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Posts posted by Ami89E1234

  1. Optional, but I recommend it: Join a Hamachi 'server'. I have one for EM4 games called LAMod Multiplayer. Join it on Hamachi (no password). Then wait till I'm on, I'll start a server in EM4, and you join the lobby using a Direct IP connection (since searching usually never works) using my Hamachi IP. Once in the lobby, I can explain more on what exactly happens during a game. It's turn based, but very straightforward. If you have Teamspeak, that can help as well.

  2. Sort of the wrong forum, but you would have to place the gate model in the editor, name it, and then place a switch model and name that, then check 'on' the switch's Usable property so engineers, etc. are able to use it. Then you would have to write a mission script that connected the two and made so when 'used', it sets the animation of the gate from 'closed' to 'open', and then stay at the animation 'opened' once fully so.

    That's the short version.

  3. That's for me?

    First, I was responding to MLDRMB.

    Second, I was referring to MW

    Third, I was giving my opinion.

    Last, why don't you slip your insults where you fit? If you don't want people giving their opinions don't start a topic.

    Fail... read my post. It was to those Battlefags.

  4. ^ 1 up for aitor.

    Apparently, the BF3 folks are either too stupid or ignorant to get this, but really just need to stfu-and-gtfo-because-my-time-is-too-precious-to-insult-you-throughly-demotivational-poster.jpg

    Start your own damn topic if you want to bitch and whine, because this is NOT the topic for it.

  5. Lol Valve with good customer service. Aha, nice joke. Seriously, I get better customer service from Microsoft than Valve. They don't help you in any way, just BS you. And if you complain openly, they ban you.

    What am I smoking? Nothing. I'm just looking at a timeline of all the games and their release dates. You sir, need to Golf Tango Foxtrot Oscar.

  6. Call of Duty has turned into a rushed game using outdated engines that comes out each year on the same day like clockwork. Activision is trying to milk the series for as much money as they can before CoD goes the way of Guitar Hero. First PC had to pay for the map packs, not they have this "elite" service. Activision would love to charge for MP (just like WoW) if they could get away with it. It's turned into one big racket out to make money.

    That picture up in post #6 says it all.

    If the id Tech engine is outdated, then how come it is consistently rated highly and has a new version coming out containing extremely advanced technologies? Now you're just bashing id Software. Besides, IW uses a highly modified version of said engine.

    Every game publisher eventually becomes a grabasstic money whore. Just look at EA, Valve, and pretty much every other major publisher.

    And CoD isn't released every year, as you so blatantly stated. Every version of CoD was released with at least a two year interval, except for 3, WaW, and BlackOps, which were developed by Treyarch, and came out at most one year after an IW game.

    If you want to harp on CoD and jizz over how much more useless eye candy BF3 has, please do so in a different topic. Thank you.

  7. Meh. The story in MW is getting better as it goes along; let's just hope they keep the momentum going. Dunno why they'd put France in the game though. It's obvious they'd lose, just like always.

    Hopefully its MP aspect goes back to MW epicness and loses the 'noob l33t hax0r' aspect of MW2's...

  8. I said Activision fired them. You read it wrong. They hired the two others to help after they (Activision) fired them.

    But their would have been no nuke without the Russians, either.

    Am I the only one here who realizes all the comments by BF3 fanboyz are in a topic about a different game and therefore inherently spam?

  9. BF:BC & BF:BC 2 both a "real" story lines.

    Not really, they're all multiplayer.

    Blame Steam? Steam is a platform for buying games and a form of DRM. Nothing is stopping Activision using Steam.

    Steam can provide Dedicated Server software. Or it's not really even that difficult to make one yourself.

    Disregarding the fact that a memorable chunk of MW and the start of MW2 took place in the Middle East?

    "A somewhat more original story" - All they did was take your above description, add Russians in and recreated the cold war fear of a Russian invasion.

    The only reason the first MW had parts in the ME was to capture Al Asad who was allied with the real enemy. It's more of a filler and not really the meat of the game. In MW2 there's only 2.5 missions in the ME; the tut is just a tut, the second mission was just to get you into Shepherd's squad which leads into the rest of the game. The last part is just to get Shephard after coming from a spot where Makarov could have been. It wasn't just a cold war thing, the provided an extensive background and reasoning behind the invasion more than just "Oh Russia, what losers, they're never happy and constantly bitch about everything that goes wrong so they need to attack to feel love. Just like North Korea."

    Best game music too.

    Damn straight.

    Also about the bullets thing. You forget, its release is in more than 5 months still. It's a low priority detail anyhow. That's a fine little detail you never notice; I didn't realize it was just a box until the screen was shown, as it gets tossed too fast to notice. Besides, IW could also be reducing some graphics so it can be on more systems, thus increasing potential customers. If it fails, blame the two companies Activision hired to help IW after they fired the two brains behind IW and COD.

  10. I don't even like MW that much. The original 3 CODs were and still are some of the best games ever, far more so than BF or MW can ever hope to be. MW had an ok campaign but the best multiplayer component of any game I've ever played. MW2 was the opposite. For me, MW has a more solid story behind the campaign, especially considering this is the first BF to have a real story behind it. Plus hopefully MW3 will have a better multiplayer than MW2, since 12 y/o's and hackers royally f'd it up. The reason IW decided not to have dedicated servers for MW2 is because the multiplayer was designed for consoles, which are better for COD multiplayer anyway. If they don't, it's not IW's problem anyway, since the game is being made with the help of two other companies; IW is NOT working on the multiplayer component. Blame Steam for not having dedicated server software.

    At least IW came up with a more entertaining and somewhat more original story than "Ooh look, yet another game set in the Middle East fighting terrorists and militiamen which is a frivolous and useless fight anyway since terrorism and extremism is an idea and not a physical entity and can't be fought through warfare so we shouldn't even be there."

    If you want to play a 'real man's' game, play Arma 2. Far more professional players on it anyway and seemingly more realistic tactics, etc.

    I do believe BF1942 was better anyway. Such a fun game.

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