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Everything posted by Ami89E1234

  1. i played CoD4 all night yesterday and the manual made it look hard. its really easy and GREAT! lol, its still a bitch though because i was 'recommended' to play on hardened (the second hardest). oh well, i think im on the last level anyway. @ Pyro: thx. i think im gonna use my oodles of birthday money to buy a 1 year Xbox Live GOLD membership since that was the ONE THING my parents didnt get me
  2. it was my birthday yesterday and among other things (an iPod Nano to name one) i got: 1.) CoD4 2.) Blacksite:Area 51 ive only played Blacksite and its AWESOME! but its hard on even easy lol. graphics are good and gameplay. the reason i havent played CoD4 yet is that the controls look like a bitch to get used to
  3. hot - no rain yesterday like it was supposed to. anyway, im glad it didnt rain cause it was my birthday because after the bowling party, i few of my friends wanted to swim
  4. wow, those antique trucks from the 20s/30s are TOO detailed, i wouldnt even try to make them. but i LOVE the trucks from the 40s
  5. 1). Tiller trucks are IMPOSSIBLE to add to the game correctly (they wont work) and will NEVER be added. 2). An air truck is completely useless given the fact that there is an unlimited amout of oxygen and water. A light truck, i dont think is possible as i believe a model can only have one superstructure? besides, theres already a ton of vehcles that have spotlights 3). Realistic missions? how are the ones now not? 4). isnt it pushing Hoppah too far? he probably wont make new missions besdides the ones he will copy/paste 5). the traffic density isnt very easy to edit. simple answer: it cant be done 6). making night darker: Impossible
  6. Rome? hand pumps for a gas explosion? lol, they wouldnt have gas explosions Man gets mauled by lion in Coliseum Emperor gets murdered. Ooh, they need to make a show like Reno 911! only with an Urban Cohort - it could be called Rome 210AD!
  7. emergency 3 editor in the emergency 4 topic!? *gasp* you have to make maps in photoshop and then put them in the game files.
  8. i dont have Vista so that shouldnt be the problem. ill try some things.
  9. still hot here - and raining like every day or every other day in a t-storm for like 5-10 min of INTENSE wind, insane rain and lighting and thunder. wierd. weve got a t-storm coming in right now. other than that, its only 80ºF
  10. i dunno. Commander Rasseru made the map in photoshop, maybe he has more details of the actual size n stuff. about m18, its not appearing in the main load list, but its in another thing, and when i check the map file, its there, but just not showing up. it was a jpg and tga. i changed it, but then it crashed after i loaded it. this is so wierd and annoying
  11. yeah, we played like ALL morning yesterday. sorry for off topic
  12. or, jsut used the pd helicopter and press the track button on the car, guy will get out and u can arrest him.
  13. off topic but happy birthday em4fun! hope u get lots of stuff - i still have to wait till thurs for my bday though oh well
  14. ok, kind of hard to explain, but i have a problem with maps in the editor - they make it crash. Commander Rasseru made some maps that i need to make the stuf for Tokyo Mod, and so he gives me a map as a .rar file. (about 90000 kbs) i download but made a mistake: accidentaly opened it with photoshop with Always open this type of file check clicked. so thats prob why its not working. i put the map i then converted to .tga in the Tokyo mod folder and try to open it with the editor. no dice. shows very strange map, almost if the map wasnt a 24-bit tga. i try everything: map the e4m, dds, and eft files of the map, no dice; the same it loads and shows the screwed up map and crashes 1 sec later or when i try to move. try to imort the tga and save it as an eft file - after i click the save button, the editor crashes (no error message in any of the crashes) so today i want to open the game map m18 texture and build an area 51 but its not there. i find it, but do the exact same things as with the other map and the sme crashes at the same places. here it is after i rename all the files then it crashed a sec later so does anyone know how to fix these problems and why is the official map not there? - i know i havnt bugged it. thx
  15. wait, then i did get them right. isnt it the same for the streets?
  16. FUN!!? i hate them. when i get them, i send USAR dog and pd. then i get too busy to deal with it (4 fires, 2 amoks, a riot, and a nice radiactive cloud to top it all off ) plus, that damn dog couldnt even find a bone in a cemetary, let alone a person.
  17. dont worry, I can play sometime soon Commander
  18. i thought the missing person already required a dog team and investigator to inspect the body. once he inspects it, a suspect randomly appears somewhere on the map. maybe its only in deluxe.
  19. wait, so you have to put the white line in the middle of a lane? i thought the white line was in the middle of the road. crap
  20. the most realistic fire ive been to (besides the ships and LAX tender). bomb layer tried to escape but was arrested. bomb squad got there later than expected due to several other fires clogging up dispatch. bomb squad robot got toasted. In attendance: Fire Boats 1,2,3 - Engines 1,2 - Water Tender 1 - Ladders 1,2 - PD - EMS - LAX Tender 1
  21. nice, was waiting for their to be a USFS fireman :1046275747_biggthumpup:
  22. hmm, my Hostage takers never leave - they just stand there lol so i jsut storm the place with like 30 SWAT guys
  23. hmm, i cant decide if i should by the Lamborghini Gallardo in Forza: Motorsport 2 that has the EXACT same color scheme as the one in the LAMod *hint, hint* for 91,500 CR (i have a 40% discount ) who thinks i should buy it?
  24. oops, i forgot to post earlier. anyway, of course you can join. hes got some amazing photoshop skills, and will be a valuable skinner/map maker
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