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Can't seem to put a civilian inside one of my new units.... anyone got any suggestions?

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I created a news reporter truck (see thumbnail) to be used in my current mod. I did not create a brand new model from scratch because it's waaaay to complicated for me to learn those skills. So, I just grabbed one of the existing econoline vans from the city traffic models, did a reskin, and exchanged it for the USCG Coast Guard boat since I don't use it. The reskin and model look fine! I've edited the speed of the news truck and it comes when called from off the map.

The only problem, is that since the news truck was originally the coast guard boat, it only allows me to add a diver or a firefighter from the personell menu. I would like to be able to add a different person like a civilian (as the reporter). It's easy to add new personell to this vehicle but only if the new personell is considered 'user personnel' like the firefighters, police, medics, etc. I tried using the actual filename of the civilians like 'civilwoman05_blue' in the unit.xml file but it doesn't work - the new civilians do not show up in the personell menu. I think that the problem may be with the 'user ID'. All of the user files have 'user ids' but the civilian files do not.

Any suggestions?



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