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Everything posted by spikey

  1. Is it possible to have the Riots somewhere on a main street or something like that... i mean... insted of at the house and at the carwash the riot shoud be at the long road in the middel of the LA map... get my point?
  2. don't, i like the option, and it takes like 1-2 sec to disable...
  3. no we don't.... remember 2012? hehe.... anyway... love the mod!
  4. They are... some are alredy in use and i love them!
  5. have an idea... make amission that is about saving a boat on fire (for you norwegians, hurtigrute ''nordlyss'' båten) someting like that
  6. Just notice a bug.... One of the doors on the DELTA helicopter opens the wrong way (towards the cocpit)
  7. I have notice that the police baricade (politibarikaden) from riot police can not be taken away, is it a bug or?
  8. Is it posseble to play multyplayer/online? also i have playd the mod for some houers now, LOVE IT! THANK YOU!
  9. so many are waiting, its so cool! i think this mod is gonna be a great sucsess
  10. Okey the emblem is at the front of car yeah, but the text is backs at some cars like this: http://www.google.no/imgres?q=Politibiler&um=1&hl=no&sa=N&rlz=1C1SKPC_enNO344NO344&biw=1280&bih=709&tbm=isch&tbnid=YBxGxivCCqkGsM:&imgrefurl=http://www.bildebase.no/base/samfunn-urban.php%253Fbilde%253D2&docid=ZmQsr1I_WlFDpM&w=320&h=240&ei=MDlDTqdKjc6yBvTUoOIH&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=519&vpy=121&dur=4398&hovh=192&hovw=256&tx=166&ty=106&page=1&tbnh=123&tbnw=161&start=0&ndsp=24&ved=1t:429,r:20,s:0 and the other: http://www.google.no/imgres?q=Politibiler&um=1&hl=no&sa=N&rlz=1C1SKPC_enNO344NO344&biw=1280&bih=709&tbm=isch&tbnid=R3ckoUgLceNbPM:&imgrefurl=http://www.simarud.no/BILPAABYGG/POLITIBILER/VW_passat_2007.html&docid=VjMvmwAm1XOt_M&w=579&h=227&ei=MDlDTqdKjc6yBvTUoOIH&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=880&vpy=147&dur=1056&hovh=140&hovw=359&tx=261&ty=91&page=1&tbnh=63&tbnw=160&start=0&ndsp=24&ved=1t:429,r:23,s:0 i am sorry that i missunderstud what you guys ment
  11. If you don't like the mod, make your own... you don't need to be here talking **** about it when it's so many here that looks forward to it, it just not fun.
  12. google ''politibiler'' you will see that chrisblaalid is right..... Gezuz.... check the facts before you call the mod unreal.... And chrisblaaild the mod looks GREAT! can't wait to play it!
  13. ah, okey, but i was wondering: can you guys make a video from the mod and post? so we can see how it is?
  14. Is versjon 1 out? i can see that versjon 2,5 is for beta testing... just wondering? looking forward to play it
  15. So what do i do if i want the units?
  16. This mod just looks better and better! am lovin it! congratz you made the mod of my dreams! Can't wait to it gets out (if it gets out) sadly i have to wait xD
  17. Can sombody make a movie that shows you how to reskin and post it on youtube or something?
  18. This mod does just get better and better for eatch houer.... how do you reskinn?
  19. Hey am also from Norway (stavanger) and the units looks great... i just wish u take a look at the units that latvia mod 1.1 have.. they look alot like the Norwegian units... and they might help u anyways if your going to realise this Norwegian mod am gonna play it all the time! and its great to se a Norwegian mod and all i can say is THANK YOU
  20. hey! =D you have to unrar the files, use Winrar =D
  21. Thanks for the help the mod is great! so far i have not have any problems! love the mod! keep up the good work!
  22. No, picas i have had some problems whit Winrar.. so i have uninstaled it, but i can try to install it again, and install it that way, thanks for the help
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