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Posts posted by Ami89E1234

  1. Read the comment. I didn't say we specifically invented the internet as we now know it. I know that the World Wide Web was invented at CERN. What I said was the first ancestor of the internet. The first networks/data transfers happened decades before the World Wide Web was even thought of and it was in American universities and research facilities.

    Might I also ask from which part of the deepest fathoms of your posterior did you pull that ridiculous 'statistic' out of? 9 out of 10 inventions are rip offs from other countries? Really now? Find support for that statement. I dare you. The fact is, and no one can deny it, without the technological innovation and driving force of America and other countries like even Nazi Germany (No, I'm not saying I support them. I'm saying they were decades ahead of any other country at the time), you would not be living life as you do now.




    Those are all American right there. While I agree America has fallen off the top in recent years, name one other country that has influenced the world so much in such a small time span.

    I for one plan to continue our technological drives by earning a BS in both Physics and Alternative Energy Chemistry as well as Masters and Ph. D's in Astrophysics and Astronomy (and possibly an alternative to one being Cosmology), not to mention having a strong structural engineering/architectural background to go along with those.

  2. (I don't care if this offends some people. Just don't click on it if you don't want to see it. Simple 'nuff?)


    Honestly, whenever I think of the US I think of all the Britfags, Eurofags, Trolls, and other idiots on YT who demonstrate they know nothing of the world and have nothing better to do than constantly harp on America for being fat (even though the UK isn't incredibly far behind in the fat scale) and think that everyone here is an unintelligent hick (which I might almost give them, though I could say the same about a LOT of Europe as well, having been there quite a bit and even being a European citizen).

    I just wish more people would realize how much more the world would suck without the US and what we've done for technology (hell, you wouldn't be reading this without the US having invented the first ancestor of the internet), ideas, culture, etc. and would also know that we may be greedy, selfish, and arrogant (who isn't) but we are also the most giving country in the world. In fact, the only country that even comes close to the amount of foreign aid we give is Saudi Arabia and they aren't even close (something like $500 million vs. almost $3 billion).

  3. Pwnt.

    Besides agreeing with NFK and those who are more mod-literate, I would also like to point out that the cars pulling over would cause a whole lot more problems than they would solve. For example, if two cars wanted to go to the same place to pull over, you'd have a huge scripting conflict going on, and it would quite possibly cause a traffic jam (especially if the freeplay map has extreme traffic density i.e. Hoppah's map) that would just ensnare your own units.

    It's better just to leave it alone and bite your tongue. If you're having problems with the traffic, then you're just going to have to fight your way through.

  4. ive started having a lot of stupid problems. first off, what is the deal when you tell a police officer to go get a criminal and they sit there with their lights on and dont move? A: I'm assuming you mean you send a police car after the criminal with the follow command. Sometimes the AI is retarded and can't locate the criminal and can't reference said criminal's last known location, i.e. how the script works, so the command might not work properly. second, why does the damn fire spread so fast on some calls? for example one of my calls started as an electrical fire then no more than 1 minute later, the whole bottom half of the map was on fire. (not very realistic). A: The fire spreads the way it is told to in the materials of the objects it spreads to. Each object in the game has a certain heat resistance and once enough heat is transferred, it catches fire. The game's ingame time is sped up, so the fire spreads by factors of magnitudes that seem abnormally fast. The spread may also be influenced by 'Fire Objects'. About the realism thing: I have personally, during a massive series of arson-induced wildfires during a bone dry time period in southern Missouri seen 40 foot trees get touched by flames and be COMPLETELY, and I mean completely engulfed in flame in less than 5 seconds flat. It was just a woosh of flame. The fast spread is also to get you to respond faster and to force you to think on your toes. It is a strategy game after all. third why does it lag so much? A: It IS quite a resource intensive game and mod after all. It's most likely your PC specs. fourth, why does the map look like it has diamond shadows all over it every now and then? A: Again, I'm thinking a hardware issue here. fifth, why dont fire trucks respond after you click them to go somewhere sometimes? A: Again, AI fail. The game isn't known for a brilliant AI or travel system. It could also be there are actual pathfinding issues with the unit itself i.e. it's stuck, something's in the way, etc. this freakin bugs the crap out of me

    A little late, but I did answer.

    Some worthwhile bugs I get:

    So far, whenever I attempt to play either the Gas Attack or the Bomb Attack missions, it always CTDs as soon as I hit load. I have no idea why it does this; I've looked in the Logfile and all it says is that there's something it's not able to find (some start video), though I'm not entirely convinced that that is the cause. So far I've only observed it on those two missions. This hasn't always happened to me; it only started during the last few versions of the mod.

    I've included the logfile for reference.


  5. Hi,

    I have a question about installing LA mod 2.1, i have downloaded it and opened it and now i am trying to get it in Mod Installer. I installed the mod on the computer but now I cant get it in the Mod Installer. Theres nothing inside the maps when i open it with Mod Installer. Can somebody help me?


    You don't need the ModInstaller to install the LAMod. It comes with its own executable file which will automatically install the mod with your selected settings. It should be wherever you unzipped the .rar to.

  6. You know, for what it's worth, North Korea is probably the best third world country lol.

    I mean, they had some of the right ideas like Socialism, the only economical system that makes sense (despite its many faults) and a totalitarian form of government (being the most efficient type of government, despite its many faults as well) though they kinda went and FUBAR'd the whole place.

  7. I was kind of disappointed in MW3. Campaign was OK, but MW2 kicks ass in that department. Multiplayer is better than 2 from what I've seen (and played) and can be fun but is still a laggy, unbalanced mess. Again, the only MW with a good multiplayer was the first one, which still has the ONLY balanced, fair, no-BS COD multiplayer is is still some of the absolute best of any FPS out there.

  8. Sadly, you're right. We've come to a point in our society where people become offended at the slightest criticism, as founded as it may be.

    A society that discourages criticism in favor of the "everybody's a winner, everybody's great" doctrine is a society that is condemned to live in mediocrity.

    Personally, I'll fight to the bitter end for my right to call dumb people dumb, lazy people lazy, noob people noobs, bad ideas bad, and so on. That is, until they throw me in jail for it - which shouldn't be too far off now.

    I would recommend viewing the movie "Idiocracy", by Mike Judge, starring Luke Wilson. It's a good preview of what our world might look like in a few years if we keep submitting to the will of dumb people.

    AHAHA can I Facebook quote that?

    I love the mods here.

  9. ^+1


    What is Garry's mod?

    Garry's Mod was once a modification of the Source Engine (Half-Life 2, Counter Strike CS, TF2, etc.) that allowed you to essentially do anything you want using the Source Engine. Any games you have running that engine will give you additional content to use, plus you can DL much more online or ingame. It's now a full game on Steam, and I think it's still $10.

    can you give a link?

    Go on Steam and search Garry's Mod or go here: http://store.steampo...d.com/app/4000/

    One more thing this topic should be in the Other Games Sub-forum (hint hint Mods).

  10. Bit of the wrong forum but to do this you need to edit the camera bounds found in the config files. To do this, go to whatever folder your EM4 is in (in my case it's C: - Program Files (x86) - sixteen tons entertainment - Emergency 4 Deluxe. Then open the config file (in my case em4deluxe.cfg) with Notepad. Back this file up in a secure location, because you'll need it to revert. I believe (it's been a few years) you edit the value: <var name="e4_mincamz" value="1400." />, where 1400 is what I changed the default to, and it should go in farther. I think hitting the Pause button on your keyboard also activates Freecam.

  11. Unfortunately, there is no easy description on how to do this. If you actually want to have the units spawn there in Freeplay, it will require Triggers, VOs. and major scripting. Even an openable gate takes naming, etc. and is time consuming. If you want, I could help walk you through the gate part in more detail, but for the scripting stuff you'd have to ask someone better with EM4's code than I am.

  12. If he sleeps and is wearing a tie or other loose article, staple it to the table or whatever he's sleeping on then smack his face to wake him up. With some luck he'll freak out and go crashing to the floor, stuck to whatever's been stapled.

    How about dem London riots? Lol, British people always seem to riot over nothing. I say shoot them and all protesters. The police's job is to keep the peace, not have little bitch fights with punk asses who think that something they don't like entitles them to break the law.

  13. And up until April this year, it was the only real american mod for either game (all others stole LA mod things)

    Stole? No. Just because some things are implemented first in one thing doesn't make them prima donna material. Or original.

    Come to think of it, whatever happened to the German NYMod?

    And why the hell does it say I only have 1 post? I have 2253. Have some profile things also lost during this little transitional phase?

  14. Again as Regio said, you really want all your models to consist of as many Quads as possible. Not only does it look neater, you'll find they're easier to work with and also reduce poly count by a TON. For example, the Seagrave Marauder II models I made are still only cabs (mainly due to Zmodeler crashing constantly when I try to work on them) but already have well over 1000 polys, and that's with as much as possible being Quads.

    Other than that, it's looking great so far!

    Can't wait to see what Zmodeler3 will hold, but hopefully it'll be better than it is now.

  15. So I need to design a label. I have the design, but I don't have to time/software/skills ATM to make it. It should take someone with even moderate skills with Photoshop, etc. only about 15-20 minutes to make. If interested, contact me and I'll send you the design.

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