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Modifying Stabilize command

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Some scripting questions for you all: (I know how to script I just need to know how to approach each problem or if it's even possible)

I'm trying to add some extra functionality to the LAStabilize (I'm working with LA Mod) command to allow those with the Stabilize (Not heal) command be able to slow down the life drain rate of medical victims who are "comatose". Usually the stabilize command will not do anything for a comatose person, and the best thing anyone can do is use the heal command with an EMERGENCY BAG. I want to add the ability for the stabilize command to dramatically slow the (relatively fast) life draining rate when a person is comatose to allow for more time for a character with an emergency bag to get the victim.

Where might I begin in accomplishing this? Would I be using the setInjuredLifeDrain() or setMedicalLifeDrain()?

Second question:

How can I change the starting life amount for victims of medical event is freeplay? For example, I would like certain events like food poisoning to have the victim start with less health points.

Third question:

Is it possible to change the life points of a person who has been shot? I would like to have those who have been shot start at half of their normal life points when injured.

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2 and 3 are both hard coded into the engine, however you can overwrite this using scripts, as the fbi sniper does in Hoppah's script.

For your stabilise question, you're gonna need to edit the script, however the parameters that control health reduction after being downed are not something I know, if you can figure out what parameters you need to name in the script it'd be relatively simple to do, but that applies with pretty much anything.

So in short, it's doable and a good idea, but I for one wouldn't know what to script for it to work, try checking out similar scripts from other mods see what parameters they name.

Sorry I wasn't 100% helpful but hope this cleared it up a bit


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