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paulo ve

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Everything posted by paulo ve

  1. Movie Stretcher http://youtu.be/ohDQwQXc0-I
  2. yes, in many countries there trucks tank trucks that supply smaller, such as a tank that goes fast in the forest, and a large truck that does not enter or jamming in the mud, it would be more realistic in the game! Another good thing is that it would be acabace truck in the water tank and fill the small car combat fast!
  3. one water tank truck to attach the hose to another truck just add water, like a transfer between them!!
  4. one water tank truck to attach the hose to another truck just add water, like a transfer between them!!
  5. dyson created this! //****************************************************************************************** // #Version 1.6# // Script by Dyson - Use in other mods is permited but credit is required // //****************************************************************************************** int DummyGroup = 20; const char NAME_WATERCON[] = "hose_connection"; const char NAME_HYDRANT[] = "hydrant"; const char CMD_DUMMYATTACHFH[] = "DummyAttachFirehose"; const char CMD_REMOVEFH[] = "RemoveFirehose"; const char DUMMY_CHANGE[] = "DummyChange"; const char AUDIO_HOSE[] = "mod:Audio/FX/equipment/hosecoupling.wav"; const char PROTO_UFL[] = "mod:Prototypes/Objects/Equipment/firehose02.e4p"; const char PROTO_SROHR[] = "mod:Prototypes/Objects/Street/hydrant01.e4p"; object AttachFHVehicle : CommandScript { AttachFHVehicle() { SetValidTargets(ACTOR_OBJECT | ACTOR_VEHICLE); SetPossibleCallers(ACTOR_PERSON); SetPossibleEquipment(EQUIP_FIREHOSE); SetIcon("AttachFireHose"); SetCursor("AttachFireHose"); SetPriority(120); } bool CheckTarget(GameObject *Caller, Actor *Target, int childID) { if(!Caller->IsValid() || !Target->IsValid() || (Caller->GetID()==Target->GetID())) return false; Person c(Caller); if (c.GetEnteredCarID() != -1) return false; if(Target->GetType() != ACTOR_VEHICLE) return false; Vehicle v(Target); if(v.HasCommand(DUMMY_CHANGE)) return false; if(v.GetEnergy() > 0.1f * v.GetMaxEnergy() && v.HasChild(NAME_WATERCON)) return true; return false; } void PushActions(GameObject *Caller, Actor *Target, int childID) { Vehicle v(Target); Caller->PushActionMove(ACTION_NEWLIST, v.GetChildPosition(NAME_WATERCON)); Caller->PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, CMD_DUMMYATTACHFH, Target, 2, false); } }; object DummyAttachFirehose : CommandScript { DummyAttachFirehose() { SetGroupID(DummyGroup); } bool CheckTarget(GameObject *Caller, Actor *Target, int childID) { } void PushActions(GameObject *Caller, Actor *Target, int childID) { Person p(Caller); switch(childID) { case 1 : { char wstring[5]; snprintf(wstring, 5, "%s", Target->GetName()); if(wstring[0]!='v' || wstring[1]!='e' || wstring[2]!='r' || wstring[3]!='t') { p.RemoveObjectInRightHand(); if(Target->GetType() == ACTOR_OBJECT || Target->HasName(NAME_HYDRANT)) p.AssignCommand("AttachFHVehicle"); p.EnableAutoTarget(false); } else { p.PlaceObjectInRightHand("mod:Models/Objects/Equipment/firehose02.v3o"); p.EnableAutoTarget(true); } } break; case 2 : { Vehicle v(Target); if(p.GetBoundingRadiusDistXYToObject(&v) > 50.f) { Game::ShowHelpTextWindow("Vehicle too far away!"); return; } float r[9]; v.GetRotation(r[0], r[1], r[2], r[3], r[4], r[5], r[6], r[7], r[8]); p.SetPosition(v.GetChildPosition(NAME_WATERCON)); p.SetRotation(r[0], r[1], r[2], r[3], r[4], r[5], r[6], r[7], r[8]); p.SetAnimation("none"); p.EnableAutoTarget(false); //p.Deselect(); p.SetFlag(OF_HIDDEN); //p.SetCommandable(true); Audio::PlaySample3D(AUDIO_HOSE, v.GetChildPosition(NAME_WATERCON)); p.SetResistance(INJUREREASON_UNKNOWN, 100000.0f); p.SetResistance(INJUREREASON_CONTAM_ATOM, 100000.0f); p.SetResistance(INJUREREASON_CONTAM_CHEM, 100000.0f); p.SetResistance(INJUREREASON_CONTAM_BIO, 100000.0f); p.SetUserData(v.GetID()); Person n = Game::CreatePerson(p.GetPrototypeFileName(), Caller->GetName()); p.GetRotation(r[0], r[1], r[2], r[3], r[4], r[5], r[6], r[7], r[8]); Vector PerPos = p.GetPosition(); if (n.IsValid()) { Game::FindFreePosition(&n, PerPos, 100.f); n.SetPosition(PerPos); //n.SetRotation(r[0], r[1], r[2], r[3], r[4], r[5], r[6], r[7], r[8]); n.SetPlayerMP(p.GetPlayerMP()); n.SetHealth(p.GetHealth()); n.SetUpgradeLevel(3); if(p.IsSelected()) { n.Select(); p.Deselect(); } char wstring[6]; snprintf(wstring, 6, "%s", v.GetName()); wstring[0] = '0'; int vID = atoi(wstring); char nstring[9]; snprintf(nstring, 9, "vert%i", vID); GameObjectList list = Game::GetGameObjects(nstring); for(int i = 0; i < list.GetNumObjects(); i++) { list.GetObject(i)->AssignCommand(CMD_DUMMYATTACHFH); } } Game::ShowHelpTextWindow("Engine Hooked Up to Hydrant"); } break; case 3 : { Vehicle v(Target); Person p(Caller); float r[9]; p.GetRotation(r[0], r[1], r[2], r[3], r[4], r[5], r[6], r[7], r[8]); GameObjectList list = p.GetObjectsInRange(400.0f, ACTOR_PERSON); for(int i = 0; i < list.GetNumObjects(); i++) { Person n = list.GetObject(i); if (n.GetUserData() == v.GetID()) { n.ClearFlag(OF_HIDDEN); n.PushActionSwitchAnim(ACTION_NEWLIST, "idle"); if (p.IsSelected()) n.Select(); n.SetUserData(0); if(StrCompare(n.GetPrototypeFileName(), p.GetPrototypeFileName())!=0) { n.ChangeModel(p.GetModelFileName()); n.AssignCommand(DUMMY_CHANGE); } n.SetResistance(INJUREREASON_UNKNOWN, 0.0f); n.SetResistance(INJUREREASON_CONTAM_ATOM, 0.0f); n.SetResistance(INJUREREASON_CONTAM_CHEM, 0.0f); n.SetResistance(INJUREREASON_CONTAM_BIO, 0.0f); n.SetPosition(p.GetPosition()); n.SetRotation(r[0], r[1], r[2], r[3], r[4], r[5], r[6], r[7], r[8]); p.PushActionDeleteOwner(ACTION_NEWLIST); n.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, CMD_REMOVEFH, &n, 0, false); char wstring[6]; snprintf(wstring, 6, "%s", v.GetName()); wstring[0] = '0'; int vID = atoi(wstring); char nstring[9]; snprintf(nstring, 9, "vert%i", vID); GameObjectList list = Game::GetGameObjects(nstring); for(int i = 0; i < list.GetNumObjects(); i++) { Vehicle vert = list.GetObject(i); vert.RemoveCommand(CMD_DUMMYATTACHFH); if(vert.GetNumUsedConnectors()>1) { Game::ShowHelpTextWindow("Water Supply Needed"); /*GameObjectList list2 = vert.GetObjectsInRange(3000.0f, ACTOR_PERSON); for(int a = 0; a < list2.GetNumObjects(); a++) { Person ff = list2.GetObject(i); GameObject hydrant = ff.GetHydrant(); if(hydrant.GetID() == vert.GetID()); ff.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_NEWLIST, CMD_REMOVEFH, &ff, 0, false); } */ } } } } } break; case 4 : { Vehicle v(Target); if(v.GetNumUsedConnectors()>0 && !v.HasCommand(CMD_DUMMYATTACHFH) && !v.HasName(NAME_SROHR)) Game::ShowHelpTextWindow("Water Supply Needed"); else { Caller->PushActionCheckFreeConnector(ACTION_APPEND, Target); Caller->PushActionUseEquipment(ACTION_APPEND, Target, childID, 1.0f); Caller->PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, CMD_DUMMYATTACHFH, Target, 1, false); } } break; case 5 : { Vehicle v(Target); if(v.GetNumUsedConnectors()==0) { Caller->PushActionCheckFreeConnector(ACTION_APPEND, Target); Caller->PushActionUseEquipment(ACTION_APPEND, Target, childID, 1.0f); p.PlaceObjectInRightHand("mod:Models/Objects/Equipment/firehose02.v3o"); } } break; case 6 : { GameObject g(Target); float r[9]; g.GetRotation(r[0], r[1], r[2], r[3], r[4], r[5], r[6], r[7], r[8]); System::Log("wFreeplayLog: Placing Standrohr"); Vehicle s = Game::CreateVehicle(PROTO_SROHR, NAME_SROHR); if (s.IsValid()) { s.SetRotation(r[0], r[1], r[2], r[3], r[4], r[5], r[6], r[7], r[8]); s.SetPosition(Target->GetPosition()); } int PlayerID = Caller->GetPlayerMP(); s.SetPlayerMP(PlayerID); Caller->PushActionUseEquipment(ACTION_APPEND, &s, childID, 1.0f); Caller->PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, CMD_DUMMYATTACHFH, &s, 1, false); } break; } } };
  6. Hoppah have in mind to make a scritp to attach a tank to another tank??
  7. //****************************************************************************************** // #Version 1.1# // // Script by Hoppah // // Usage of this script in other mods is NOT allowed without permission of Hoppah // //****************************************************************************************** bool OnLoad() { start(); System::SetEnv("e4_doocclusion", 0); Process::Kill(); return true; } void start() { GameObjectList l1("fs1_cp"); if (l1.GetNumObjects() > 0) { GameObject Obj = l1.GetObject(0); Game::ExecuteCommand("VcmdStart", &Obj); } GameObjectList l2("random_check"); if (l2.GetNumObjects() > 0) { GameObject obj = l2.GetObject(0); obj.SetUserData(1); obj.Hide(); Game::ExecuteCommand("RandomSpawn", &obj); } }; Help as is??
  8. Another idea would be cool on the gasoline vehicle, after going to the occurrence returned to base, but first had to pass the fuel station! But that for another time!
  9. bool OnLoad() { start(); System::SetEnv("e4_doocclusion", 0); Process::Kill(); return true; } void start() { GameObjectList l1("fs1_cp"); if (l1.GetNumObjects() > 0) { GameObject Obj = l1.GetObject(0); Game::ExecuteCommand("VcmdStart", &Obj); System::Log("WATER, Start DummyCheckWaterSupply"); } else System::Log("WATER, Can not find object with name: water_supply_main"); } GameObjectList l2("random_check"); if (l2.GetNumObjects() > 0) { GameObject obj = l2.GetObject(0); obj.SetUserData(1); obj.Hide(); Game::ExecuteCommand("RandomSpawn", &obj); } }; Tem um problema hoppah,erro sintx???
  10. Thank you credit for Dyson manhatan mod, modified for sc mod!!
  11. You're the beast hoppah has a script in manhatan the firefighter engages a hose on a truck on the other, it would be possible to put together with the water supply?
  12. Hello Nathan, congratulations for the script, it would be possible to spend a tank of water to support another tank??.
  13. Hoppah Hello, congratulations for the script, I have a serving for freeplay so that the water turns into a truck TLF and asks for a hydrant to testing it with the water supply.
  14. would be possible to connect the hose from a truck to the other? would be interesting!
  15. New Video http://youtu.be/ipa5YDqufUw
  16. Can I make the circular saw to cut trees, but firefighters here use to cut metal;
  17. Do the video, but you used a place to put the equipment jaws of life on the ground, and most have two jaws of life different from the circular saw and pliers with. http://youtu.be/4ygWzoWbV3Y
  18. Group search and rescue http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=85EFMcTX_AY Remove Vehicle cutter people
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