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Everything posted by billyfromhill

  1. I was poking around in the editor and I discovered that the SWR truck was carrying hose. I checked the unit XML file and it wasn't listed there so it seems to be a bug.
  2. Mike, is 88's USAR the only rig staffed each shift? I read somewhere that 88's is the only USAR staffed All the other USAR rigs are cross staffed with an 800 or something.
  3. There's no need to call a chief from offmap. What I usually do is hotkey the inital chief you get at the start of freeplay and have him stand out of the way. I then send the staff assistant into the station and then I sound the alarm to get another BC and SA to man the SUV. As for ladders vs. engines, why not try using the light force command on the BC? You say that you would prefer an engine, but a light force gives you both a ladder and an engine for the most flexibility. With a light force you can have 4 lines plus the wagon battery plus the truck's master stream, and you have another FF to use a hose from a hydrant or for RIT. A light force is usually enough to handle just about any fire ingame. Even for the bigger fires a task force is usually all you need. @ swatlord, my hotkeys do that also, it's hit or miss. How it should work is when you tap the hotkey once, the unit is selected, and when you tap it twice, it will jump to the unit location.
  4. What you can do is hotkey an extra battalion chief to stand around the station so you can quickly dispatch units via his commands.
  5. I think the problems with Vista stemmed from all the crap that OEMs install on their computers. When I built my computer I originally used Vista (7 wasn't out yet), and I encountered none of the problems or bugs that people have been reporting (although UAC was damn annoying), because I didn't have all the extra crap. I also think Vista got a bad rap due to the bugs it had when it came out. SP1 fixed all of them however. People still heard Vista was buggy and, not knowing SP1 fixed them, stayed with XP. I also think part of the problem was that Vista (which is more resource hungry than XP), was installed on computers that couldn't handle it. Basically the same computers that were coming with XP, were all of sudden running Vista, and as such they ran slow. Windows 7 fixed everything wrong with Vista, and today there is no reason why any new computers (even netbooks) should be coming with Windows XP.
  6. The mission fix worked for me. I played the first mission and after it all the missions were still there.
  7. Don't laugh. There is a fix out there for old video cards that involves baking them in a hot oven. It supposedly fixes the micro-fractures in the solder by heating the solder up just enough so that when it cools the solder is free or cracks. People did it with 8800 GTXs and 8800 GS's.
  8. Yeah, you should start making skins for the LA mod.
  9. Do you honestly need 16 GB of RAM? You don't need that much for gaming. You only need that much if you do heavy photo and video editing.
  10. Widescreen is what is relatively new. All the old CRTs were 4:3 which is why 1080 and 720 never were around back then.
  11. Make it 1920x1080 because that's the more common resolution (and it's the resolution of my monitor). 1280x720 is a bit low for computer monitors, and 2048x1152 is sort of uncommon.
  12. Exactly, most people on here probably know more about the LAFD and LAPD than the majority of people living in LA.
  13. I can run EM4 @ 1920x1080 with W7 64 bit. I've never had any trouble with changing the resolution.
  14. I have the same problem on 911FR. No matter how many times I replace the file I don't get any more missions.
  15. In Ohio they have a law now that requires you to have your headlights on whenever your windshield wipers are on.
  16. Try setting your resoultion to the native resolution of your monitor. Sometimes the video settings are too low, causing the CPU to do most of the rendering. With higher settings the GPU may do more of the work freeing the CPU to run the game.
  17. Here's mine. I use the gadgets on the right to (top to bottom) shut down, restart, and lock, monitor CPU and RAM usage, monitor network traffic to and from my machine as well as to see IPs (internal and external) as well as signal strangth and IP lookup, and monitor drive space. As you can see I'm loyal to the EVGA brand. Both my GPU and mobo is EVGA.
  18. It should be an Arjent or a MX7000, but there's no gaurentee. That show has been known to use fake police cars.
  19. Sorry, I meant the 195.62 WHQLs and the 195.81 betas.
  20. I would think that when the headlights were switched on, the flashing would stop. I've seen police cars with wig-wag BTT lights that revert back to regular BTT lights when the brakes are applied.
  21. Well, if you already have the 192.62 WHQL drivers, you could try the new 192.81 beta drivers.
  22. The one in the bank I don't believe is the easter egg. The "other" gold bar gives you a ton of money when you find it and pick it up.
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