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Everything posted by TIGifts

  1. A car seat is a seat that a child sits in.(USA) A lot of people do not use this and child get hurt every year.
  2. This going to have any of Additional Units Submod in this release or be able to work with it?
  3. Yes that is problem. The srens all need to be put into one place. whonneb was able to do that.
  4. Let me add one here to this list Cars turning from left line (middle line) to go right, then turning from right line (Outside line) to left are getting stop by other cars that are going though.
  5. Hi Hoppah, Do you have any new updates? It look cool. thank you
  6. Any new updates?? Can this work new LA Mod 1.9.3
  7. We will need to send out frie trucks. Common just send extra person to frie. We will have to wait and find out.
  8. The SG does work with the additional units submod. The only thing I have noices that siren don't work on some SG additional units (Police cars 02-05, red, green, white, back up White EMS at ST 1.) But everything works. P.S. If some can find any to add LAsrien together I think we got it. Good work Shanegreen
  9. I don't have any problems with it. You need to have the sg submod frist then the additional units submod
  10. Hoppah love your work. The new coast guard helicopter likes good. When you pick up an person that hurt, it will not let helicopter return to base and will not let FF work on the person. Keep up good work Hoppah
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