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Everything posted by b2bomber

  1. Well here is an idea. What if there could be a pop up pump control pannel like the G.U.I. That you guys made for the communication radio. Have like the levers that control the disharge and intake line, have different hose line sizes 1.75 in, 2 in, 3 in, ect. hook ups and lines.
  2. LOL. Should of thought about that one, but it adds on to my profile so. Thanks by the way, that was a very helpful link.
  3. I Know it was made with Trinigy game engine and so is emergency 2012, but what computer language does it use?
  4. Hi, does anyone know what emergency 4 scripting capabilities are when it comes to Graphic User Interfaces? As well does anyone know what game engine EM4 is based off of that might point me in a particular direction. Thanks!
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