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Posts posted by Kookas

  1. Liking the screenshots. Will you make it use a dispatch system, so that you can make different ambulances have different unit numbers? If not, it might be an idea to remove the unit numbers, because it's gonna get very repetitive (graphically) if every ambulance is Unit 702.

  2. Volvo XC70 in-game, need to add the doors.

    No polygon lights on the lightbar, sorry. I tried, but it failed.


    There are grille lights, and lights on the side of the front bumper, as well as ones on the back either side of the number plate (all these have polygons), but I just happened to take the screenshot when those were in the middle of flashing...

  3. For some reason, after creating my Volvo XC70 prototype, if I add a light, it's gone (although still listed in the Lights editor) when I next spawn it :| I've tried restarting, different names, lots of things, nothing works. It's not like this for other things.

  4. Ffor the Emergency Ambulance am you doing the old lights or the new LED Lights?

    I'm making them both. Notice how the older one is a Renault Master and the newer one is a Vauxhall Movano. In the first post, you can see I have both planned.

  5. WMAS Volvo XC70 Rapid Response Vehicle

    Very rough up close (render)


    Not so bad from a distance (print-screen):


    You won't be seeing it from much closer than that, anyway xD

    Sorry I don't have much more to show. I have worked on some other stuff, but those aren't quite ready for screenshots yet.

    Polygons: 396

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