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Everything posted by Sawdbuster

  1. Okay, but what if I resize the truck?
  2. I want to know if I could add NNico's Ambulance for Emergency 4, to Em3? if it is possible, I would want to know before I completely screw up my Emergency 3 edits.
  3. Sawdbuster


    Yeah, I buy TT from Canada and the shipping isn't killer.
  4. No one is recruiting, which really sucks, because Imagine seeing your hopes and dreams go up in flames without any chance of saving it, because there aren't enough guys to do so, I can't believe why everyone is spending their money like there is no tomorrow, so no one can pay for ANYTHING ELSE.
  5. alright, I added another truck to Mods/Prototypes/01 Ambulance and then packed the files in the editor, but even when i re-loaded the mod, it didn't show up in Prototypes(Scene) so can you guys help me out?
  6. I think if you can unpack the files and texture them, it will be fine but I think you should find someone to help you with the firestations
  7. Alright Now I need to add a new truck into the game, which would be NNico's F-350 Ambulance to the NYC mod as Private EMS. the forum won't let me add my 2D texture.
  8. I blame the world economy, some morons invest in a project that epically fails, and now everyone is losing money, except for those really rich people, who just had to sell the Segways they use to travel in their houses, but anyway, the Police and fire Dept recruiting roosters are in the toilet, because they have no money, I can't believe that it has come to laying off FFs, I would rather see teachers fired, even though what I really want to see is no one getting fired, but life sucks and you have to make it work. Remember to not to pay attention to the propaganda and do the right thing for you.
  9. Sugar, We're going Down (Going Down Swinning)
  10. that's deep..... I don't truely know what I want to do, it is still up in the air, but I really want to be a FF because I don't how to do anything else for a job right now, except a student, (according to my teachers). but mmy life is the last thng I want to worry about, I love helping others and I think that is how I should do it. I would much rather go down singing, than on a bed. Live long, live bored. Live quick, live amazed.
  11. wel, what gub are we talking? P90, M4, PSG? And how much FPS? If its breaks, will it be worth fixing? you want to get a good reliable gun for all shooting, especially if you want to fight.
  12. there is a tutorial bar up on the top below the logo, check there, but try and find some modellers and see what they have to say
  13. soulbody has a topic that has all the versons of the LA mod, you could get v1.9 and play that, and then add the NY submod to v2.0
  14. well, can you skin over vehicles, I can for the NYC mod, but my computer won't let me unlock the LA trucks, so that is my downfall. Anyway, if you can Just add and skin Vehicles, making a small mod won't be a problem and you can get someone to help you add scirpts like stabilize. But I think the hardest part will be making (if you're going to include this) is the Super Station.
  15. You guys always seem to amaze me! I love the bomb truck! Can't wait for release!
  16. well here is the tech tow truck if it helps....
  17. Sawdbuster


    he is my squad. It is a Peirce Quantum cab avec a body with 4 different compartments, a pump panel, and a hose bed (sorry for no photos of that).
  18. Sawdbuster


    Aright which off these dealers is closest to you? http://www.brickarms.com/resellers.aspx
  19. okay................. If you can get the Wrecker to work like the large Viking, (NYPD Big Tow) I think it would work.
  20. Are you going to put a tailgate on the superduty? This just accrued to me, if your not doing any map edits than I could use these units on the original freeplay map right? Sorry again for the mix up with the textures and the map.
  21. I wasn't trying to be rude,okay, but in the editor that are already V3O, but I got the files from the manual file off of the OS:©/Program Files/Sixteen Tons of Entertainment/Emergency 4/Mods/ LA mod v2.0/Models/Vehicles/Civil, and there.
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