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Everything posted by Dosedmonkey

  1. Get off the internets and get insanely drunk Hoppah! Time to walk the dogs for me!
  2. Yeah sorry thats what i meant lol You can do it without flashbang, but still a risk to injury!
  3. The yellow is something UK ambulances have started doing the last ten years to make them more reconisable in traffic, so people get out their way quicker, I guess its cheaper just to re-spray the hood, as thats the bit you see in a rear view mirror.
  4. He's just hoping for a list hehe. And yes the skins especailly are very unique to london. Its good to concentrate a mod on a single city in my personnel hindsight,
  5. So RNLI rarely transport their vehicles, on our map we have a inshore boat shed that runs straight into the harbour. Its more common for the fire brigade and police to take their inshore boats to locations remote from the RNLI bases, the only commonly used transport is the tractor for large tidal change locations. I never seen the hovercraft one, but i've never seen the RNLI hovercraft in real life either, so don't know much about it to be honest. Can people post any pics they have of modern UK St. Johns units please, as everything I've seen is like 20 years old. In no state to go to emergencies, but saying this in my area they just use NHS response vehicles.
  6. Out of the ships, trains, planes and cars i've been in I still have my favourite.... Although I don't have my full driving license yet, I do have a proficiency in survival and rescue craft lol.
  7. Isolate the guy leading the riot with the banner, then arrest him under CS gas. Easiest way.
  8. Hadn't seen that hovercraft transporter before, very interesting! Thankyou. Okay guys, I have the road works vehicle coded to redirect traffic now, and am half way through coding the police chase script, working for armed police, just need to make another version, with no weapons for the standard police. Also, as for ambulances, yes there will be another ambulance and rapid response car yet, as for St Johns and such, do they actually do anything other then minor injuries and first aid?
  9. In winterberg they use a different vehicle for wether is a traffic light, or a rail crossing or what not defect, I can't decide if this is a good idea or just over complicating yet
  10. Prisons like a bloody three star hotel in this country anyway, its a joke.
  11. Its mentioned several places that the map is based on Weymouth yes. And yes I know someone who was eating in KFC when it was raided and was held there for an hour whilst they checked none of the illegal aliens had got out of uniform and sat with the customers lol.
  12. - Cone laying will be placed into the mod - Only a section of the old bypass section will be in the map Jon, the new bypass section they are building is no where near the area we are mapping, as the games maps are so small. - The arrow will just redirect traffic, if it made the traffic go around the truck it would cause congestion with the traffic heading directly toward it i'm affriad. Its set up so only the right hand arrow is activated, as I don't know if there is a way to code different direction sets, not sure if there is a way to differentiate in lights in the code, besides, the cars drive on the left, traffic would want to move to the right of the truck, theres very few occasions where there is two lanes, so you would want to point the opposite direction. - I have used the default digger, as if I put a custom one in, i'd loose the anaimation of it driving off the back of the module. I'm doing my best in the confines of the game and my ability i'm affriad.
  13. Spawning a ladder out of a fire engine on a pre-programmed position/building would not be too hard, and making it so it could teleport a fireman to the other end is codeable, putting an animation in is do-able, so its all do-able, just a bit out of my grasp of coding, and not tried animating for EM4 yet as its the hardest game to animate for, doh! Its something I thought of a month back, and want to do, but very time consuming for my level of skills! Very nice Vectra mate! Love your models.
  14. So I'll openly admit this, I didn't take the time to play this mod until this weekend, I sat down, spent a few hours working out how it all exactly worked, and well, my basic opinion is, its a very very good mod, amazing code and organisation. My main problems with it, is not the mod itself, is understanding how to predict which units will turn up for the fire brigade when i press each button and how long they will take, is there an english guide for these I could print off and have next to my PC/Dispatch screen lol! Very very nice though. Events maybe happen a bit fast for me, but maybe i'm just learning.
  15. Okay guys, first to answer a few questions, love your research and photos, keep it up, my brain is often burnt out from work and such, so great to hear new stuff, for example, festival isn't just an amazing modeler for this mod, he also helps my mind stay on the ball along with your suggestions! As far as the BMW ARV, that is a london one, i had the skin for, but now changed to harbour police as thats more accrete for the vehicle, the ARV here actually uses estates... see update below As for lightbars, i'm not massively into making the most accrete ones at the mo, as that can be very time consuming and a project in itself, so i have gone for the ones i know off the top of my head, and light timings are good, but not accrete, and defenetly not the LED ones that flash about fifty times a second lol for time consuming reasons again! Sorry, this will be something to easily update later on though I promise. As for ANPR, where this mod is doesn't have massive dual carriage way systems, but they have rescently implimented hell of a lot of static ANPR cameras in the town, on almost every slightly busy road in the area, which turns out to be more effective, someone who stole quarter of a million pounds from her daughters dance class in the midlands did not get detected until she got to her hide away location of Weymouth, and then she got arrested with in 24hrs thanks to ANPR, you can't beat that! But good idea, as only now i think of adding static ANPR and the possibilities of coding in some sort of suspect detection system, with different levels of ANPR 'pinging', e.g. no car insurance, suspected drug dealer, upto absolute wanted suspect. So, THE BIG UPDATE... I actually wish i had time to do more, but went Airsofting on Sunday, bought a sweet M4 CQB rifle, more about that another time lol - Harbour Police silver car - ARV BMW - Highway Agency Land Rover Discovery - Highway Agency Traffic Officer - Police Traffic Officer - Updated Engineers Flatbed Van - Roadwork warning vehicle, with light control script button shown - Slightly updated engineers skin - Module carrying flatbed with assocaited script - Module 1-3 equipment container - Module 4 with dozer - Firestation being tested in one corner of the freeplay map And of course, the latest overview of the vehicles in game! Hope you enjoy guys, got a lot of very important stuff on at work next couple of weeks, so updates might be a bit slower, I pre-apologise now.
  16. Then make a start on the mod and we'll see how it goes. Best of luck, looking forward to the screenshots. But if your really that talented at modding, and want to make a good UK one, you'd just help another mod.
  17. For emergency service I'm not sure how you flip the duel/devide path for emergency vehicles, but you can do single plane for emergency vehicles, and civilian vehicles just follow pre-set pages so its easy.
  18. Just use Zmodeler, it'll save you a lot of time and you'kk make great models once you learn it. So I gather you've made your half model off Hoppahs tutorial at this point, I will complete the flipping bit you asked for here. After that, use the "create/copy" tool on the whole object. Then drag one of the copies out to the side of the other, then go to "modify/mirror" tool, click on the object you want to mirror, if its front view i guess you want to flip it whilst having the X axis selected only? After this, position the two halfs together correctly, then attach them "modify/attach". Once you have done this, you need to go into the poly mode, and weld the two halfs together, by selecting the polys for welding with "select/quadr" tool, and then "modify/submesh/weld" tool, if you want you can do it individually like that, selecting each poly couple to weld, or use multiple weld by selecting all polys needed to weld, then in the weld submenu ticking the multiple weld box, and changing the first tolerance so its correct for the distance apart your polys are, (try 0.003-0.005 I think) Hope that helps
  19. Yes of course it will be on the left. I'm not sure if you even need to script it, I think you just lay the road paths down on the map, lane by lane. And also ourselves and London mod work closely together and share a lot of resources anyway, so neither of us would need to 'nick' it. Can't wait to get home and skin me models and update the mod today!
  20. Yep this sunday, just need to remember when i drive past it lol. Forensics - they both work the same mate. And look the same down my way. Primarily its for the fire station though.
  21. Just a mix of replies here. Yes that's a photo of a lynx helicopter, but it was a specially modified one, it's speed record is very very close to the theoretical maximum speed any helicopter could ever go due to the physics involved! http://www.aerospaceweb.org/design/helicopter/velocity.shtml The Pinzgauer 6 x 6 is used by a lot of Fire Brigade in the uk for Rural Fire Fighting, but the Pinzgauer is also used for bomb disposal/carrying and a lot of military applications, here is a even more unsual Pinz... The GIGN is not like a SWAT team, it is a special forces team, tasked with military policing, in and outside of france, so obviously has elements similar to SWAT, but is much more similar to the SAS/Delta Force in counter terrorism roles. Would love to see that vehice in a mod though, shame people can't mount vehicles in EM4! Hehe. Gizmo & Mrpolice In europe all cars are limited to 155mph, so its impossible for your car to go faster then that Gizmo. And your forgetting the car must cover a lot more mileage, and traffic, despite having a higher top speed, whilst the helicopter has no traffic and direct line of flight, and theoretically can go faster if it has a tail wind!
  22. That would be the most useful tool ever! And GUID, he is refering to the User Interface, like the buttons for the dispatch on the left and bottom side of the game screen. Really no need for a programme for this, its just simple editing really.
  23. Zmodeler is very basic, once you learn the layout of all the commands, when I use Maya I have to use shortcut keys to do anything officialantly, but to mod quickly all I need to press other then my mouse is space bar and the ctrl keys. It was a pain going from Maya to using Zmodeler, but I actually starting to like Zmodeler and its simplisty! Just keep practicing! Someone once said there is a maximum amount of polys on screen EM4 can handle, so I try to keep my polys below 2,000 except for the odd special piece. Its so easy to go over the poly count though on this game!
  24. Its not really a competition, every mod maker just does their personal best, anyone who makes a mod is doing something great, as a lot of people don't even get past the talking about what mod to make stage. I have asked for suggestions from people, and had been given a few for different units in the mod. But on the whole, I think people are just looking forward to playing British mods, Coastal Rescue & London Mod.
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