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Everything posted by racer123246

  1. I voted no also because I just don't have the time or the computer to do stuff like that all day long and not only that but if you want a mod, you should do it yourself. And I forgot what else I was going to say...
  2. Thanks Tim, i'm not too technically advanced to deal with scripts, but thanks anyhow. Info for #4: I am wanting to make a TEC station south of the center intersection in LA MOD 2.0. Inside I want a crane and an engineer's vehicle. Outside will be a bulldozer. I am using the Training Mission Building 2 (Under Open Houses) to build this. Some issues may appear: Vehicles cannot get through the door *Note that the 'issues' are not happening now, but POSSIBLY later* I need to know what to name the virtual objects so everything works. Like I said, I want the vehicles to be able to arrive to the scene and go back to the station. Any help is needed.
  3. Never mind, I figured out how to do it, it works pretty well. I'll post another question in the first post above for us to work on
  4. Update for me: I followed the tut, which was semi-hard to understand, but I finished the intersection and traffic is pretty smooth... Just that I think having two intersections right near each other will cause some back-up. But, that's a city for ya. Racer
  5. @O'Neill: Just adding the missing 2 traffic lights will fix it.
  6. I need a more stupid people tut, with pics though.
  7. I don't know how to edit them to work
  8. Still no one has given us a tut on how to add fricken traffic lights...
  9. Probably the walmart intersection, (near the outdoor sign) Where there is only one traffic light; that is probably the most troublesome area in the map. A car from the street with the light blocks a car from the 4 lane road (Going north/south). It will not respond of my police officers and I had to shoot/take away last time. But can you tell me how to add streetlights to that intersection please?
  10. Still no answer for my problem..... Link to my topic about it: Some Questions About The Editor It wasn't originally for the traffic problem, I just have questions that need answered... Please to not merge the topic, because it is not about traffic, but in the editor in general.
  11. Before I download, what are system requirements? Also, another question: I want to add streetlights to the "Walmart" intersection. By the outdoor sign to the plaza. I don't know how. So if anyone can teach me, please do. Please delete my double post \/ down there \/
  12. Can you give me a link to download?
  13. Lol, bet that ticked you off! Surprisingly, I tried the Police Chase mission, got a 65% becasue I couldn't figure out which vehicle could do which (Still). I figured it out in the end but when I completed it, it wouldn't let me go back to the main menu. (That's when Ctrl, Alt, Delete comes in handy.)
  14. Upon that, my pervious problem has returned from the dead (Muahahaha!) I cannot upload a pic because I am a lazy brat right now and I can't get anything done . Anyways, it's the intersection by the plaza. The one with only one traffic light? Ya know. Right; so I want to add the missing traffic lights to the intersection so that traffic won't be too much of a problem anymore. It is a 3-way intersection, but it technically is four but no cars come FROM the plaza. So I want to add the 2 lights to the main four lane road going north. (I'm trying to give directions to make sure you're with me) The only problem is I don't know how. I know how to locate the street light files (And I fixed the Error message) and how to place them, I just need to make them work. Please help again... I hope that when you mess around in editor and change things to expieriment it doesn't save it...
  15. I had a major jam yesterday, because of two peds. How do they get out of their previous route, to stand in the middle of the street? It's retarded . I don't understand that the people won't move from in front of the civillian cars. That's just crap.
  16. Off topic: I thought I used stuff not... yeah @Ami: What are some things that I need to register for?
  17. So what should I use to make a vehicle/model?
  18. Lol, this mod looks pretty cool, can't wait.
  19. I have some questions about the editor, because recently I've been fooling around with it and have no clue on how to do anything. Please read all of this post, in case there is a question you need answered, or something else... Active Problems: 1. Where can I find texture files? > Do I have to use texture files for roads? 2. What do you mean by C++ or Notepad++? 3. Can anyone explain what a "child" is? 4. How do I add a new station? > How to I spawn vehicles + make them return to the station?(Discussed At Bottom) Answered Problems: 1. What programs do I need to use to make models? 2. How Do I Make A Script? 3. How do I add traffic lights to an intersection? 4. How do I raise and lower objects? Color (colour) code: • Important, This Comes First! • This can be worried about later... • Solved, do not answer Note: (When I'm done with my questions (all questions are answered), please delete this topic. I will request it, but until then, please keep this post open. Thanks.) The Answered Questions, do not answer them because they are below. Thanks for help in advance, Racer
  20. Wow that's alot of ****... Would I need the same stuff just to make a new piece of equipment? I was wanting to make an arrow-light... Like so: I wanted to make a script to have cars to go in the other lane to travel. I know this has been broughten up before, but I wanted to know how to do it. Even if I can't make a script for the cars, I still would like to make it as a decoration on the road; for a construction site. Could I use AutoCad to make it?-not that I could, I was wondering...
  21. I thought it was under equipment named traffic light; I meant the stick, it was called traffic light
  22. To dave22644: Did you make sure that your computer has appropriate and or minimum requirements? If so, then try to close out as many programs as possible (Task Manager, Processes, End Process), or just closing out of said program. I know that after like an hour of gameplay, my screen gets a bit laggy but soon returns to normal stage in about 30 seconds. I don't mind it much, because if I scroll along the screen, the game makes itself work harder to maintain steadiness. One last set of questions: What type of computer do you run? (XP, Vista, 7, Mac) What brand? (HP, Dell, Compaq) What year? (2004, 2009, etc.) What Graphics Card do you use? (My computer, Hardware Manager, Video; or something like that) Hope my advice helps? Racer
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