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HAZMAT submod

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I am thinking about starting a submod for the LA mod. It would modify the HAZMAT portion of the game, primarily in freeplay. I need people's ideas on a few things.

The submod would add a new unit, called a HAZMAT firefighter or squad member. The idea is to staff the HAZMAT squad with four of these firefighters, just as in real life. The only difference is that they would look and function as regular firefighters instead of the current HAZMAT firefighter. These new firefighters would not have HAZMAT protection, instead they would be wearing turnouts. This way, you can call the squad out for structure fires and car accidents and you would have four extra firefighters instead of four nearly useless firefighters in HAZMAT suits. The unit picture would be the regular firefighter picture with the tri-color HAZMAT triangle in the upper left corner. The HAZMAT triangle can be seen on the side of the squad.

These new firefighters would have the command "change clothes", just like every other firefigher, but the only difference would be that they change into a HAZMAT suit, rather than a SCBA, and they could only change at the squad. In this way you could use the squad as a regular company to fight fires and such, and then have them respond to HAZMAT incidents and suit up on scene. This would have much more functionality, as well as reflect the real life operations of LAFD squads.

There is only one problem, I don't know how to distingush the HAZMAT firefighters in turnout from regular firefighters so this is where I need ideas. I need some way to distingush HAZMAT firefighters from regular firefighters, not unlike how the firefighter/paramedic is not wearing turnout pants. I did some research and someone told me that specialized units in the LAFD (ARFF, USAR, HAZMAT, etc. etc.) had green numbers on their helmet. However, I was told that the LAFD does not do this anymore and I have found recent pictures that back this up. This is where I need ideas.

This submod would also require a change to the fire station scripts to add the command to call this new firefighter. None of the script editing should be too hard. All that has to be done is copy the part of the script that calls another unit and change it around so it calls the new unit.

So what do you think? Please post some ideas as to how to differentiate the HAZMAT firefighters as that is the only thing that is preventing this submod idea from moving forward.

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I've done a little more research and I've discovered that all the personnel at a firestation with a squad are HAZMAT trained. So in essence, if a firefighter has a 4, 48, 87, or 95 on his helmet you know they're HAZMAT certified. The reverse of the paramedic is a possibility but not perfect. I've seen photos of LAFD firefighters fighting fires with only the jacket on but I've never seen them with just the pants (except for a medical run). Currently the firefighters in the mod have an abundance of numbers on their helmets. The firefighters and paramedics have 101 on their helmets, but station 101 is way down by the port of LA. The battalion chief and EMS captain are from battalion 1 but battalion 1 covers downtown LA. If and when I edit the firefighter skin, I'll most likely change the 101 to a 4 because squad 4 is in the squad in the game.

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