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Everything posted by Dosedmonkey

  1. Is this game actually modable? All the pre-release promsies of good modding tools. Then no tutorial to explain how to mod with it. What a joke this game release was.
  2. Put it simply, full of potential, but the main killer for me was the bugs and performance issues. The lack of english tutorials and modding support was the last nail in the coffin. I'm not paying a full retail price to fix their game for them. I'd prefer to spend my time making my own indie game thanks. Won't be buying any of their future emergency products. Not for ten years or so, when maybe virtual reality/oculus rift will be incorporated, but i expect that will be developed by another developer.
  3. An update log was posted on this forum at time of release by EM5 developer for 1.2, is that different to 1.2.1? http://forum.emergency-planet.com/topic/19808-first-major-update-for-emergency-5-available-defect-fixes-and-performance-improvement/
  4. Yeah this patch has made some great performance improvements. Another patch like this would make the game much more popular! Why they didnt delay release by a week. I am also enjoying the automation of the firemen quite a lot, changing their hydrants by themselves, gives me a lot more time to manage other things.
  5. Yeah this patch has made some great performance improvements. Another patch like this would make the game much more popular! Why they didnt delay release by a week. I am also enjoying the automation of the firemen quite a lot, changing their hydrants by themselves, gives me a lot more time to manage other things.
  6. Thanks for posting on the English forums and the update log. Whens the patch on steam? I haven't had my game update yet.
  7. Thanks for the link, I also see on those forums people have found out how to... - Import real landscapes in to EM5 editor - Put custom lights on to vehicles already in game However I can't read the German slang too well on that forum.
  8. If people could video and upload to youtube how they are editing things, that would be awesome. Thanks!
  9. Here is a mod by a German fan, from the German website, I am only translating for you and linking you, use at your own risk! Forum link... https://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=en&rurl=translate.google.co.uk&sl=de&tl=en&u=http://forum.deepsilver.com/forum/showthread.php/69323-EM5-MP-Fahrzeuge-und-Eins%25C3%25A4tze-Mod-Download%3Fs%3D49526994340d47942d82c3bffdf5cb9d&usg=ALkJrhgmCnXRvnYYqL_PnptDx6j_vJ2ZgQ
  10. I am copying this from the german forums, this is not my software, and you use at your own risk! I repeat you use at your own risk! New version below... https://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=en&rurl=translate.google.co.uk&sl=de&tl=en&u=http://forum.deepsilver.com/forum/showthread.php/69338-EM5-Configurator-Tool-Download%3Fs%3D49526994340d47942d82c3bffdf5cb9d&usg=ALkJrhhQdKDzg-DMKyO9o0t4NP-Q-8ACEA
  11. They probably communicated with the devs in German! Ughhhh. Where did you find this, link please.
  12. If your login works on their website, but does not work on the in game login for multiplayer, please ensure you do not have a '.' aka. a Full-stop symbol, in your password.
  13. If your login works on their website, but does not work on the in game login for multiplayer, please ensure you do not have a '.' aka. a Full-stop symbol, in your password.
  14. Skybox not for cut scenes? And you can zoom in to horizontal on EM5 too...
  15. Sorry not sure on the lighting. I found a bit in the properties of a vehicle about the lighting, but didnt really help me understand how to modify it. Heres some file locations...
  16. No tutorial yet. I just put up some bits i figured in another thread. And some other people have done the same.
  17. If you seen what people have done with LUA scripting in FPSCreator, you'd know LUA is a great scripting language for them to introduce. Also some of the features I have already 'played' with, would of saved me about three weeks work, in to about 3 hours in EM4 for mapping! Why do you think so few maps got made for EM4, it was one of the rare occasions mapping in a game was more work then modeling and skinning and introducing assets to the game!
  18. Backwards compatibility would suck in my mind, as mods should be creating much higher poly models in this game then EM4. And they should have diffuse and occulasion mapping one hopes. I still find this game is a big BIG leap on from EM4. Hopefully once optomisation is sorted out, you can be wowed with the future mods.
  19. Was that in the UK too? Wow now you make me feel old!!
  20. If they just put a more comprehensive graphics option menu, people could probably sort their own problems out I guess.
  21. Ive seen it written somewhere in editor, but currently not accessible I think. A less they are going to introduce it with modding documentation.
  22. Thanks for that theparanoid. I wondered where it was. Yeah it seems strange, but actually a few games of late have used that part of directory, not sure why, I guess there is a reason to do with the engine.
  23. Yes GTA IV graphics are acceptable, but nothing compared to GTA V, and GTA V isn't even the best game graphically now, its a year old and didn't go for all out graphics when it was released. The map is a lot bigger, but the way it runs is completely different. That is why you don't get a mini map on GTA showing you the positions of every vehicle on the map. It only loads up said vehicles in eye sight (Or often even less then eye sight, they can appear close to you if your moving at high speed or running on poor computer or a console). Whilst Emergency loads and calculates every vehicle and event on the map constantly, to allow you to jump around on the minimap, hence it being RAM and process hungry. E.g. FPS is a lot different to RTS. I am really enjoying how the vehicles do progressive braking, and take bends and long straights differently, really interesting to watch in Em5. Not seen it in other games like this, not even driving games like Euro trucker.
  24. Anyone else figured some stuff out whilst I've been away for weekend? I'm trying to see if you can create fences similar streets, I thought I saw them doing that in a pre-release video???
  25. I think the editor has somethings that are harder as we need to learn new work flow, but other things like the streets is so so so much easier now.
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