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Posts posted by Ami89E1234

  1. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . ,.-‘”. . . . . . . . . .``~.,

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    It's called "READ HOPPAH'S MODELING TUTORIAL"! Seriously, is it really that hard to look for it lol?

  2. FS2004/9

    The graphics in FSX are better, but the controls in FS9 are way more realistic.

    Also for FS9 there are more models and mods available.

    So my opinion is FS9!

    Just download the models from the internet lol.

    Or if you want realism, get X-Plane. Graphics are meh but it's FAR easier to mod and the physics, controls, etc. are WAY more realistic.

  3. Hm. Official world record for one handed claps in one minute is 284. Unofficial is 511.

    I am going to call Guinness and get them to come here and clock me at at least 512 claps. Then I WILL BE YOUR LORD AND MASTAH! MWAHAHAHAHA!!!

  4. Well the maximum amount of polys you can use for EM4 is about 10000, so they're fine with that level of detail. Although my Marauder does look like crap now :dry: Oh well, I never finished any of them anyway :P (maybe because Zmodeler keeps crashing every time I do :1046276128_motz: ).

  5. Good for you! Have any of you guys played Command and Conquer Gennerals: Zero Hour? It's kinda like a futuristic war game. I mean, it still relates to this time period though. It's not like a game with lasers and stuff. My friend showed it to me and I liked it. :wub: (Goes to play Command and Conquer)

    You lie!


    No, but that's in Zero Hour. The two C&C Generals games are awesome and the ONLY good EA-developed C&C game, for that matter lol.

  6. LOLOLOL now THAT made my day (the other fun thing today was that I did a faceplant into a fence :D)

    Actually, he thinks THIS is therapy (for me):

    aha! i now understand whats going on in ur nut. not wanting 2 answer any of my question means that u r a very sick person. i'll have 2 prescribe some medicine and hope 4 the best. now, go & buy 17 cucumbers, 2 watermelons, 2 -3 bananas and some olive oil. now, when u get these items home, it is important that u soak all of these in the oil. when ur done, take them all 1 by 1 and shove them up ur ass. don't forget to peel the bananas first before u do anything else. when u've done this step , stick 1 finger in 1 ear, another finger in the other ear and jump up and down. this is called 'the pea stabilizing workout' . when u stop hearing a rattle in ur stupid head, u must stop immediately. u must then go to a shit place, and shit all the items out of ur ass. i think u'll do fine. i will have my fingers crossed 4 u and hope and pray that u'll come back 2 a normal life. now fuck off and go buy ur therapy.
  7. Lol getting trolled on Youtube by some douche:

    oh! ur alive! u hadn't sent any comments and i thought that u'd killed urself 4 being so dumb. i only told u 2 go back 2 sleep cos ur the 1 with the thickest brain in ur 3 man team. i reply instantly 2 cunty (shadowhunter) cos he is ur leader. i reply 2 the other idiot (nickyamerica) as well but only if i'm really in the mood. now, as 4 u, i don't really want or need 2 reply 2 u cos u r so stupid u don't understand anything. ur the type of person that gets tread on in a crowd and just stays there 4 1 reason - just 2 be in the crowd. u've probably got the most dumbest face with spots all over it 2. there is no therapy 4 ur stupidity and ur gonna have 2 live with that 4 all ur life. u will be stupid up until the day u die.the other 2 have a chance 2 change in the future, but u haven't got a chance in a trillion. i feel sorry 4 u and thats why i try 2 be nice with u. u can carry on sending comments 4 as much as u like, but seriously, u don't impress me with what u say and i just shove u aside as if ur trash. as 4 the gun, i won't tell u 2 go and shoot ur brains out 4 the reason that u don't have any brains 2 shoot out. so. go back 2 playing ur stupid war games on the internet cos thats the only thing thats gonna make u feel strong. carry on reading ur pathetic spider-man comic books wishing that u would've liked 2 be like spider-man urself. u have no life and never will. ur a mess and always will be. now go fuck urself and go back 2 sleep. bye champ.
    r u trying to impress me in some way? r u trying 2 look like ur the leader of ur stupid gay team? is that all u lot have 2 say about my dad trying 2 fuck my paki ass? ok, therapy starts here. 1) when was the last time u ever saw a pussy apart from the day ur bitch ma gave birth 2 u from her stinking cunt? 2) how many times a day do u jerk off? 3) do u cum in a cup and drink it, or do u shove it (cup included) up ur stinkhole? 4) how many hours do u sleep? 5) what kind of food do u eat apart from cocks? 6) were u abused as a kid by ur bastard father (whoever that is). did he fuck u and cum up ur ass or did he cum in ur mouth and all over ur ugly shit-face? 7) do u have any sisters (this is not a therapy question. i'm just interested in fucking ur sister) 8) when u go o have a shit, do u shit like a normal person would or does it just drop out cos of ur fucked up asshole? 9) do u visit new orleans regularly ? 10) is ur head normal or does it look a little like a brick? 11) do u believe america is the birth-place of freedom and democracy or the biggest shithole on earth seeing that its packed with people like u? 12) r u a nigger? 13) do u like niggers? 14) apart from ur ma, have any other of ur family members ever been fucked by niggers? 15) do u have bad breath? 16) when u get urself an ice-cream, do u get horny while licking it? 16) do u have a pet at home aprt from daddy? 17) do u have any other hobbies apart from cock-harvesting? 18) when u take a look in a mirror, does the shit u see send shivers down ur spine? 19) do u live in a normal house or in some dump with empty bottles of booze all over the floors? 20) final question and most important - DO U REALLY THINK U CAN BE CURED OF UR STUPIDITY? please note that it is important that u answer all these questions 1 by 1 because i have 2 make vital decisions on how i am going 2 approach ur sickness and try, even if i know that its useless, 2 help u. i am willing 2 give it a go as long as u help me understand what kind of an idiot u r. i just hope god will give a lending hand in ur case.
    aha! i now understand whats going on in ur nut. not wanting 2 answer any of my question means that u r a very sick person. i'll have 2 prescribe some medicine and hope 4 the best. now, go & buy 17 cucumbers, 2 watermelons, 2 -3 bananas and some olive oil. now, when u get these items home, it is important that u soak all of these in the oil. when ur done, take them all 1 by 1 and shove them up ur ass. don't forget to peel the bananas first before u do anything else. when u've done this step , stick 1 finger in 1 ear, another finger in the other ear and jump up and down. this is called 'the pea stabilizing workout' . when u stop hearing a rattle in ur stupid head, u must stop immediately. u must then go to a shit place, and shit all the items out of ur ass. i think u'll do fine. i will have my fingers crossed 4 u and hope and pray that u'll come back 2 a normal life. now fuck off and go buy ur therapy.

    He makes me lol.

  8. Just adding the second base won't make it work, it would require quite a bit of work to get it to function as a normal base. Besides, I HIGHLY doubt it would work for multiplayer, and you don't need a second one. Just send your units to the Side you're on and park them around it. It's what we do when me and mah buds play and it works out fine.

  9. Getting an HTC Tilt 2 from AT&T REALLY soon. Was originally planning on getting the Touch Pro 2 (same phone) from T-Mobile since that's what we already have, but I learned that AT&T is the best mobile service provider and I concur: prices are FAR better than anything else and it has better service, etc. I'm happy now. :)

    What I've figured:

    - Phone w/online discount: $199.99

    - Nation Unlimited Plan: $69.99/month

    - One time activation: $36

    - DataPro 2 GB for Smartphone with Tethering: $45/month

    - Wireless Phone Insurance: $4.99/month

    - Early Nights and Weekends (optional): $8.99/month

    Total: $355.97

    Total+: $364.96

    Current balance -

    July 23, 2010: $325

    Monthly Price -

    - Nation Unlimited Plan: $69.99

    - DataPro 2 GB for Smartphone with Tethering: $45

    - Wireless Phone Insurance: $4.99

    - Early Nights and Weekends (optional): $8.99

    Total: $119.98

    Total+: $128.97

  10. :P I'm getting a Vuvuzela

    LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL Europe will be completely extinct by 2050 and everyone there will be a Muslim. And, thank God, Spain will die first. Their fertility rate is 1.1. The MINIMUM required to sustain a society is 2.11.

    We MUST declare anti-Jihad. Preferably BEFORE 40% of the Russian army is Muslim.

  11. LOL Gerard I have the same set (w/ the Paint factory or whatever. Does yours converts into the fire station, too?)

    Also lols @ the traffic stop.

    I have so many Matchbox cars and stuff for them them would literally take up the entire floor of my room if I were to display them to take a picture :P

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