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Everything posted by Dakota

  1. To shed some light on the tactical medic comments: There are a few different kinds of tactical medic. There are doctors who respond out with SWAT Teams such as in Dallas. There are fire department, ems service or private ambulance EMTs or Paramedics that are trained to work with SWAT Teams in a tactical sense, the majority being the sit outside and wait, although in some sort of tactical gear. There are the same but trained to operate as a tactical operator and a member of the stack with a firearm and actually go in. And finally there a police officers trained as a paramedic who take on the swat medic role for their team going in with the stack, armed of course. So a SWAT medic may or may not preform "police duties" and may or not not be armed or even allowed inside until an area is deemed clear. Yes the SWAT Medic Ambulance isn't very realistic but it's fictional, I get that. In real life most of the time a FD/EMS or Private ambulance will be called to the scene to stage and transport the injured seperate from the tactical medics who will be responding in whatever vehicle is assigned for that role, SUV, chase car, whatever. The gear for the tactical medics may be stored in an SUV, on one of the swat vehicles (which can very well include repainted/ refurbed ambulances or bearcats or both) This coming from a real-life paramedic who has recieved tactical EMS (aka SWAT Medic) training and exposure. FDNY also has "HAZTAC" ambulances. They're still normal paramedic ambulances with a some specialty paramedics with hazmat and rescue training and a little more equipment. To my knowledge they don't do much with SWAT besides sit outside and wait around though. NYPD ESU has officers trained as paramedics, I believe Toronto PD does too since they have a pretty big police force.
  2. I prefer Dell over HP, but I also prefer to build your own rather than buy a pre-spec model. Intel graphics won't do much for you, spec your own an get a good card such as nvidia or one of the other big names and a large amount of ram.
  3. Yeah so it's an unmanaged server then, meaning no support, just you. That's cool, webhostingtalk.com is a great reference for any issues you may have, from security to server config.
  4. If you can't take negative criticism than why are you involved with public modding? The negative will always be louder and in more volume than the positive. That's my opinion. I don't think any modder should expect the community to kiss ass and appease them for what they promise or show off in screens myself. Nor should they stoop to an unprofessional level by getting into arguments or posting rants about the people who will be playing their products, take the criticism choose to embrace it or ignore it and move on, no need for any of this. And to imagine the public wants releases as soon as possible, well that's just shocking! Who knew? In the end you shot your own foot by teasing too much way too soon, perhaps modders should reconsider when they announce their projects rather than making people wait years for a buggy release. Let the final product speak for itself. We can wish things aren't the way they are, say they shouldn't be, claim people should have more respect and so on and so forth, but that won't change reality. This isn't something isolated to modding or emergency-planet in the least. And it won't be changing anytime soon. [/end opinion]
  5. So you must run on an unmanaged VPS then if you have to purchase an admin program? Or using a windows server rather than a linux server, in which case cPanel wouldn't be an option. I'd suggest doing some research, you're only two options should really be Plesk or cPanel as they are the industry standard, with cPanel having better support and an active developer community as compared to rough history with Plesk. Both can do about the same though in terms of function with Plesk doing more if you're reselling hosting, although if you pair cPanel with WHMCS that problem is solved. http://www.webhostingtalk.com/showthread.php?t=1094466 http://www.webhostingtalk.com/showthread.php?t=936510 http://www.webhostingfan.com/2009/08/control-panel-battle-cpanel-vs-plesk/ cPanel doesn't cost me anything with my host or any of the hosts I've been with though.
  6. Any reason why you're moving away from cPanel if that's what you use, or have you considered it if it isn't? I believe it's about a 1/3 the cost of Plesk.
  7. Finally done with my 48 hour paramedic refresher.

  8. Dakota


    They aren't as proactive as you might think when it comes to spam, it gets put on a very long to do list by FBI's cyber security division to be handled when they get to it. Only the really big stuff gets any attention these days.
  9. Dakota


    Is it going through the IPB or an external source? You may want to do a quick sweep of the FTP for unknown files that have been added to the server and obviously password changes to your cPanel.
  10. There are some cool looking German ones, although they are German.. so it doesn't help me who only speaks English.
  11. Ah yes, money you'll wish you wouldn't have spent later in life.
  12. http://www.southpark...-you-doing-this http://www.southparkstudios.com/clips/412210/jackin-it-in-san-diego
  13. Just don't come crying to me if you end up naked jacking it San Diego
  14. I have a question, is the "Like" system disabled for all members, or is just me? whenever I try to "Like" a post using the button I get the following: "You have reached your quota of positive votes for the day"
  15. Dont pick a school based on what firehouse it's next too... Go where you'll be best able to prepare for your future and make a good life for youself, then move based on what firehouse you want to be next to. Good luck with the cost of living if you do though.
  16. I play under the PSN ID: kotaco With my gaming clan http://clanmXm.com Obviously on PS3
  17. Not at all, feel free to shoot me a PM here or via email dakota0626[at]gmail.com 3.3 is nice, it adds a few admin and user management features that make life a bit easier, not much else is drastically different. I like it.
  18. Updating isn't too bad. The only thing that can make an update hard is losing the SQL database somehow (always back up first folks!) or if one of your mods doesn't work with the latest upgrade. Anyhow, glad to see things are up to date. There are some mods out there to help combat the spam, plus the built in stuff, I didn't notice when I signed up, but you can tie IPB into akismet.net spam protection. And this: http://community.invisionpower.com/files/file/3916-jg32-jg33-forum-spammer-ip-email-check-via-stopforumspam/
  19. I really don't see how that helps at all.
  20. After trying the Manhatten Mod I'm back to the LA Mod and Newfoundking's NY Mod. Manhatten Mod is far too buggy for me right now. Would be cool to see this one come out within the next year or so.
  21. Apparently it was a botched release with lots of issues in the first torrent. There's a new link up at their website for a second torrent that supposedly corrects those issues.
  22. You should look into using a IPB based forum, way better than phpBB in my opinion. Free one's at http://www.invisionfree.com/register/ That's whay I used to use before I was able to spend extra money on licenses and such for the real stuff.
  23. So long as it's in good faith yup, but that doesn't stop people from sueing anyway.
  24. People just don't care about others anymore is the main problem. Our country has become so focused on the practices of only doing something for themselves at whatever cost to somebody else. If it's not their problem then it isn't worth their time, if they see somebody hurt ah he'll be ok somebody already called 911 for them no need to stop and see. The majority of calls we get for fires or car wrecks come from passerbys who provide the worst information and don't even stop to see if somebody is ok, or warn somebody their house is on fire or check to see if their house is even what's on fire. They just whip out their cellphone, call 911 and say umm this is what's here but I'm to busy to stop and get involved, that's not my job. At least their calling but come on. Liability has also messed our society up, the people who would at least try and help are scared of being sued for whatever reason so they don't even bother. But when you witness an attack on a police officer, or see a public servant like police, fire or EMS hurt and don't have the decency to walk over and check on them or call for help, that just shows how little our society values these people who go out there trying to keep some order and protect our way of life and that is disgusting to me. Even if you are one of those immature people who has the "F da police" mentality, it's still a fellow human being behind that badge who deserves to go home to his or her family. [/end rant]
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