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  1. Just found a bunch of assets for us that would be useful in this forum page The link is below https://www.ctfirephoto.org/Joe-Marino1/FDNY-THE-70S-80S
  2. But, it's not to say that the FDNY has not been to different parts of New Jersey, they have been on scene for incidents involving bridges, tunnels, and airports. For example, if a fire occurs on a bridge or in a tunnel connecting New Jersey, the Port Authority of New York and the FDNY are notified to respond to the scene. So, in conclusion we could still technically add FDNY units considering Jersey City is a part of New Jersey..
  3. @mercurygrandmarquis1 Can we atleast have some FDNY units in the FD category for Mutual Aid? Because I know for a fact FDNY has sent units to Jersey City for mutual aid a BUNCH of times, So there's not reason to NOT add them.
  4. Aww damn, i thought there was gonna be FDNY, NYPD and EMS lol
  5. @efrenteo I don't actually know which borough, but I'm excited for this mod!
  6. The 1993 World Trade Center bombing was a terrorist attack that had been carried out on February 26, 1993 when a van bomb had been detonated below the North Tower of the World Trade Center complex in the parking garage killing six people in the process of it all.
  7. I know, but I was referencing the bomb call because of what happened at the Trade Center back in 93'
  8. Question, considering it's both NY and 1993, will we have a bomb squad related call, for example, "Bomb alert! the bomber is fleeing, arrest and take them away, you also need to extinguish all fire and if nessecary treat any casualties."
  9. Having a bit of an issue with the mod, how do we get the new vehicles in such as the Pierce and the FHP Durango?
  10. I have a suggestion, considering the mod is going to take place in the 80's and 90's like LA Nostalgia I was thinking not only that the uniforms and vehicles be changed depending on which decade you play in, but the weapons that are used as well. For example, in the 1980s the NYPD has used Model 10 and 60 revolvers, but for 1993, it would make sense to change to the Beretta or the Glock, and for ESU in the 1980s I would suggest M16's and for the 90s, the MP5. If you would like me to send some 80s and 90s ESU stuff i'll definitely give it a shot.
  11. I know, but i thought i might just post them anyway just in case you wanted to use them or something.
  12. P.S, the Division Chief cars could also double as BC cars because they use the same vehicles except these have the word Division Chief on them.
  13. Here are some examples of some FDNY Spec i found, hopefully it's helpful in some way
  14. Oh and dont forget I managed to help find some FDNY spec as well in one of the EM4 Discords a while back so i've contributed a bit as well. My name is Evan aka AwesomeFireman2500, i'll also do the best i can to contribute to this project.
  15. I actually found out the answer for this.. A few seconds after he pulls up, he goes to the trunk, opens it up and puts on a Deputy Chief helmet. So it's basically an unmarked car for the Assistant Chief, Deputy Chief, and Fire Chief. But for some reason nowadays they paint the Chief cars black like an unmarked cop car. I honestly think the white paint scheme with the city logo looks a lot better. If not the white, atleast paint it white on the roof and red on the bottom like the BC cars with the word Asst, Deputy Chief, or Fire Chief
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