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Posts posted by CanadianFrog

  1. 10 hours ago, AgentSmith6 said:

    Much appreciated, AJ Illenota has been a fantastic resource all around. His own vintage MA archives are incredible for those that are interested in that area. It's going to be so cool to see the contrast even in the Aerodynics between NY and LA style 

    At the risk of going too off topic, if he's got anything from the western half of the state, please send him my direction

    As for folks posting their own photos, go ahead. Crowdsourcing research is a great way to keep this thread active and remind me to work on my dozens of outstanding/unfinished assets.

  2. Folks, I’ve got a project here I’m very excited to share with you all.

    Just about two years in the making, in quiet group chats and google drives, I am very happy to officially announce Project NYstalgia, a mod themed around New York City circa 1993.


    If you’ve followed me around on Discord since 2021, you might recognize this as “that private edit I was messing around with.” Well, since then it’s been torn down and rebuilt more times than I’ve bothered to keep count of. A few times, I even got damn close to shelving the whole project.

    But, I get by with a little help from my friends, who have pestered me and made sure that this mod stays in my head. There are many people to be mentioned, but I need to give a particular thanks to @mercurygrandmarquis1 and @Jules617 have provided invaluable research assistance, @Newfoundking has taken some of the load off my shoulders with lighting, and @itchboy has provided a majority of the models.

    This project is to blame for why Edgewater and Hill Street Blues have gone belly up recently. My focus will bounce back to those, eventually, but I’d like to see this through all the way.


    When will it be released? When it’s done.

    When will it be done? When I say so. 


    Anyway, enough of me yapping. You all want screenshots.

    NYPD Caprices and Econoline van.
    Vehicle models by Itchboy, textures by mercurygrandmarquis1. Fedsig lightbars by EmC-unit and rihis.





    NYC EMS Caprice and Bronco 
    Don't worry, we've got regular ambulances on the way
    Vehicle models by itchboy, textures by mercurygrandmarquis1. MX7000 Lightbar by hoppah LA mod team.




    New York City Housing & Transit Police Gran Fury and Caprices.

    Vehicle models by itchboy, textures by mercurygrandmarquis1. Fedsig streethawk lightbar by EmC-unit and rihis.





    Traffic enforcement Caprice and Taurus 

    Vehicle models by Itchboy, textures by mercurygrandmarquis1. Fedsig lightbars by EmC-unit and rihis.





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  3. On 12/6/2023 at 7:45 PM, EncikAnuar said:

    why I saw some white square on light , could someone pls give me the light patch (i forgot where i download)

    The coronas from the miami mod should suffice.
    I hope in the future to make needing to install another mod's coronas irrelevant. It's nice that it makes me feel like it's 2017 again but it just shows laziness on my part as a dev.

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  4. I've got something tonight I'm very excited and proud to show you all.
    My very own whelen FastTrax rear module for Itchboy's CVPI. One of the fugliest lightbars of the late 90s is perfect for this project
    Lighting demo to come at a later date- I'm still playing with the timing and patterns.


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  5. On 5/18/2023 at 2:13 AM, LT_Shadow said:

    Mmm. I remember playing that game on my tablet. Was fun and challenging at the same time. Even played it on my DS a few times. Good times and frustrating times cause I was younger and more stupid at that time lol. But looking back at it. Still fun to play.

    At the risk of getting too off topic - I'm so happy someone else remembers Emergency on the DS. Everyone I speak to swears it doesn't exist, even though I know I'm not crazy cuz I still got the cartridge! Honestly it was a super good game - original missions in it's own right and not really a full port. 

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    On 5/4/2023 at 11:40 PM, LT_Shadow said:

    I feel that too. I played EMHQ and never returned to that game. Never been much of a fan of mobile games (unless I was on the road obviously). At least there's another Emergency game coming out at some point. Yay..? I just hope they don't end up like every other game this past year. Rushed, unfinished, and broken. 

    I still remember the Emergency 2 port they put on phones way back in the day. Now THAT was an emergency game worth playing on the road.

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  7. On 4/9/2023 at 4:13 PM, sportsguy672 said:

    When I try to use the dispatch button it crashes my game. But other than that i love the car models. I tried reinstalling the mod and if i try to use the dispatch group 1 and/or the dispatch command that the chief/supervisors have it crashes my game any fixes?

    Have you updated your mod recently? I haven't had this crash since after the old LAFD Patrol was added.

  8. On 2/17/2023 at 7:24 AM, coastiestevie said:

    Couple of bugs I noticed; whenever you call an engineer to repair vehicles using the table outside the fire station by the shell gas station, the engineers run all the way over from the main station by the police station. Is this mod still in progress?

    This error comes from the LA mod. I do not know how to fix it, nor is it a priority of mine to fix it. I personally have never used the feature, so it is not on my radar.

    I woke up this morning and suddenly remembered I forgot to share anything I've done. oops.

    I'll start posting the backlog. Stating with these edits of Itchboy's Ecto-One from a few years ago. 

    Itchboy is to be credited here for everything except the skin and the small edits. In the future, I hope to show off more content made specifically for this mod


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  9. Well I'll be goddamned someone's gone and actually done it

    I wanted this mod to be my little "intro to modeling". It turned out to be way more complex and take me another two years to learn. Yikes. 

    Truth be told I also wanted this to be a little bit of a  "middle finger" to the Weldforshire guy after he got rude in the thread I linked back in the main post. Oh well. I'm glad I grew out of that pettiness. 

    Sorry for bumping the old thread but...it's mine so 😛

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  10. Over the last year, I've seen a phrase pop up constantly in discords, comment sections, and forums all over the community. The exact wording changes but the common theme is always the same. "Private mods killed this community." I'm sure everyone is guilty of daydreaming over City of Angels or River Falls at least once, it's only natural. But those mods aren't private because of some ill will of the creators, nor are they harming this community. No, dear friends, the fault is ours.

    I am a relative newcomer to Emergency 4's community. While I have been playing the game in one form or another since 2011, I only took an active role in the community late in 2017. Even so, over the last five years, and after reading several old threads and speaking with some real "OGs" of the community, it's pretty obvious that we only have ourselves to blame for the current state of things. MikeyPI made a pretty well structured post in 2015 about why he and Hoppah were deciding to hold development of the NYC mod for the time being. I'll post it below, as it's worth reading. I'll also post a link to the thread if anyone else in interested in scrolling through a seven year old locked thread.

    MikeyPI's post from 16 June 2015 (spoiler tagged for the sake of formatting)


    Well, they say imitation is the greatest form of flattery, I wonder what it is then when someone just takes yours as their own...  I can't personally see it as flattery, but perhaps that's just me.  If not for the fact that we've already went down this road once before, and were given word that it would be resolved then I figured this would no longer be a problem.  Apparently taking this issue in good faith was a serious mistake, and I gave too much credit to the level of respect people are capable of.  There is a difference between accidentally doing something, and knowingly with full intention taking advantage of something. The first time something like this happens it's possible it's a misunderstanding, the second time it happens from the same people it's just pathetic.


    What people fail to grasp is the level of time invested to do this type of hobby, time that could be placed into other things instead.  It is of course "not a big deal" when you're not the one actually taking the time and putting your effort into something, so I do not expect anyone who does not do it to understand my feelings..  I would expect other modders to grasp the concept though, and the flat out disregard for this just frankly speaks to a situation where people just prove their character for what it really is.  I've put a good deal of my time and energy into this project, working when I could to try to improve the modification as I went along and ultimately gained experience.  When it came to people asking to use the things that I put the time into, I simply asked to be informed so I knew where and how it was being used, and usually I let people have at it.  When people are just taking things without even so much as a common courtesy, that is a problem, but to take something and claim it as your own, that is just ignorant.


    I don't figure that the community as a whole will frankly care what's transpired, more or less just figure "but that's toys you're taking away from me", and in fact it very well may, which is a shame.. Ultimately though it falls on the offenders for the faults in their actions that out of respect one would hope they would be up front about, but time and again people prove incapable of that courtesy, yet expect the respect they're incapable of giving to others...  The problem going forth is that I value my time greatly, and don't enjoy feeling it's being wasted, when someone is not only taking things that I put effort into, but taking them and not even using them in a different way from the way that I did, it really sits badly with me. Couple that with the indignant belief it's acceptable to not only take things but claim them as yours, yet expect people to credit you for yours speaks to an egotistical hypocrisy.


    This community was intended to be a collaborative place where people could share and work together on things, ultimately it has become a place of givers and takers.  Where people have no qualms about stomping over anyone else so long as they get what they want out of it, which is fine if that's what you want to have, I certainly don't think it's an ethical way to be.  Take the time to think about the time invested by the people before you screw em over, for you it may only take 15 minutes but someone took the time and effort you're exploiting. This type of behavior that has become standard as of late may keep the gimmick "toys" coming that the community wants, but ultimately it also reduces the desire of people to waste their time in providing new and interesting things for the community to enjoy, if the goal is to ensure that people stop bothering to try to evolve this aged game all that has to happen is what has been a problem of late and people will stop wasting the time.


    Because of how I feel regarding this stupidly ignorant scenario that has been presented, but more importantly the way in which it has been handled I figure it is not worth the hassle of wasting my time any further.  As such I am suspending this modification unless Hoop feels so inclined to continue forth with it, I can find more prudent things to do with my time rather than wasting it only to have others not only jack the things I put time into and claim them as their own, but to do so in such a way they feel compelled to be indignant when someone catches them.. The arrogance involved to think this way just boggles my mind, it ultimately comes down to respect of one another and the time and effort placed into even a hobby.. It may be "just a hobby" but it's still my time invested into this hobby, and ultimately what's the point in it if people can't even be respectful of one another when it comes down to it in the end.


    For me unless something changes to drastically change my view, I'll find better uses for my time rather than trying to put new content into this ancient game that a limited number even play.  I as of right now see no reason for the effort when it'll just be hijacked without any regard what so ever for the time I put into it.  Thank you to everyone that supported what I tried to do while working on this project, it had its fun moments and was a good bit of work, but ultimately this latest affair just comes down as another example of everything that is wrong with people's viewpoints when it comes to respecting people's effort.  The reality is I can just as easily take the things I've put effort into as a hobby and sell them as opposed to making them for this game, and frankly with the lack of appreciation for the effort it certainly looks more practical to do that instead.

    and here is the thread if you want to read further (highly recommended) 

    By my own interpretation, Mikey wanted to wait until the state of the community improved to release his work into our lives. The state of the community never did improve, sadly, so NYC V2 stays forgotten on a hard drive somewhere, probably forever. Nowadays, all I see is people complaining about this decision. Hardly a new thing, even in the original thread some people whined and moaned over the dev's rightful decision, but what was once balanced with some messages of sympathy is now just the voices of the masses crying because they couldn't play with a new toy. 

    Thats the root of it, in my opinion. We've become so obsessed with something new. Everyone wants a new mod so they can play something just a little different, but that desire for more has given way to a monster - theft. Now is this the "legal definition" of theft? No, probably not. I've had it argued to me that no civil or legal action can be taken for anything in this game because of all sorts of varying reasons. But my rant here has nothing to do with legality, but about respect. 

    Itchboy is the principal victim of this nowadays - look no further than his parking script to see what I mean. All he can do is ask politely for us to refrain from using an asset he placed his effort and time into creating, and a portion of the community has walked all over that. All his scripts, models, etc. Same goes for EmC_Unit. You need not look too far to see an edit of the Miami mod out there, even though it is forbidden in the terms of service.

    I'll take a moment now to acknowledge that not everyone is guilty of being a vulture for other's content, this site in particular seems to have no issue for it whatsoever, and for that I am thankful. I'm sure that what I've been referring to this whole time is simply a vocal minority, their actions speaking loud thanks to their discords and other websites that function as an echo chamber. But the problem is certainly widespread enough to be of concern to all of us. Why should Itchboy, EmC_Unit, THVFD, or anyone else for that matter release anything anymore? None of us want that, but it's near impossible to blame these long time developers from wanting to withhold some of their work from us. 

    It's not about greed on the dev's part. Itchboy alone publishes dozens upon dozens of free to use models for us if we really aspire to create our own mods. He's also present on the forums to answer questions, even the most ammeter ones. (He helped me greatly in my early days of modding.) The problem is greed for us. We become so blinded by seeing things that are "new" and we forget that these developers are owed respect of their boundaries. Their time and effort has gone into creating a product for the community, it is the absolute least we can do to be able to recognize that we shouldn't view all these projects as a depot for spare parts. But we have been treating these projects as depots for spare parts. That is what is killing this community. Not private mods, but our own greed. 

    TL;DR - If we weren't so greedy about assets, we would have no need for private mods.

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  11. I'm away for the moment, but I've got some screenshots I'd like to share.

    Some of you with a keen eye may have already noticed, but if not, these screenshots will make it obvious.

    Edgewater is not officially in Michigan! Wanting to keep Edgewater's small, seaside city vibe, while also wanting to bring the community something new, and also my unbridled love for the mitten state, influenced this decision. 

    Anyway, heres a Michigan staple, the somewhat standardized design of a Michigan Sheriff Cruiser.

    Itchboy's 2003 CVPI with ThinBlueLineKY's Whelen Centurion 20220308203727_1.jpg

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  12. Tonight, dear friends, I share with you my updates to the Edgewater Police Department!

    For fans of the old "Colgate toothpaste" design, I have some bad news. I scrapped it! I decided I really wanted to embrace the police car styles of the early 2000s.

     I present to you two variations of Itchboy's Crown Victoria model, one with a 2003 styled grille and one with a 1998 styled grille. Both also have Cops' Whelen Edge 9000 strobe lightbar. 20220704213401_1.thumb.jpg.3cc15719fcdada75fe25e89170f6ff75.jpg20220704213350_1.thumb.jpg.ec07122b8457302e73113ae2eeef3598.jpg

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  13. 1 hour ago, EmC-Unit said:

    Good job! But imho whlen led lightbar looks to small on firetruck.

    I've heard similar from others, so right now I'm exploring my options for a larger, more prominent strobe lightbar instead. I plan on re-lighting all of them anyway since their lighting doesn't meet my current standards.

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  14. Alright everybody, gather around because I have some updates to share.

    Despite my lack of updates, I have been working on and off on this mod for the past year! And I'd like to share what I've done with all of you, even though it isn't all final yet.

    First, I'd love to show you Edgewater's "new" fire engines. Using Itchboy's Sutphen cab, as well as the rear from his Ward LaFrance ambassador E17, I crafted two 90s era Sutphen Deluges, with an edited Whelen edge 9000 lightbar by Cops for one, and ThinBlueLineKY's Whelen Centurion for the other. These will be Edgewater City's two frontline engines.



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