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Status Updates posted by cops

  1. is this a good RAM for my pc? G.Skill 8 GB DDR3-1333 Kit

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Alex03


      it does upp to a certain point when you cpu cant efficently use all the ram

    3. cops


      ow... I heard also that if you do 4GB+ that you need a 64bits OS. To use it optimal...

    4. Alex03


      thats true, 32bit cant use more than 4gb, so if you use 5 or more you need 64bit

  2. it took a little longer with the Legend, but it's finished :D The RCMP team is going to show it on one of there vehicles :)

  3. It's my birthday, I'm a big boy now XD

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Alex03
    3. cops


      thank you all, @Redhawk504 it isn't Sesamystreet it's Thomas the steamtrain

    4. cops


      thank you all, @Redhawk504 it isn't Sesamystreet it's Thomas the steamtrain

  4. ja hoor heb ik weer, ben ik boodschappen aan het doen stort een man te aarden voor me neus. Dus ik heb de man geholpen terwijl omstanders er rustig omheen lopen, gelukkig kwam er personeel van de winkel aan.

    1. Kermit


      Altijd zo he? iemand valt neer, 1 van de 20 mensen in de buurt doet er wat aan. de meeste mensen vinden het niet meer nodig om andere te helpen.

  5. Just 4 days work and then I've worked 16 days consecutively with a total of 2 days free... #exhausted

  6. just a signed a contract for 2 years #Happy

  7. just deleted a whole model and I can't undo it... #FML

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. goog


      ha ha version 2 is always better...

    3. erfd


      Few months? Holy shit, that really sucks man.

    4. cops


      haha I am going to my best goog :) and at erfd... yeah most of my models take a few months to make XD

  8. Just saw the GTA V trailer... omg this will* be epic :D

    1. SuperStumpje


      The game is being made for current gen consoles, so yes, the recordings are on current gen too. assuming you're talking about the graphics on next gen consoles, they don't make it for them. They only announced it for current gen consoles. Jeez, that was a long post.

    2. FIREfighterjr


      Someone who did a video on it said they thought it was recorded on ps3..I guess their was something on the screen that showed it.

  9. Just started with the frontcabin from the Rapid Responer :)

  10. kut man, net me examen terug gekregen en... ik ben gezakt :( nu moet ik het volgende week woensdag overnieuw doen... hoop dat deze makkelijker is

  11. lawinepijl ontploft in straat voor dat het de lucht inging, 1 gewonde tot gevolg (tja illigaal vuurwerk niet altijd betrouwbaar XD)

  12. Legend light bar almost finished :D

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. cops


      where are you talking about O_o

    3. cops


      never mind, I already asked it :P

  13. looking for the San Diego Fire department logo... Does anybody know where I can find it?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. cops


      that's true ^^ thanks anyway for that :)

    3. goog


      San Diego Fire Herald

      cops this one is a good shot that you could take the logo and the text also.

    4. cops


      damn just a little to late XD I made the whole text by myself with paint XD

      But thanks anyway ^^

  14. making a complete new map is hard... :/

  15. Making much progress on my side project ^^

  16. making the finish in touch for the last small request I had open from earlier this year ^^

    1. sgtmatt325


      By any chance do you still allow request?

    2. cops


      To be honest I don't think so, I am helping to finish several mods and I am in my last year :)

      But maybe when it's summer that I will allow some request

  17. Merry X-Mas everyone :)

  18. Monday my medical math exam...

  19. my alarm goes off in 3 hours, and I didn't sleep... someone must hate me I guess -__-"

    1. Zach1019


      haha lol! Yeah that sucks dude!

  20. my GF is really stupid, she lost her Iphone while she was riding her bicycle... ×__×

  21. Never start a relationship with your best friends girlfriend... ×_×

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. goog


      now you have to choose between them...which one would you rather make out with LOL.

    3. RedHawk504


      none, because the girl he liked already haves a boyfriend. And his latest girlfriend has broke up with him. so no choise :)

    4. cops


      O man... I really have a complicated situation right now >_<

      But it comes alright :D *I hope*

  22. new computer ETA 4/5 days!

  23. New version of the Legend lightbar is coming soon!

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