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Everything posted by helljumper51

  1. Does anyone know how the process for adding custom models to the game would be? Any ideas?
  2. I am definetly looking into modding for EM5....

  3. This is one of the stations, the vehicles are place holders for now. http://s52.photobucket.com/user/helljumper51/media/Em42012-10-2616-53-52-62.png.html?sort=3&o=7 http://s52.photobucket.com/user/helljumper51/media/Em42012-10-2616-53-57-88.png.html?sort=3&o=6
  4. Units are almost all done. I think 3 need to be skinned, but otherwise they are good. Map texture is done, and now I need to place objects and start working on the pathing and scripts.
  5. And I also suffer from, idea-itis......it is where you get new ideas all the time and things start changing ha ha. Right now, the big thing is the map. Since I can;t actually make a map of wyoming county, I want to make one where it is representative of the county in a similar fashion. Hills, winedy roads, rivers, forset, small towns, etc
  6. I have been working on it this whole time. But things in my life changed, as they always do ha ha, so its slower progress. I went active duty army so I work on it in my spare time.
  7. This happened to me. It is a problem with the UV Mapping. zmodeler uses a more, I guess the word is primitive, way of UVing a model. I get those screw ups sometimes too. What I usually do is just convert it to a .3ds and reconvert it back to a .v3o in zmod and it works for me.
  8. No it is not only for multiplay, but along the way it will be encouraged. I designed it to be clan friendly so EM4 clans can use dispatchers and multiple fire and ems stations.
  9. Nah, with out Fire 8-1 there police kind of lost its pizzaz.......it was always a fun time when he would make his own police force and go rogue on the city.
  10. You guys did awesome work blackout! Jeff, the reason they usually ask for a mic is because in teamspeak they sometimes have a dispatcher and use the voice chat like a radio you would hear in real life. it adds to the immersion and if you had to type out an onscene report, then that would get tiresome very fast ha ha. In the past they have had members who even have speech deficiencies join, and we all understood them fine. I say give it a shot and see if it works and if you like it, you never know!
  11. I am so happy to hear that they not only recognize the modding community, but are embracing it! Emergency 4 wasonly so successful because of the modding teams out there now!
  12. I dont believe you need permissions, as hoppah said awhile ago that anyone can release his work as long as he is credited. http://www.losangelesmod.com/faq.html
  13. Just highlight two of them and send the to hq??
  14. http://forum.emergency-planet.com/index.php?/topic/16732-5-major-tips-for-people-new-to-modding/
  15. Hey guys, I am just finishing this model up. Figured I would show you all before I texture it! Itsbased off of a mini-pumper design. IF I were to put it ingame, I would make this like a light rescue/ems unit with 2 hose connections.
  16. Ok Guys, here is something that I have noticed alot and alot of new modders get mixed up. There is a difference between Skinning and UV-mapping. When I say skinning I am actually referring to the art of Re-skinning, or changing a texture. I see alot of new mods coming out with the leaders having no skills but Skinning, which they mean is "I can take an already done skin and make it look different". Thats great an all if you are doing a submod, but if you are doing new models, then you need to Skin them, or more technically, UV Map them. UV Mapping is the process of taking a polygon and assigning it a location on a 2d template or "Skin". This involves going into a program like 3ds max and zmodeler, and clicking on each polygon and assigning it to the texture in a specific spot. It is actually a long and tedious process. So keep this in mind if you volunteer to work on a mod or try and create one and say that you can skin. To me, a modeler, I think "Awesome! I dont have to spend days working on a model and then spend another few days skinning it! He/She can do it!" When in reality the person means, "Give me an already skinned model and I can change the color!" That is no bueno. I do not intend to lessen those of you who have learned to Re-Skin units, but it get tiring when I get requests for models and people tell me they can skin it, and then come to find out they just want me to UV Map it blank so they can skin it. To me I would rather spend the extra half hour adding the details since I have to do it anyway. So next time you tell someone that you can skin, remember the difference between Skinning and UV Mapping and clarify for them. Or even better, look at hoppah's tutorial on UV Mapping and do it on your own! Its very easy to do and you dont even need a full version of zmodeler to do it! UV Map Tutorial: http://forum.emergency-planet.com/index.php?/tutorials/article/3-zmodeler-2-uv-mapping-texturing/ As a Side note, I might be doing more of these PSAs. Just to clarify things for some people and to give more info on modding.
  17. The next person to ask me to either do all of their work for them or to be a partner in the "Next LA MOD" please, if you want me to help, atleast have a plan or something. I am not going to reply unless you can sell me on your idea. I am just getting way too many messages about it

    1. Zach1019
    2. rafaelmfernandez


      Manhattan Mod v3? Do all my work please? Hahaha

    3. cops
  18. Hey guys. I am looking for someone who knows or even better, who is from the Chicago fire, police, or ems services. If you fall into this category please PM me. I am looking for further details about the city's emergency services system and inner workings. Thanks!
  19. Sweet...becuase I have been working on a new hosebed, that by itself is 9k polys lol.
  20. Well My first suggestion would be to search the forums for posts about it. We get these questions all the time and there is not just ONE way to do it. My suggestion is to go to the downloads sections and download a premade car. Then follow the tutorials on skinning, lights, and putting cars ingame.
  21. I am doing a test model now to see if my models make a difference with a high poly count. The only thing that keeps adding up is the hosebed. I have always found issues with hoses not "looking" the part and even though I have done some tricks in the past to hide it, it never looks very good. Ha ha an d I am not as blessed as Mike with good textures. I will say he did a good job teaching me what he could when I worked with him, but Alot of my textures always turn out flat.
  22. Whatever vehicle you replaced( the ladder as an example), you need to go to the "LATo FireStation" Script and in the top bar fine where the "Ladder" prototype file is defined, and then change it to the new protoype location.
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