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Status Updates posted by Marshall8946

  1. Last day as a senior in high school!!!! Still stressing out about the criminal justice lab and math exam though.. Im pretty excited and nervous at the same time..

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Todd15


      I miss high school.. haha. Where else are you locked up all day with girls?

    3. Marshall8946


      ^Hahaha!!!!!!!! Yeah Im going up to Stark State for Homeland Security Information Technology and after that Im going for Cyber Security and Computer Forensics Technology. Then transferring to Akron U for Criminal Justice! I cant believe its all over!

    4. griffy


      nice my friend and yes todd thats true but most of the girls in my school aint all that good looking

  2. Little teaser posted on the FB page! Its not much, but its something!

    1. Fred03


      Might e nice to post that on here too, it is a possibility not all members have a Facebook account.

    2. Marshall8946


      Yeah, but since its not that big of an update I wont be posting it on here. The big video will be shown on both sites.

    3. EmC-Unit
  3. Looking into dispatching for the Ohio state highway patrol!

    1. Fred03


      Dispatching is a noble, if difficult job. Good luck!

  4. Maybe you guys can tell me more. I have searched all over and can’t find the answers. The game I want on my computer, doesn't like my Intel graphics, of course I plan to get something better in the future. I looked over the graphics info and everything seems like it would be okay, but I don’t know. Here’s the image of the system requirements and my graphics info. Let me know if it should be okay.. http://www.flickr.com/photos/marshall8946/8530854041/in/photostream

    1. Handsup!


      I believe CYRI is not the way to go. Details are vague. Do all your other specs meet the requirements? You can maybe run it if so, could we also know the game? Is it new? Old?

    2. Marshall8946


      Yep, everything else passes! Its the new SimCity. Thank you for your help!

  5. Only two weeks away from Christmas, and not even a drop of snow here!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Rlast


      That was just the smouldering ashes from the people burning cars.

    3. Fred03


      2 words "lake affect"

    4. Marshall8946
  6. Playing the Ravenna Submod and many more on a 39' 1080p tv! I'm extremely happy right now! Now, onto Arma and OMSI :)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Fred03


      Feel free to record a little of that Ravenna game play for the rest of us.

    3. Marshall8946


      Haha, we'll see. Since I installed Arma, my computer hasnt been wanting to be able to record in higher quality anymore. It may be because of the memory on my computer. I dont know.

      Plus Ill be showing another video quite soon. I just updated five vehicles lights, made some more map edits, and added two new vehicles to the game along with two new people to play with. I also added your idea into the game. Which came out great!

    4. Fred03


      Sounds good, I will be looking forward to seeing what you have been up to.

  7. Ravenna's Graduation tomorrow! I'm pretty excited and nervous...

  8. Since its always said, I just have to ask out of curiosity. Modelers speak of getting work done in free time as a hobby since its unpaid. But I'm curious how much would a modeler ask for, for a simple model? I'm not asking, I'm just curious of prices.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Freelancer


      I believe it's not designed for 1 person to download it's designed more for game company's that have decent amounts of money to spend.

    3. FIREfighterjr


      That's true....I have to admit their are very nice fire and police units on their.

    4. Marshall8946


      I personally use to go to this site to get all my free models.


  9. Some new images loaded up to Flickr for anyone who cant view FB.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Fred03


      I see. Perhaps however the loader is scripted would work. IDK, I know little about scripting. Looks really cool though, in reality wouldn't the EMS and SD use UTVs like the Polaris Ranger though instead of golf carts?

    3. Marshall8946


      Yeah, I know its scripted which is my weak point at the moment. And yes they do! But also no one has created such a model and that is way out of my hands to create. So instead I just used the golf cart to make it easier on the player to get to tighter spaces.

    4. Fred03


      I see, makes sense. Good luck!

  10. The Vehicle Callout Navigation Bar download should be approved soon for anyone who wishes to use it.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Marshall8946


      Haha its nothing major! Its just a minor edit. It was first shown off in the Ravenna submod FB. Then I had some requests for it so I made it public.

      Heres what it is:


    3. patvmru


      great work wicked looking if I work out how to mod a complete submod ever and find decent basic enough info and or videos showing every step of making a mod and how to bring everything together I would deffo want to use your UI for the catagories! I think they look absolutely great at first I thought you had meant a GPS Navigation tool for the units in game which would of also be cool

  11. Well, I may become a firefighter now.. I stopped at the city's station today and talked to the guys there. I just gotta think it over now.. I also got a ton of pics and the videos I need!

    1. Fred03


      Think on it. It is one of the best things you can doo for your community. However it is a big commitment and not for everyone.

    2. Five_Motor_Three


      If you have the opportunity and that's your best career choice availible, then you should do it! It is a big commitment though just like Fred said.

    3. Marshall8946


      Oh no! Ill be doing volunteer for a while, but that wont be my career. My career choice is law enforcement. But Im only 19 and have to wait till 21. So I mise well do something in the mean time.

  12. What are some good sites to get emergency sirens??

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Marshall8946


      That is all I'd need. I have a sound editing program that I've been working with greatly.

    3. Marshall8946


      Thank you! Ive been using that now.

  13. What causes the crashes when you edit the fire departments model of the building? I keep getting crashes with all the fd building models when I edit them. But vehicle edits work just fine..

  14. Who here knows how to create lightbars? Im in need of some new lightbars for the Ravenna submod and the submod that's coming after that. They are nothing difficult or complicated.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Marshall8946


      Okay, I can send you some pics and you decide. Do you know of any tutorials on modeling so I can start doing some stuff myself.

    3. cops


      yeah sure, send me the pics and I'll give you a tutorial ^^

    4. Marshall8946


      That'd be amazing!! Sending them now :)

  15. Who here uses teamspeak? It can be for anything. Im just curious. I made a new 'mic click' sound as a dispatchers would be and am curious as to who would like to use it.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. cops


      haha so I guess this is a compliment for my English ^^

    3. Marshall8946


      It sure is! I always thought you were naturally English...

    4. cops


      haha thank you :)

  16. Who on here plays multiplayer? And what mods do you play online?

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