hate being sick it sucks

    1. Kermit


      What do you have?

      If it is migraine it sucks, if you have to run to the toilet every 5 minutes, it's sucks, but if you are able to game, it doesn't sucks! :)

  7. If anyone has some free time an can make some skins for me PM me please

    1. sniper3369


      I will make you a deal. If you are willing to learn how to do this yourself I will make you a single skin. While I am doing it I will record it and put it up on youtube so that you can learn for yourself. If this seems reasonable to you PM me with the photo of the vehicle you want. My personal preference is to do police units

  8. If anyone can tell me how to add units from one mod to another please mesage me

    1. LoKii


      Hi, I am trying to figure out the exact same thing. If you do get an answer, could you let me know please?

      Cheers :)

  9. If anyone knows the owner of the FD skins in NYC mod 1.01 please PM me

    1. sgtmatt325


      FD people skins i mean

  10. Whats the best one to release a BETA with all the units reskined or with haif of them done??

    1. jdclark2008


      depends on how happy you are with your work. I say once people see what you up too..they will scream for more and maybe even help out.

  11. Anyone know where to get a Dodge Durango model?

    1. Hoppah


      At the Dodge car dealer ofcourse

  12. Ugh why can't someone make a Fire Tanker (Tender) mod for GTA SA already. Only 2 people started them and they quit a week later :(

    1. Handsup!


      GTA SA is probably going to lose favor with the new GTA coming out, and it's pain in the ass to model something for that game and texture it most likely.

      It's probably not worth it to them

  13. Anyone know where i can get a Chevy Van Ambulance model

    1. squamishfire


      if you talk to goog and ask really nicely he might be willing to give you a blank... are you looking for a chev demers or a chev crestline?

  14. There needs to be more American Fire Trucks like KME, Sutphen and E-ONE

    1. Unit 42

      Unit 42

      I only see Pierce

  15. Lovin' my new gaming computer :D

    1. Handsup!


      Gimme dem specs bro!

  16. Question for the pro modders: What program to ya use to convert a map into .tga

    1. itchboy


      Converting .eft into .tga isnt possible I believe. It is up to the modder/developer to release the open .tga file of his/her map texture to the public.

  17. Chicago Fire is on in 10 mins ARE YOU READY???

  18. Looks like its time for me to get back working on the LLV mod :)

  19. i like brownies im random ok

  20. Can anyone log into facebook? for some reason i can't

  21. Today is Chicago Fire day whos ready!!!!

  22. Oh man can't wait for next week

  23. If anyone has free time can you send me a link of how to setup traffic lights i can control with a stop vehicles command

  24. so everyone knows all xbox LIVE services are down heres the link http://support.xbox.com/en-US/xbox-live-status

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