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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/16/2024 in all areas

  1. New FHP Dodge Durango Pursuit: Credits: EmC-Unit, Vojtula. P.S. Don't forget to like us on Facebook! https://www.facebook.com/MiamiModificationEm4/
    2 points
  2. Surely I could have packed my words in cotton and worded my comments nicer @Xplorer4x4, you ain't wrong. However, I feel like this community has cared long enough to be as nice as possible trying to get points across and it never worked. A harsher tone was needed to get my point across, and I'm glad it worked. It has sparked major discussions on Discord and I'm glad about the open discourse. My point still stands though. Gatekeeping sucks.
    1 point
  3. Blast from the past here with my 2 cents, and I agree with both sides. @annabellica I believe you could find more grace with your wording, but I don't completely disagree. I haven't played an updated version, so there is that but of all mods that I played this was my least favorite. I will have to boot up a new version and see what has changed. @itchboy while I agree in terms of respect, and I say this with all due respect, I have to disagree in terms of gatekeeping. What harm would a seperate thread of screenshots be at best? So it's cool that the modders like ourselves get to have the enjoyment of others seeing our work but to deny that to others? We are all in this for one reason, enjoyment. No one here is trying to make a profit so why is it so hard for everyone to essentially just open source everything and share open and freely? I get from experience it is a very time consuming process, but it's not like there is another English based outlet for mods these days making it obvious if someone has used another's work without giving credit.
    1 point
  4. What confusion would accurate edits cause? I find you a lot more confusing, working on Airport apparatus without planning an Airport (?), French Missionspec vehicles (?) and so many more vehicles that make absolutely no sense + that you do not even plan on releasing. You work on Nicklaus ambulances but have completely ignored the Miami Beach Fire Rescue ambulances in its entirety - even though the map is set in Miami Beach. Nicklaus isn’t even anywhere near MB. What even is FHP doing there? There is no FHP in MB. You rarely ever see MDFR in MB - where is the MBFD? A second firestation doesn‘t fix the inaccuracy. You‘d rather see red Miami FR Ambulances than a Dade one. It’s just all so wrong I strongly believe anybody out here making edits makes them for the sake of finally bringing some accuracy to the mod. You make edits for… I don’t even know for what. 99% of the time it makes no sense. These downvotes also just add to the comedic effect, honestly.
    1 point
  5. It's simply a private edit that's being showcased to the public with no intention to releasing it out to them.
    1 point
  6. How is stating a fact insulting? For years, nobody dared to say it publicly. Do you think it feels amazing being the only person daring to take it to a public forum? It's disappointing, yes. To everybody who has been to Miami, has a general interest in the area, or lives here. Especially those who waited a long time back then. But it wouldn't have been so disappointing if a specific person wouldn't gatekeep edits. There are so many talented people in this community, yet they aren't allowed to edit? If this is not the definition of a fragile ego, I don't know what is. By the way - I do have the skills. I've probably done more things for and in this community than you think - which is fine. Point being is that there's not just me, but many people willing to turn this mod around and make it a true, accurate mod. Yet - we can't. Well, we can.. technically. Technically everybody can do whatever they want. And that's how communities thrive. To be open to change and knowledge, instead of buildings walls.
    1 point
  7. If you believe what I said was insulting; then that is on you. There absolutely aren't enough modders because mods are being gatekept like this. Any sort of criticism in this community is being met with a shocked Pikachu emoji. People get offended at the smallest things. Ego's crushed by retexturing apparatus. Do you even see what's happening? Have you even read your response to my comment? Did you even fully understand my comment at all? This mod is a living example of why the community is the way it is. "Don't edit" - "Don't retexture" - "Don't showcase". If this mod would be the epitome of a Miami experience, I would understand. But it is FAR from. Different opinions exist, I am not judging yours. I'm just really tired of the way it's already normalized to gatekeep mods due to fragile ego's. So no, I'm not bowing down. If you believe that's a shame and laughable, keep going. Edit: Also, I don't see how I've insulted EM-C. Stating facts is not insulting, it's really needed. Criticism is needed. If we all keep affirming bad practices, we get nowhere. What you get in the end is the EM4 community. Maybe if we wouldn't act like fragile snowflakes, we'd be in a much better position. Admitting when mods aren't the way they're supposed to be and blaming lack of content and skilled modders on gatekeeping the simplest things. Sayonara ♥
    1 point
  8. Just do it. Realistically, what is EM-C gonna do? Gatekeeping a mod which is extremely mid (nobody dares to admit it) and so unbelievably off in basically every way imaginable is just plain insulting to everybody who lives in the Dade area. This mod is a fever dream of somebody who has no interest in accuracy and completely disregards the actual look and feel of Miami / Miami Beach. EM-C made his own weird version of Miami with this mod - How this has taken over 10 years is still absolutely beyond me. I understand the map texture itself was unchangable until I released my reverse-engineering tool, but it is so incredibly basic and inaccurate. I've talked to A LOT of people in the community over the past 12 months regarding this mod, and nearly every single person agrees (while not always publicly) that this mod is... "not as it should be". Everything about it is wrong. From the bottom of everybodies heart: showcase the edits! Downvotes just prove my point btw. Gatekeeping sucks.
    1 point
  9. Version 2.5


    My nickname is NewHappyRabbit (thats why I changed the author) This is Super freeplay mod for LA 2.5 Added:U.S.A National Guard Base Technical Base Police Department parking is full with cop cars, swat vans, motorcycles, bomb squads, Unmarked vehichles, Dog leaders and others Hospital parking is full with Ambulances, EMS Supervisors car, Coroners vans, Mass Casualty unit, SAR Dog Vehicles and others Fire Department parking is full with LAFD Engines, LAFD Aerial Ladder Truck, LAFD Tiller Truck, LAX Crash 80, USFS Utility Truck, USFS Engine and others Gameplay Video: . Video made by em4modfreak
    1 point
  10. What an insulting comment and show's what kind of person you really are I would like to say more but I will avoid getting myself banned. I would of thought you are one of the first to complain that there isn't enough modders out there anymore, and your comment is the reason why most modders have left. Emc has given a whole lot of his free time ( more than most ) to create a mod for the community to play free of charge and what for? to be insulted by someone like you? If you don't like it why not make something yourself? I guess you can't and don't have the talents of EmC, but are much better at disrespecting people and there work. You are laughable and it's a shame you are part of this community
    -1 points
  11. Saying EmC has a fragile ego and that he is gate keeping is somewhat insulting, Just because you don't like it and have access to his work to do as you please. It is up to modders to decided what happens with their work after release. I'm all for criticism too but this has to be done constructively. If your that disappointed with the mod why not take the time to learn the skills and develop one yourself?
    -1 points
  12. I'll just lay it out here before things get too heated - any mod has the right to be called unspec. That's freedom of speech and no different than say, me calling any other project as unspec. I look at things and call them unspec all the time. However, calling something unspec and gatekeeping are two separate issues being conflated into one discussion. I'll be watching the thread for now; it gets locked if people can't play nice. The usage terms of the mod are to be respected, that's just it. Not up for debate. That's not gatekeeping. That's respecting individual rights. What is allowed though, is the creation of any other Miami themed project as long as it doesn't infringe on others' asset usage terms. Nobody has a monopoly on a Miami project. If you can do it better, go for it. If I were to suggest a healthier point of discussion - make a new thread about a new mod idea, featuring something else like mainland Miami City, the 'glades or any of the suburbial areas in the county area. Option C would be a team effort among the factions to create proper spec for Miami Beach FD and PD. I leave it to you people to work this out moving forward.
    -1 points
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