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Guest ModMaker2009

Police Tape

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Guest ModMaker2009

Hi guys,

Will it be possible to add police tape to the game and fire tape

So instead of having barricades, or firemen or policemen standing at the end of the street stopping people going down there, will it be possible to add police tape so we can cordon off the street if theres a hostage situation, crash etc?

Also, the same for the fires, close the street with the tape so its alot easier than having people standing about stopping people going there


Police: http://newsimg.bbc.co.uk/media/images/4514...218_kenn466.jpg

Fire: http://www.tapes.ie/prodimages/ukt12fir.jpg

Please this would make the game much better

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Actually it's not possible they way it SHOULD work. Adding the tape as a static object is possible ofcourse. It would work like the police barricade in the mod. However, in reality you can attach tape to other objects like streetlights and that's something that is not really possible in Emergency 4. That's why I won't add police tape to the mod.


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Guest pmadden94

yeah that link works

I have been doing some research...

As Hoppah said, it is very difficult to do.

There have been suggestions to use a fire hose and reskin it...

Last time i checked, there are hardcoded...so that wont work....

Also, it is a lot of work. With all the coding and skin work that would need to be done, it just wouldnt be worth it.

The only time you would need it would be for a Hazmat situation...but besides that...you wouldnt be able to use it at a car crash, because by the time you set it up, the wreck would be cleared...

So...good idea..but its never going to happen on LA MOD

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